Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92924 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
Learning Objectives: In this lab, we learned how to work with video editing software. We downloaded a clip of Hitchcock and two other clips of our choice. Then, using the editing software, we changed the meaning behind his smile with a simple video clip. Equipment List: A computer or some device to download video clipsContinue reading "Lab – Video Making"
Project 1 Learning Objectives: I examined the internal components of a computer and located different parts. The parts I examined include: CPU RAM memory Motherboard Video Processing Card Hard Disk Drive Network Interface Power Supply I/O Ports While examining different computer hardware, we removed and reinserted the RAM memory, the hard disk drive, and theContinue reading "Lab 2 – Basic Computer Hardware"
Learning Objectives: I learned how to create a website on WordPress and how I should format and publish lab reports for each week. I began with creating a domain of my name I altered my home page I created my first post and learned what should be included in all of my lab reports. IContinue reading "Lab 1 – Make a Website"
My goal is to impress you with this final assignment. When I first started working on this assignment it started off as a progression video. However, my laptop’s logic board broke and I lost everything on my computer, including my final and everything we’ve done throughout the semester. So, back to the drawing board IContinue reading "Final: Impressing you"
#tdc3587 #ds106. Into the Sun
Originally tweeted by Katie Donovan (@Katie___Donovan).
#tdc3595 #ds106. Geometric Patterns
Originally tweeted by Katie Donovan (@Katie___Donovan).
I created short videos with three shots from Avengers: Infinity War. I replaced the middle shot to give each video a different meaning. I always thought Peter’s reaction was funny, so I decided to replace the original clip with another scene. In this scene, Thor was talked about in the totally opposite way.
For this assignment, I watched one minute of Spider-Man. Within this one minute, I counted 36 camera changes and edits. I figured it would be a high number of editing considering it is an action superhero movie. The faster the scene is, the more camera shots there seem to be. I compared this scene withContinue reading "Movie Editing"
This week, I started working with my group on our Radio Show project. We have made a decent amount of progress this week on it. You can read about my team and I’s progress on my blog post, Radio Show Progress. I also interacted with other people on twitter. You can see my replies andContinue reading "Week 7 Summary"
Spooky Sounds For this assignment, I had to create a spooky sounds audio. I used adobe audition to do this. I just added a bunch of spooky sound effects on top of each other and added a rain storm in the background. I decided to use this assignment as an opportunity for the radio show.Continue reading "Radio Audio Bank Assignments"
I created a poster a poster for the Radio Show. The name of our show is Vault 106 and theme is spooky stories. I used adobe illustrator to make the poster. I began with adding the vault in and then adding the spider and webs over the top. After that, I added a grey background.Continue reading "Radio Show Poster"
I am in a group with 5 other people. I believe that everyone in our Digital Literacy class joined together for one big group. We got a little later start compared to other DS106 students, but I think we have made great progress these past few days. We’ve done a lot of brainstorming and figuredContinue reading "Radio Show Progress"
This week I learned about design. I first wrote a blog about what I learned about design. Next, I created DesignBlitz. I went around town and looking at what design elements have gone into creating signs and ads. After that, Daily Creates and Assignment Bank. I started the design assignments with A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing.Continue reading "Week 6 Summary"
a crisp sprite #tdc3549 #ds106 #ds106— Katie Donovan (@Katie___Donovan) October 5, 2021
#tdc3550 #ds106— Katie Donovan (@Katie___Donovan) October 5, 2021
Words on the wall #t...
I created my own business card for this assignment. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the logo and add my information. I decided to add all the places that people can see my work online. I had my name in black when I first started messing with the design. However, I think it looks betterContinue reading "Create Your Own Business Card"
For The “Vogue Challenge,” I edited a photo I took and added the word “Vogue” to the top of it. It’s suppose to look like the cover of a Vogue magazine. To do this, I took my photo into photoshop and created a text layer with the word Vogue in Times New Roman font. OnceContinue reading "The “Vogue Challenge”"