Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. stefaniesophie

    Berlin Tea Story

    Tea is essential for my daily routine. I presume if I had not any tea during the day, I would sleep all day. I do not know, but I rather mind exploring this assumption.In the ds106 audio assignment Familiar Sounds we are asked to record some sound...
  2. stefaniesophie

    dailycreate log Oktober 13th 2013

    "Sit for a few minutes in a quiet space. Write about what you hear."

    A daily create I wish I had done, but still did not. I embed one example, yet, there are many more beautiful contributions.

    Wind on the Hill
    Written by johnjohnston on September 29, 2013 11:31 am
    On a hillwalk, I pause to listen, I do not sit down the grass is wet. At first all I hear is the wind, my breathing and heart thumping, my breathing and heart calm. The wind is blowing, quite hard, in my ears, across the opening, through the reeds and grass nearby, over the hills on the other side the reservoir below. Down the glen a buzzard mews. My eyes close and I hear more, a lorry 3km away on the Loch Lomond road, the outlet from the reservoir.

    I feel reminded on one of Johns pictures he uploaded on flickr.


    The first dailycreate I managed since my last log was: Draw a map that shows alternate paths from here to there. I remember I was late, still, better late than never.

    Ways through a winter forest.

    Here I took Chinese ink and a frost blue water color. I let them flow across the paper and also drew with a brush over it.

    Next there was the idea to shoot a video concerning food and Karen Young impressed me by telling me how I can avoid crying when chopping  onions.

    I also was surprised by a tweet, Rochelle sent me for her animation of a birthday cake, which she prepared for her happy 51st birthday.

    Way late #ds106 #dailycreate tdc633 video close-up of birthday cake remix of "Tending to My Cherry Red". @StefanieJ2
    — Rochelle Lockridge (@Rockylou22) October 9, 2013

    The next surprise caught me when I saw that a dailycreate was postet which was created by me.
    "Cry, die, then fly … take a picture that expresses emerging from a crisis."
    You can read about it in my last dailycreate log.

    What a beautiful morning.

    I took photographs of a film on my screen and combined them with the help on a photo editing software by arranging them and using layer modes. Finally I desaturated the picture.

    Maybe Christen Bouffard used a technique similar to the above example to create the following picture where a dailycreate advised her to combine two visual patterns.


    Viewing the examples I sensed that the terms visual patters was differently interpreted. Some strictly used what the common sense says is a pattern, others saw a pattern in pictures about something.

    Then Alan Levine was blessed with a cute idea
    "I’m in Alaska! Draw me an abstract image a bear or a moose!!
    and I wasn't able to resist, I had to draw.

    Guilia kindly gave the being a name.    

    "That's pretty adorable! This might be the next big holiday gift all the kids are begging for. The AlaMooskaBear."

    AlaMooskaBear in Snowy Landscape
    Shortly afterwards I even came to a photograph of the AlaMooskaBear.

    Photograph of an AlaMooskaBear

    Finally, just today I saw this awesame video by Chris concerning the dailycreate
    "Make a lip-dub video to a song about radio."

  3. stefaniesophie

    Merry Hacksters Announcement

    What does that mean, Merry Hacksters?

    Kevin Hodgson visually has shown this for some time, in the style of one of his awesome web comics.

    Merry Hacksters Title DS06

    When I had to make a decision concerning a commercial for the ds106 radio project of fall 13, I took the text of Kevin's little comic and spoke the words into a microphone.

    After this I opened an audio editing software and in a second track added a groovy sound I've found on
    I also tried out some effects like echo and modulation to achieve a richer sound.

    The logo for the soundcloud file I've created as my version for a logo for our group, which was anyone supposed to do.

    Merry Hacksters Logo

  4. stefaniesophie

    To Save Us

    DS106, The Movie.

    To Save Us

    Compare to the original movie poster.

    This week is about design, and often about font, but when I chose the poster of the 9 movie to make a poster for a ds106 movie I was left to editing possibilities without using any font.

    I copied the original and rotated the layer by 180 °. This way I got a 6. Then I selected the 6, cut it and put it on a new layer.

