Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92852 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. cogdog

    GMU Final Project Specs

    Now is your chance to put the storytelling and media skills you have practiced over the last 7 weeks to work. Each week you have been asked to describe something in the world that would be better understood via a story approach. You can now pick any of those ideas...
  2. cogdog

    GMU Weeks 6&7: Telling Stories in Video

    Here is the topic most students find both the most challenging and/or rewarding portion of ds106: video. It presents challenges with file formats, creating more complex narratives, and working with more complicated software. But it is also one of the most engaging forms of media — hence the current statistic...
  3. cogdog

    GMU Week 5: It Sounds Like a Story

    You have worked on creating stories through images exploring the methods of photography and the way visual design works. This week, we jump media to look at telling stories in audio, which we first observed in week 2. This week, you get to make stories with just audio. To do...
  4. cogdog

    GMU Week 4: It’s All By Design

    We’ve wrapped up our week on visual storytelling and continue looking at the visual form of media, but now with a perspective on visual design. It’s not always clear where the line is between design and visual, but ds106 design storytelling assignments generally involve more creating and modifying in graphics...
  5. cogdog

    GMU Week 1: What is Story?

    Once upon a time not so long ago… or this week, there is a new course in digital storytelling. You are now in it. As a guide to these weekly assignments posts, they are meant to provide everything you need to do for this unit, especially important for registered students....
  6. cogdog

    GMU EDIT 572 General Syllabus

    Note: This is a generalized version of the official course syllabus for the two sections of a class being taught Spring 2014. It is posted here as reference, and a guide for open participants who may wish to follow along. The general entry points for this course are the tagged...
  7. cogdog

    DS106 and Storytelling Go to Work

    How do the elements of storytelling factor the communications and practices of business and industry? This is the place where weekly assignments will be created for an online class I am teaching for the George Mason University Instructional Design and Technology Program (IDT). Students are full time workers in the...

ds106 in[SPIRE]