1. @V20Kai

    Aaaaaaaand Action!

    Week 2 of quarantine and I’m still going strong! I know many other people are struggling with it, but thankfully this DS106 this week has been a great way to keep busy and get our creative juices flowing. Despite how easily my laptop dies editing videos, I do have to say that this week has […]
  2. @V20Kai

    Jeanie and the Boy

    After watching a few “Every Frame a Painting” videos, I have to say, I find them very insightful and addicting to watch! It made me see movie and show scenes differently. Especially as someone who likes to edit videos, they gave a lot of insight and advice into what makes good editing. For the video […]
  3. @samprice_ds106

    Week 10 Summary

    This was a pretty easy week in terms of work load for this class, which I was super thankful for considering the work is piling up in my other classes. I did have a lot of fun doing the work for the week though! I started off the week doing some research on the video editing process by watching the videos that were put up on the Weekly Assignments. I really felt like I learned a lot from watching all the videos and really enjoyed creating a video critique of my own. I decided to choose the ending scene from […]
  4. @samprice_ds106

    Movie Trailer Mash-Up

    I had a lot of fun with this assignment. We were instructed to combine two different movie trailers to create one trailer. I decided to combine “A Quiet Place” and “IT”. I am honestly not the biggest horror movie person, but I have seen both of these movies and I thought combining two horror movies could be a lot of fun. And I was right. I started off my getting the trailers I wanted to use. I then loaded them into iMovie and cut the parts of the trailers I wanted and then combined them, using the audio from “A […]
  5. @samprice_ds106

    “Conversation” with Myself

    For this assignment we had to create a video of ourselves having a conversation with ourselves. I decided to put a little twist on this assignment by singing a song with myself instead. I set up my laptop in my sun room and took two recordings of myself singing. First was me playing and singing with my uke and the second was me singing harmony to the previous recording. I then uploaded the videos into Adobe Premiere and cropped them together so it looked like it was taken and recorded in one shot. This took me a lot longer than […]
  6. @samprice_ds106

    Video Essay: Sixteen Candles

    To start off week 9, we had to do some research on video editing and what goes into the final picture. I enjoyed watching the videos from “Every Picture Is a Frame” and feel like I learned a lot. After doing some research we were suppose to take a video that relates to our theme in some way and analyze it with the information we learned from our research. I decided to use the ending scene from the movie “Sixteen Candles” because its one of the most iconic movies from the 80s. I was able to download the ending scene […]
  7. @cpsc106

    Week 9 – Weekly Summary

    That was quite a week. Collectively my household temporarily lost four jobs. Times are tough but it is oddly calming knowing that there are millions in the same position. This week was the first time I got to be on a radio show! Even though it was just the class radio, it was super exciting. Secretly, I made notes just to prepare. Personally, I would love for our class theme
  8. @cpsc106

    Week 9 – Radio Listen

    It was a lot of fun being on the DS106 radio! I was pretty nervous, but I was very focused and excited. I got my friend to listen to the show and a couple of my group members were listening. Thank you for Professor Bond for setting up the Skype call! It was pretty cool hearing my group project being presented live. I think we did a great job of

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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