1. @samprice_ds106

    Weekly Summary

    This week has been my favorite so far. That is probably because of the amount of times I got to use photoshop. If you haven’t figured out I like photoshop so far, you must not read all my other posts 🙂 The first thing I did this week was reflect on my photography skills and my opinion of photography in general. This was fun for me because photography is something I love, even if that means just getting to look at others pictures! I shared some of the recent photography I got to be apart of so make sure to […]
  2. @abiles11


    This photo includes a lot of the elements that were described in “Becoming Better Photographers” I really like the lighting in this photo/ The dim light of the hallway and the lit inside of stores creates a cool look for the viewer. I also...
  3. @abiles11

    My photography experience

    I have an interesting experience with photography. When I was younger I would always go into my backyard and take photos of the trees and my dogs. as I got older I stopped taking pictures. Recently though, I have gotten a lot more into photography. I like taking pictures of when I travel and showing […]
  4. @samprice_ds106


    This challenge was a lot of fun, although it did involve me running around like a mad-women for 20 minutes. We were instructed for 20 minutes to take as many photos from a list that we could. Here was my list: Take a picture of a word or sign that represents the kind of day you’re having. Numbers are all around you. Find your favorite number. Make a photo that represents the end, termination… Make a photograph of the front of a building. Make a photo dominated by your favorite color and share it! Take an extreme close-up of an […]
  5. @lizlynnkondzel

    fast photography!

    Emphasize the sky by placing the horizon very low or very high. Features a repeating pattern. A photograph of something old or aged today. Make a photo that represents the end, termination… Make a creative photo of some sort of boundary Tell the story of a place in a single photo Make a photo dominated […]
  6. @Laxmom07

    Flicker photos

    Here it Goes! This is of the 20 minute flicker photos. This was challenging for me since I tried to upload the app but was unsuccessful so I improvised and used google photos. My challenge was to take a picture
  7. @samprice_ds106

    80’s Photography

    I LOVED looking at all the old 80s photos!! It was so fun to look at what people were wearing and doing at my age during the 80s. I especially loved looking at the 1980s Music and Pop Culture Photography. One of my favorite photos from this site was one of Freddy Mercury. I love the way that the photographer used the light in the photo (which was one of the tips in the Telling Stories In Photos article). The angles of Freddy along with the brightness of the sun make for a super dynamic and interesting photo. Another photo […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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