    In the original I used the copy tool to 'paint' some of the background over the 9 . The same I did with the little nine at the bottom right.
    I combined the six with the background via one of the blending modes. I tried them out until it looked good.

    Finally I used the text tool to write DS10 near to the 6. I flattened the image and made the DS10 edges softer and floating with the mixing brush tool.

    I thought about if I had any associations for the reason why I've chosen this particular poster. I definitely did not allude to the 9 movie. I think I liked the idea of a slight irony already implicit in the original poster. Naturally ds106 is important to many people including me, but we may not expect ds106 has to save us.
    A further reason is that I find the poster a good design and I've enjoyed exploring it deeper by changing its design.

    Click here to get to the ds106 assignment "DS106, The Movie."

  5. stefaniesophie


    Since I've joined ds106 I was fascinated from the skull symbol, which is often used within ds106. This made me thought, for it is not necessarily a nice metaphor. Finally I knew what my link was here: Creativity!According to my understanding of the sku...
  6. stefaniesophie

    Crane by a string.

    Here you can see a Gif of an origami crane circling around its string and I like that my settings have caused a motion blur, that was not intended in first place.Photo It Like Peanut Butter. is the assignment idea, that made me create th...
  7. stefaniesophie

    Ghost Hands try catching time.

    Did you ever asked yourself how ghosts can appear in pictures? I can tell you now.

    In Is that a… GHOST?! you can read that you either need to use a long exposure or combine two photos in a photo editing software. I did not need any of this but my camera presents an option where I can use multiple exposure.

    First I freed my metronome from its lock and while it tick-tocked I took a photo. I left it like this but put my hand to the left of the metronome, shot, put my hand to the right, shot, and the camera made one photograph out of it.

    Ghost Hands & Metronome

    For me this performs trying to influence time, not very successful at all. Time goes on and on and on ...

    For this photo I feel very influenced by a video I found with the week 5 headless course instructions, where Jason Eskenazi describes how he makes good photos. He talks about rhythm in pictures and as an example he shows a photo with different men doing some exercise. I felt reminded on photos that are combined from different shots of the same person, but this is what makes the great photographer. He doesn't need this 'trick', he waits until the right shot is to make.

  8. stefaniesophie

    dailycreate log September 28th 2013

    Two weeks since my last log. The peaceful concentration on dailycreates is past, there are many more creations to do, I managed three in 14 days, it is rewarding, still.

    Much is spoken about philosophy, I did my share by telling about one of my favourite novels.

    Already a week later, and by this late, I had the possibility to add to the dailycreate repository by doing a dailycreate, which I found an awesome idea.
    dailycreate tdc625: Create a new ds106 Challenge by Remixing a Previous One.

    I took a random dailycreate, which I got by clicking the provided link.
    Live, laugh, and love… take a picture that expresses good times.
    After this I thought the really opposite would be to take a photo about sadness, but rather decided a photo of emerging from sadness would be more challanging.

    My post:

    Finally some Drama.
    September 24, 2013

    Original assignment idea:
    Live, laugh, and love… take a picture that expresses good times.

    Newly submitted assignment idea:
    Cry, die, then fly … take a picture that expresses emerging from a crisis.

    Then I dared something I've always wanted to do, a time lapse video, which is pictures taken over a long time combined to a video. I chose to make bubbles and shot how they are vanishing in time and finally becoming soapy water again.
    Look here for tdc626: Make a time lapse video that shows a transformation.

    How different was Cris' choice. First the color which is red and the highest temperature contrasted to my blue and then observing the merry behaviour of a human being instead of an inanimate appearance like bubbles, though both are enjoyable.

    Finally I was surprised by me liking one of Ary's pictures, who I still know little, but I think we have something in common when choosing motives.

    Waiting for you.

    I would have liked to embed at least one video of the Create an I am ds106 / We are ds106 video clip dailycreate. I was not able to make a decision, for the contributions are all very awesome. Do not miss watching them, they are good and for those who never have time, they are short.

