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  1. @Tillysisland

    A Future in Radio

    I’ve always been fascinated by radio and podcasts, noting that it takes a lot more talent and charisma than someone may initially assume to do the job correctly and do it well. There’s a lot of nuance to both what people speak about and how they speak and it’s a
  2. @JHolburd

    Radio Show Idea–The Voice

    Thinking out loud here. Really. If we are going to be recording our voices in the future, those voices are one of the tools to effectively communicate to our audience. I think it would be cool to do a radio show about how we use our voices effectively to get our message across. For instance, […]
  3. @Bendire Thrasher

    Coroner’s Tale

    {TW: mentions of blood, dead body, and a coroner}  So I was thinking about what environments tend to have recordings, and I thought about the coroner’s office. My only knowledge of such things comes from movies or tv or books, but there seems to be a consensus. When doctors or physicians perform autopsies, they have […]
  4. @wade_764

    I Hear a Storm a Comin’

    Brainstorming has always been something a bit challenging for me. I think of projects I would like to complete but often find I set the bar too high none the less I would like to try a few different ideas. Keeping in touch with this class’s theme, “The Joy of,” I want to consider some radio drama that makes people happy. I also think that I could somehow incorporate some original music into this story. I think what I am most excited about with this project is the chance to work in groups because that might make for some more…
  5. @skyler0455

    radio show ideas

    I think we could do a radio show listening to one of Bob Ross’s videos, and commenting on how his inspiration guides our class and contributes to our theme. Or, the whole show could just be a conversation about his ideas relating to class, citing some of his videos. A different idea would be to […]
  6. @Egon2688


    A few ideas for Radio Shows- Can cover culture- heritage, traditions, and art. Local culture, foreign culture, traditions, and cultural attitudes. Definitely will need music with the session but also could discuss music in our generation and others. Can also talk about movies and shows Restaurants within the are who have the best reviews. Share… Continue reading Inspiration
  7. @MasonOberle

    Radio Show Ideas

    What I would probably like to do most for my radio show would be to make a sequel to The Dick Johnson Chronicles: Murder at McMystery Mansion. Around the second week at college, I participated in a 24 hour theatre festival in which participants had 24 hours to write, direct, and perform a few 10 […]
  8. @KHavertDs106

    Brain Spill

    Radio Show Ideas: Retold Customer Service Stories – write a script and act out different customer service stories. stories can be found online or from personal experience. Art Advice Line – kinda like a relationship advice talk show but artists call in with questions like “what medium is best to capture ….” or “I can’tRead more "Brain Spill"
  9. @mgedney

    ds106 radio show ideas

    Coming up with an idea for a radio show is a little difficult because the topics are limitless. Since my list was pretty long, I just included my top three: ·  conspiracy theories: After listening to “Moon Graffiti”, I thought talking about other conspiracy theories would be super interesting. There are limitless
  10. @grace_long88

    My Radio Show

    If I have the right co-host I can honestly talk about anything for hours. But I have been thinking about what I would want to talk about on my radio show and I came up with a few ideas. Conspiracy Theories: I love talking about conspiracy theories with my friends.

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