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  1. @HumIsDum

    Absolutely Terrible Movie Quote Presentation

    by Thomas Pulsifer For my final remix assignment of the week, I decided to follow D.J. Wernitznigā€™s design prompt to insert a movie quote over an image from that same movie. For the remix, I got ā€œDull Presenter,ā€ which involved turning the assignment into a terrible PowerPoint presentation. I love this prompt. For the movie,Continue reading "Absolutely Terrible Movie QuoteĀ Presentation"
  2. @jwcpsc

    Remixed Assignment: Dull Presenter

    I donā€™t really have a favorite holiday so I decided to mash up the most popular holidays into one picture. I chose to do Christmas, Halloween, and New Years Day because theyā€™re so close together but since the assignment is remixed I tried to find the worst possible pictures to use. Didnā€™t go so well ā€¦
  3. @ds106_mckayla

    Remix #2, boring PPT.

    The original assignment that I decided to remix is here. Here is the remix assignment link. The directions for the remix is this: Turn this assignment into a really bad powerpoint presentation- do everything wrong in terms of design, bad colors, dense text, bad graphics. Make it a snoozer. I created this project on PowerPoint and followed exactly what it asked as you can view from below. I crated a powerpoint that is poor, very boring, and straight to the point. I used a blank powerpoint page and did not change the font size, or font itself. I had some
  4. @yarasaleh68

    The Superhero Slide Show

    Honestly, this assignment makes me giggle. It is kind of silly and very stupid. But I absolutely love it! These are two really silly concepts combined into one. The two separate are funny enough, but together, the product is even funnier. I decided to pick this assignment because I thought it would be funny to …

    Continue reading "The Superhero Slide Show"

  5. @JessicaDS106

    Google Tried: A PowerPoint Presentation

    For my second remix this week, I chose to remix my google draw assignment from the beginning of the semester. The remix I created is at the following link. The task here was: When I saw this pop up while reloading the remix for this assignment, I instantly became excited because I love designing PowerPoint … Continue reading Google Tried: A PowerPoint Presentation

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