  9. stefaniesophie

    Hawk View

    Once I had a magnificent eyesight and I often think about this. It was so funny when I went to the eye specialist because my eyesight was less good than it used to be. The doctor sent me away, because my eye sight was still good enough for him and did ...
  10. stefaniesophie

    Feeling Air, Breathing Water

    ... so I read about the idea to take a photograph of a post it note, where you can read about my biggest dream in life.I thought about it and after some time I decided the "Post"Secret assignment idea is about yearning. I have so many dreams ...
  11. stefaniesophie

    Stefanie’s DS106 Rap

    One of this weeks assignments is creating a radio bumper for ds106, but I already did one in spring '13. This way I rather have chosen something similar to this from the assignment bank, which is to produce your very own Rap. I had to go to Soundation ...
  12. stefaniesophie

    dailycreate log September 14th 2013

    It is some time ago that I put down something to my daily create log. The last entry was about numbers and ds106, who had become 600 and whose name you can write backwards in many interesting ways (600 Skull Chain/ 601sd).

    Even earlier I wrote about my first humble tries into the headless dailycreates, which wasn't easy for there was no head to tell me what to do (Initial Headless Yield).

    Up to today, which is the 14th of September, you could have done 18 daily creates, from which I created 10. I think this is a great achievement, although I presume there have been headless creators, who were able to create more than this 18.
    Although I missed to write into my log regularly I tried to keep an overview via my computer file.

    However, after the vision of a Skull Chain I produced a video about my key chain. 

    It's a remix of a movie scene of "The Indian in the Cupboard" and media I've produced myself, like a photo, a very short clip showing me and a recorded audio, where I explain about my keychain doesn't say much about my life.

    Here you can find the movie scene from the 'Indian in the cupboard':

    I loved this daily create, because I learned to know something about many people I mainly knew from their little pictures that are necessary to identify yourself online as a person, but that do not say much or even anything about the person behind.

    Then I dared using a picture I've created while I attended one of the many coursera MOOC's which are not very popular with the former heads of ds106 because of their rigidity of presentation. For showing regret to have been so disloyal I made me headless, which had the effect, that the vivid and angry shark got even more into the center of the picture.

    Headless Butterfly&Shark

    Then I did not dailycreate for some time, but because I liked Alan Levine's blog post from the other day, about dailycreates, where he presents his work together with work from other ds106ers, I want to present a dailycreate I liked because of the surprise I felt when reading it, especially the comment of Jenny(n).

    What Jenny(0) did

    September 9, 2013

    Jenny(0) started writing a story about Jenny(1):

    Jenny(1) started writing a story about Jenny(2):

    Jenny(2) started writing a story about Jenny(3):

    Jenny(3) stopped writing.

    Jenny(2) stopped writing because Jenny(3) stopped writing.

    Jenny(1) stopped writing because Jenny(2) stopped writing.
    Jenny(0) stopped writing because Jenny(1) stopped writing.       

    September 9, 2013

    Stop, stop, stop all the writing
    Give me time to breath.
    Stop, stop, stop all the writing
    Or I’ll have to leave.

    Still, nice at it is to admire all the lovely and interesting creations of fellow participants, I had to go on with my own daily creates.

    It had to be a black and white photo with high contrast of a maybe uninteresting object.
    I put a shallot and garlic together with their peels on a drawing of a hand.
    I also edited it with Gimp, although I already tried to make my camera present a high contrast.
    I sought to make it even more interesting by using the bump map filter in the filter->map  menu. I remembered to have read about it in a headless post, which is too long ago, so that it is rather difficult to find it. Thank you unremembered helpful girl.
    Finally I framed the picture.

    Very unsure of my creation, I thought: o.k. you can not possibly every day create outstanding images, which is anyway not the purpose of dailycreates, but what a surprise, it was liked ...

    Shallot&Garlic on Drawing

    as well as people liked the following book cover idea, which I can understand. It has the lightness I am always happy about when it hits me; in the outside or for my own work.

     It is a present given by ... whom?

    Cover Proposal
                                             Click to go Melinda Kumi's flickr image.

    The same with Guilia constantly creating doodles. This is a present I've never received (which is ok). When I try following my thoughts with the help of little drawings I am left behind completely helpless for the block in my head.

    ... and it looks so nice!

