The second video project I decided to do was to create a book trailer. It was much harder than anticipated for a few reasons…Unlike my first project, Youtube failed when it came to providing the types of clips I needed for this, so I resorted to Videvo and Pexels, and even finding clips from there was difficult. Secondly, I had to create my own background audio which took so much more time than I thought it would. I had to figure out the exact times when certain audios were to be played for certain clips, trim the audio I downloaded and tried to make it flow smoothly, which was the most frustrating part. To be honest, I am only about 85% happy with how it sounds, but since I’m in a time crunch and also have to juggle other online courses, I decided to stop fiddling with the audio and leave it where it’s at. Despite the struggles, I am still proud of my work. I wish the overall video was longer and I could’ve found clips that would’ve suited it better, but I believe I captured the novel well. In the description for the assignment, it said not to give any spoilers away, and even though it looks in the video like I did, there is much more depth to the story […]