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  1. @LeslieMiyazono

    Humpty Dumpty did NOT sit on a wall…

    The assignment posted for the end of week four seemed to be a little confusing.  Minimal instruction was provided, unlike in previous weeks.  While the mid-week assignment was filled with various cinematic filming techniques, there was never any direction given on the actual video editing aspect of film.  As a result, all of my video …

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  2. @LeslieMiyazono

    Here’s looking at you, kid.

    The beginning of this week did not prove to be terribly strenuous, however a great deal of reflection was required.  This week, the class is tackling the topic of film.  Numerous sources of information were provided to us, mostly to educate on various cinematic techniques introduced by various filmmakers that became both trademark and influential …

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  3. @LeslieMiyazono

    Directing the Audience Through the Film

    In addition to reading Roger Ebert’s essay, the class was also tasked on reviewing various videos highlighting cinematic techniques.  Upon viewing a minimum of four videos, a personal observation on how these techniques may influence our perception of video production is required. The first video selected is the one titled “Kubrick – one-point perspective.”   One-point …

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  4. @LeslieMiyazono

    Sound the Alarm!

    What is audio?  How does audio work for you? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “audio” as “of or relating to acoustic, mechanical, or electrical frequencies corresponding to normally audible sound waves which are of frequencies approximately from 15 to 20,000 hertz.”  “Sound” is defined as “a particular auditory impression.”  Most of us take sound for granted.  Being …

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  5. @LeslieMiyazono

    Sound Advice – how to stay connected with your audience

    This week, our class has been tasked with learning about audio creation and how this type of media can be utilized to present a story in a very compelling or imaginative way.  Every morning, during my fifty minute commute to work, I listen to the TODAY show talk radio, Channel 108 on SiriusXM.  This is a …

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  6. @LeslieMiyazono

    And the cow jumped over the moon..

    Our class was asked to listen and reflect on Moon Graffiti by The Truth Podcast.  It presents a hypothetical alternative to the historical event of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landing on the moon on July 20, 1969. I found this podcast to be morbid and a little uncomfortable.  The eerie music playing in the background …

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  7. @LeslieMiyazono

    Graphic designers who play around

    This week, the class was asked to interpret, compare, and contrast the styles of two different graphic designers, Paula Scher and David Carson. Paula Scher’s style is one of uncomplicated creativeness, where her claim to designing is simply just “to play” which she defines as “engaging in a childlike activity.”   She compared a great …

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  8. @LeslieMiyazono

    Week 1 – Photography Reflection

    This week proved to be extremely challenging.  While still trying to get a handle of how to maneuver through WordPress, I feel that I accomplished a minor goal in becoming more organized online.  Categories were added to the blog to help separate the different assignments and reflection posts, as well as the daily creates.  However, …

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  9. @KatieHartraft

    Night of Reading the Dead

    Roger Ebert’s essay “How to Read a Movie” spoke on how camera angles and positioning of characters within a frame are incredibly telling to the essence of the scene. I more so enjoyed his point that more can be seen through multiple people’s eyes. Ebert said: “For example, I had been […]
  10. @KatieHartraft

    Radio Show – A Glance Back

    My Radio Show Gif It Good: a post about how my addiction to gifs is never-ending 📺 #theend106 #ds106 — cypherpunk106 (@cypherpunk106) March 5, 2018 The production of my radio show was both fun and tedious. Writing the show was great, adding in every detail we could and […]
  11. @KatieHartraft

    Both Together and Separate

    In the video, “How radio creates empathy“, Jad Abumrad’s idea of “co-imagining” seems closely related to the idea of written text and reading. All readers have are words on a page, from that they have to imagine every image and detail of the senses. But with radio, as Abumrad mentioned, listening to […]
  12. @KatieHartraft

    There Will Come//The End

    This week, I read two short stories: the 1950 Ray Bradbury story “There Will Come Soft Rains” with the main character being a house and the 1986 Stephen King story “The End of the Whole Mess” with a narrator writing until he can’t anymore. Bradbury’s story really drew me in since […]

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