    Daily Create
                                                                                    Click to go to Guilia's flickr image. 

    however, I've got to go on and I am really proud of the result of my next dailycreate, which was to design an alien postcard with  Hubble photography.

    This has a lot to do with masks I created in my new Photoshop. I am hardly aware of what I did, so sorry I can not give a detailed description.
    I remember painting on a mask to 'paint away' the edges of the picture, and also interesting was to give the characters a black edge, where you have to use a rippling filter on. Then you select this black parts and on a mask for the characters you blacken the selected parts, the way they are erased in the image. Yes, it is sooooo complicated, but fascinating and it helps making the characters more integrated in the picture.

    Star Mail

    What I further realized is that participants often try to tell that, apart from the ds106 dailycreates, they have their personal daily creates like for example this picture below which is by Alan Levine, whose daily photography I highly admire and enjoy.

    Toasting Squash
                                                                                       Click to go to Alan's flickr image. 

    And finally there is the case of Christina, who likes having more audio dailycreates, as I do.

    How I do my daily creates
                                                                                    Click to go to Christina's flickr image. 

  13. stefaniesophie

    Journey to the goddess DoDaDu

    Five Card Story: Journey to DoDaDua Five Card Flickr story created by StefanieSophie flickr photo by bionicteachingI remember it was a clear and beautiful morning in last year's fall. I knew it will be the right thing to do what I already wanted to do ...
  14. stefaniesophie


    Do I have a cyberself?

    While I have read and watched and listened about Gardner Campbell's Personal Cyberinfrastructure I realized something I have but did not know. I started thinking about if I maybe have a completely different personality in the cyberworld. Everybody knows we are different in different environments like  family and home, work and place of work or friends and recreational facilities. Why not being different in a cyberspace and how real is this part of my life?

    Cyber Demon
    cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by Kiba Tachikawa

    Gardner Campbell as an educator may not be interested in particular to answer these questions, but he certainly must have thought about them sometimes.
    Gardner's main interest is to teach young college students how important it is to have a personal space in the world wide web, but he does not reason by telling them it has to do with becoming a good grade for creating this space. His idea is to position his students within a learning environment and/ or make them a responsible-minded global citizen.
    I first understood what he meant when looking at an example he presented during a discussion with students. My view was always the one of an artist, who has to present his creations to become known and as someone who wants to learn about art, especially digital art and storytelling.
    Gardner again presented a the page of an female student who learns about the engineering sciences. This reminded me of myself and that I definitely would have learned more about science if I had been able to be creative in the way this page shows us. It is personal, it is creative and it is a bit of ingenious. This way I adopted the idea  of having a personal cyberspace as particularly worthy for anyone and for a global development in general.

    This way due to her page the young student also became a personality to me and I presume her personality within her non-cyberenvironment is rather different from what I imagine of her.

    I started diving into being a cybersoul during the spring ds106 course of 2013. I was quite myself and not very successful with this, but my determination to learn all about ds106 and to post whatever I am able to create, finally gave me some consideration. Still, I have to say I tried being a cyber personality earlier, but did not get any concern until I have found the ds106 page, where a community exists, which is unusually open to newcomers.

    Still, the point to be more interesting to people in the ds106 cyberspace remained, so I started creating a new avatar.

    The grey one is nice and amiable, but among all the brightness and creativity of the avatar landscape it may not be realized easily.

    Still, I asked myself: which is more me?

    A long time I thought the grey one it is. My answer today is: the bright one. The reason for this is by creating a new avatar I have become more of this even in my everyday life, which I like and which is essential for not drowning in everyday occurrence.

    Yes, I have a cyberself, and moreover I have a cyberlife. Yet, I am sure both everyday life and cyberlife influence one another. This way I agree with Gardner: by helping students creating their own cyberspace and cyberpersonality you help them with their personal development, which was always the intention of educators, apart from giving marks for good results.

  15. stefaniesophie

    Getting In Touch.

    Gif Fight means a page where you can find every two weeks an inspiration for an animated gif. The "fight" may mean that it is a challenge to compare yourself to other participants' creations. Still, the challenge which was designed for the headles...
  16. stefaniesophie

    600 Skull Chain


    <Celebrate the 600th Daily Create! Express 600 in a drawing without using numbers. (dailycreate tdc600)>
    When I had the idea of drawing 600 circles I thought this might be tedious. I rather decided to use my blender 3D and tell it to just arrange beads along a curve.

