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  1. Jordan Kroll

    Mash-up Madness

    Both of the articles we were assigned addressed the idea that remixes/mashups are important elements of learning, but are not necessarily valued as such in today’s mainstream education. In her essay Praxis 2.0: Escaping the edu-travelogue, Melanie McBride argued that … Continue reading
  2. Jordan Kroll

    Web 2.0: Welcome to the #fruitmobile

    I apologize for being so late with posting my third assignment. I used glogster to create what ended up being one of my favorite things I’ve ever made. I know I’m biased, and I’mma let you finish, but I just made one of the best glogs of all time. And it is because of my…
  3. Jordan Kroll

    Is There an Honor Code for the Internet?

    Web 2.0 is a term I’ve heard a lot and I had a vague understanding of the concept being something related to social media/networking as well as the ease with which we are able to share information using the Internet, but O’Reilly’s article provided a good foundation and a few laughs. Written in 2009, it’s ...
  4. Jordan Kroll

    Is That A Personal Webserver In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To (Finally) Be Learning About The Internet?

    The points Gardner Campbell brought up in his essay ā€œA Personal Cyberinfrastrcutureā€ and the lecture ā€œNo Digital Faceliftsā€ were some of the most obvious things Iā€™d never heard anyone say. I found myself agreeing with everything he said regarding the current educational outlook on teaching in the evolving digital age, yet wondering why this was ...

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