Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @FCMaisano

    Radio Show Week 2-It’s a Wrap!

    For Week 2, there was less decision-making between the whole group and more individual work, since our parts were individual stories, bumpers, and commercials. The only thing we really decided on this week was that to have an intro before each story to explain a little bit about it and our characters beforehand. Over the […]
  2. @FCMaisano

    Creating My Radio Show Story

    So, this technically isn’t an assignment for this week, but I do want to talk about my radio show story. It’ll make things easier when I have to write my Weekly Summary. I don’t have my radio story linked, though it is on SoundCloud, because I want everyone to hear it when listening to our […]
  3. @FCMaisano

    A Conversational Start!

    So, I will admit-I was quite confused and unsure about the radio thing! I was waiting for others to star getting into groups and start looking for groups, so I could hop in! I ended up in a group of seven people! With seven of us in the group, it takes a little bit of […]
  4. @FCMaisano


    For the design element of the week, I decided to make a logo. I wanted to use am online logo maker, as that way it would look more professional than if I, with my lack of creative and artistic skills, made it by scratch. I checked out several websites, but many required money or I […]
  5. @FCMaisano

    A UMW DesignBlitz

    Since Saturday, I have trying my best to observe all of the signs, posters, etc. around this campus to make this blog post. Here is what I have come up with! Color View this post on Instagram This is a photo for my DS106 (Digital Storytelling) class. On my blog I talk about the color […]
  6. @FCMaisano

    Complex Yet Maybe Not

    There is a quote commonly attributed to Einstein, though he never actually said it, that goes: “everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler”. I feel like this is what Chip Kidd’s book Go is about. He makes the basis of design seem easier to understand, while not being condescending or dumbing down […]
  7. @FCMaisano

    Beware The Beast of Gévaudan!

    The assignment of using “Historic Tale Constrvction Cit” to make a tapestry story seems go to very well with our theme, so it’s rounding out my starred assignments this week. However, the link provided in the assignment doesn’t work, so I googled it and used this:!/ For the story and design of this tapestry, I decided […]
  8. @FCMaisano

    Places to visit in Arlington

    1-Arlington Historical Society 2-Ball-Sellers House 3-Pentagon Memorial 4-Potomac Overlook Regional Park 5-The Observation Deck at CEB Tower 6-Zero Gravity Corporation 7-Fashion Centre at Pentagon City (AKA Pentagon City Mall) 8-The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 9-Nicecream 10-Livin’ The Pie Life My family and I moved to Arlington not too long ago, so I have’t explored […]
  9. @FCMaisano

    The Dark Side of the Moon (Graffiti)

    Wow…that was both dark and depressing… Very well done though!   In terms of the sounds utilized in this audio, I would like to separate the verbal and the non-verbal sounds into two distinct categories. Both are important, but fulfill different roles. First of all, the verbal. Abumrad said that there is the “potential for empathy” […]
  10. @FCMaisano

    A Very Spidery Audio Drama!

    On Monday (9/24), I participated in the first of the four live “tweet-alongs”. We listened to an audio drama-Anansi Boys. The actual process was pretty easy. I just sat at my computer (well, actually, I was lying down on my bed with my computer on my chest and stomach). Twitter is very quick and easy […]
  11. @FCMaisano

    A Ghostly Siren

    The Noise I Made: The Original Audio I used: So, for this assignment, I used my roommate’s electric pencil sharpener as the noise to change. Not only is it something we all recognize (I’m everyone has heard an electric pencil sharpener), but it is a steady noise, which makes distorting it and make the noise […]
  12. @FCMaisano

    A Mary Washington Photoblitz

    So, I started at 2:17 (or 14:17 military time). The pictures are listed here as the page listed them, but I did not take the pictures in this order. 1-1 Square Aspect So, I used the “square” photo setting on my iphone, and I decided to take a picture of a square thing as well! An […]

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