    The image I've used for the bead texture I've found here:
    This again leads to the cogdog page:

    600 Skull Chain
    After an inspirational comment by @troutcolor on flickr (John Johnston) I've animated the chain.

    For a further dailycreate, I again used the skull picture to make an animated gif:
    <This is TDC 601! That is 106 backwards! Draw something 106ish backwards. (dailycreate tdc601)>

    I took the skull picture and loaded it into gimp. I duplicated the picture and with the clone tool "erased" the ds106 letters. I put a mask on the duplicated picture the way that the letters appear when I draw on the mask. I recorded me drawing/writing ds106 with a software called bandicam then I created single images the way it is done for a gif  (ds106 handbook -> gif with open source).
    I loaded the single images into gimp and flipped the image horizontally (image -> transform -> flip horizontally). Finally I saved all as a gif.
  17. stefaniesophie

    Initial Headless Yield

    There once was a tiny enchanting world, but then a sorcerer came and put it into a tin. Why? Actually he was badly in love with the beauty of its inhabitants and landscape and gripped by jealousy while imagining any other sorcerer could look at it. Later, unfortunately, he forgot his love more and more and one day the tin dropped out of his cloak and he did not care and left it where it has fallen.

    Some days ago I've found this world in a tin just when it was time to do my first headless dailycreate, somehow dented, but beautiful as it former was. I am now looking for possibilities of getting the world out of that tin. I may have to become a sorcerer myself.

    Little World in a Dented Tin
    I've started this intention by just trying to show the world's sea, but then I was utterly surprised by its self-will, while infiltrating my meditative clip with music and visual pieces.

    Next day I asked the world to help me drawing a cute insect, but it rather wanted to draw something exciting like a bad spider. I tried to ignore the world's wishes, but the result was a big nothing, until I seized the last escape, Rochelle's certificate.


    Strangely enough the next possibility of freeing the tiny tin world was easy, why ever. It may be that it is a great inspiration to create something for a person who has her birthday.

    Happy birthday, Guilia!

    Finally I want to thank anyone who has enriched my week with their posts, creations, advice and nice comments, especially when it turned out to be a deeper communication.

  18. stefaniesophie

    Mathilda is looking back.

    Some time ago I read about an assignment in a tweet, where you are inspired to put the head of a person on an animal's body or vice-versa. I thought about it, but had no convincing idea.Today I saw a photo taken by Alan Levine, where he imagined an eye...
  19. stefaniesophie

    Deep Sea Animated Gifs

    Because I like animation in general I produce not just animated gifs from movie sequences, but also from drawn or 3D animations I did. Here I display two I've completed recently. You can find more about this on my StefanieJ blog. Of this...
  20. stefaniesophie

    People are so interesting beings.

    IllustrationPractice, ein Album auf Flickr.I was always brilliant in drawing from nature, for all what I see is different shapes and colors and proportions. One day I desired to just draw someone imagined. I failed badly. Although I could see the image...
  21. stefaniesophie

    Green Home

    I wouldn't claim that green is my favourite color, but it is obviously one of my most-liked shades as you can see in this post.

    Early this week I wrote some poetry about the color green, when a daily create asked me to do so.
    Google your favorite color. Write a 3-line poem about the first result.
    Living Green
    Three beautiful greens made by the mineral world,
        - emerald, jade and celadon -
    but how many more shades of green animated nature has unfurled.

    Later a second daily create reminds me more of a warm, light brown, but also of nature which color for me is green.
    Kirschbaumholz or Cherry(Tree)Wood
    Three reasons for my favorite word, which evokes charming images in front of me, three reasons for three words:
    Kirsche or cherry for a sweet dark red fruit,
    Kirschbaum or cherry tree for the lovely cherry blossom
    and Kirschbaumholz or cherry(tree)wood for the beautiful and warm look of cherry wood.

