Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @skyler0455

    week five summary!

    I listened to “Moon Graffiti” after watching the two videos from RadioLab’s Jad Abumrad. Then, I blogged my thoughts on its use of sound to tell the story, and compared it to Abumrad’s ideas. I also created a radio bumper for ds106 radio! This was my first audio editing assignment. Then, I made a short […]
  2. @skyler0455

    radio show ideas

    I think we could do a radio show listening to one of Bob Ross’s videos, and commenting on how his inspiration guides our class and contributes to our theme. Or, the whole show could just be a conversation about his ideas relating to class, citing some of his videos. A different idea would be to […]
  3. @skyler0455

    it’s spooky season!

    Within this assigment, you must find some spooky sounds and create a scary audio clip. Select more than four sounds and overlap them on a program like Audacity. You can use Freesound to select your sounds. Make them as spooky as possible. Good luck! I loved this assignment! I love spooky season and was […]
  4. @skyler0455

    worst sound ever

    Create YOUR worst sound ever. Take audio clips of every single sound that you hate and put them all together to make The Worst Noise Ever. For this assignment, I tried to come up with the worst sounds I could think of to make one giant auditory hell. It was not very fun searching […]
  5. @skyler0455

    moon graffiti

    I listened to “Moon Graffiti,” which employed sound effects and changes in sound to tell the story ‘what if Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin actually crashed on the moon?’ I thought the techniques they employed to illustrate the story were very interesting and creative. In the beginning, alarming sounds before the crash happens creates a […]
  6. @grace_long88

    Week Five Summary

    This week we focused on story telling through audio. I started the week listening to a story about the Moon Landing. This story was told remarkable well – so well I almost forgot it was just a story. Their use of sound effect and how they edited the audio made
  7. @mgedney

    ds106 radio show ideas

    Coming up with an idea for a radio show is a little difficult because the topics are limitless. Since my list was pretty long, I just included my top three: ·  conspiracy theories: After listening to “Moon Graffiti”, I thought talking about other conspiracy theories would be super interesting. There are limitless
  8. @mgedney

    radio bumper

    To make my radio bumper, I downloaded audio from ccMixter and put it into Audacity. I chose this music because it was upbeat yet relaxing. Then, I came up with a short little phrase to remind the potential listeners that they are tuned into ds106 radio. I recorded it into
  9. @mgedney

    weekly summary five

    This fifth week was the most difficult for me. I didn’t know where to start, since I have never had any experience with creating and editing audio before. I downloaded Audacity for my three audio assignments and radio bumper, and it took a little bit of time to figure out
  10. @grace_long88

    My Radio Show

    If I have the right co-host I can honestly talk about anything for hours. But I have been thinking about what I would want to talk about on my radio show and I came up with a few ideas. Conspiracy Theories: I love talking about conspiracy theories with my friends.
  11. @skyler0455

    ds106 radio

    Monday’s ds106 radio show was very interesting. It was not at all what I was expecting (although I didn’t really know what to expect haha). We listened to an analysis that reflected on climate change through using an old radio show. It demonstrated how sound art in the old radio show really illustrated the infrastructure […]
  12. @mgedney

    moon graffiti

    The Soundcloud story, Moon Graffiti, utilizes many audio storytelling techniques to execute a great conspiracy story based on Nixon’s speech “In Event of Moon Disaster”. Beginning with the radio static and clear distress of the impending crash grabs attention and puts the listener directly into the story. It was a
  13. @grace_long88

    ESC Radio

    Listening to the radio show tonight was very interesting and enlightening. The way to producers used layered sounds and their voice to entertain the audience was amazing. I thought the use of music added a great eerie or suspenseful aspect to the story. And the movement of the sounds out
  14. @grace_long88

    Moon Landing

    I am a little embarrassed to admit I had to look up the July 20, 1969 moon landing to convince myself that Moon Graffiti was just a story. Matt Evans and Ed Herbstman used different aspects of sound to create a very realistic dialect between Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
  15. @MaddySlunt

    Radio Show Ideas

    Podcast format where we read ‘viewers’ stories/problems and give advice Guest speaker, use clips from celebrity audio and mix them with our own questions Reading/reviewing funny/crazy stories Feature specific artists before or after playing their music where we tell a story from their lives Us listening to a murder mystery podcast for the first time… Continue reading Radio Show Ideas

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