    When I browsed the assignment bank for some good ideas concerning photography I saw one, where it is supposed to take a photograph of your room and in an editing software make one color visible, while the rest remains black and white.
    I did not like taking a photograph of my entire room. I rather took several photographs of details in my room and arranged them to one image. All together displays a story about the color green at my place. This story you can read starting with any picture and going on where ever you think it might go on.

    There once was a green lizard, that got lost in an apartment house. First it thought the origami planet looks so nicely like me, maybe I can talk to it, but it did not answer and the lizard got sad. The green lizard found consolation when it tasted the delicious green salad and when the little saurian turned around there even were strawberries, which it just smelled because the color has gone to where the red home lives. The lizard wanted to try some flowers, but they again were just from paper and not eatable. Last the green little animal sniffs the different kinds of tea and liked this much, but did not try eating them. The lizard had to go for it rather likes living outside, although it thought I might come back one day or I will go to the red home where I can try to become a red lizard.

    Green Home
    Actually I did not use an editing software for making only one color visible, but used a mode on my camera where you can set up the color which will be visible. Still, I had to use Gimp for arranging the images. I just used the Move Tool together with the option "Pick a layer or guide". I also used the Rectangle Select Tool to add a border to each image, while using Menu -> Edit -> Stroke Selection.
    On my Flickr account you can find my album Green Home, where I took the images from for my green home arrangement.
  22. stefaniesophie

    Gimp Rotoscoping Tutorial

    This tutorial I am doing aside an assignment idea I've posted on ds106's assignment bank.
    I'm going to explain how you can contour something in Gimp with the Path Tool to gain an exciting animated gif. You also can use a tablet and pen, it is just not what I'll show here. I thought people without a tablet should also be able to do this assignment.

    For this tutorial you need to know how to make single images from a video clip and how to import the images into Gimp. You can read about this in the ds106 handbook.

    Once you have imported the images do the following:

    Choose Shift + the eye symbol of the bottom layer in the layer tab to make only this layer visible.

    Next create a new layer by clicking the New Layer symbol (1) in the layer tab. Choose a white background (2) and name the layer 0001 (3).  (The next will be 0002 and so on.)
    After This set the Opacity of the layer to 50%..
    Now it is a good idea to zoom in where you want to start drawing the outlines. Just enough to keep an overview.
    (Zoom Tool or Ctrl + Mouse Wheel together with Space Bar + Left Mouse Button)
    After you have selected the Path Tool, click along the outlines. (If possible don't move the mouse while clicking, you may come into the edit mode, where you can shape the path.)
    If you reach the edge of the screen just use the Space Bar together with the Left Mouse Button to move the visible part or just use the scroll bars.
    Don't overdo this, we are going for the motion, not for the detail. Maybe I've already set too many points.
    When you've finished your first outline, click Stroke Path (1)  at the Tool Options palette of the Path Tool. Then choose a Line Width (2) and confirm.  (I've chosen 3 appropriate to the resolution of my image. You may need a different width.)
    Normally the stroke will appear in black, which is the default foreground color. For changing the stroke color, change the foreground color.
    To position the path tool anew you have to select another tool first and then again choose the path tool. (There may be a better ways which I don't know.)
    For the ball you can use the Ellipse Select Tool plus in the Edit menu Stroke Selection.

    When you've finished the outline of your first image set the layer opacity back to 100%. The result should look something like this.

    You now can delete the layer with the original image or you can do it when you've finished all images.
    Go back to the start of this tutorial and do the same with any of the imported images.
    When you've removed the original images you can play back the action.
    Go to Filters in the menu bar and choose Animation -> Playback.
    Maybe you have to scale the image now. For an animated gif the image should not be larger than 800 in width. In the end this is up to your choice, but note if you save something as a gif file the file size is restricted. The more images you need the smaller they have to be.
    Just try to save your work as a gif file now (File menu -> Export to -> Filename.gif). If it is too large you will have a pop up window which tells you about this.
    Don't forget to check the option As Animation.
    You should also experiment with the delay between the frames, to find out which speed is the right for your animated gif.
    Go to your gif file and open it in any preview. I personally open it with the internet explorer. If you're fine with the result you're done. If not correct what ever you want, but don't forget that there are many more assignments to do.

ds106 in[SPIRE]