1. afghanwoman

    My dream animal

    The photo shows my dream animal; the photos were downloaded from Google. I used this website http://www.pizap.com for editing the photo, because it is easy to crap the photo.
  2. afghanwoman

    Swap the heads

    In this photo I swap the mother and daughter‘s heads; the photo was downloaded from Google. I used the following website http://www.pizap.com for editing the photo. I used that website to swap the heads and adjust its color, because it is really easy...
  3. afghanwoman

    College of Veg

    This photo is the A-Z college of Vegetables; the photos used in this college were downloaded from Google. I first used this website http://www.picmonkey.com/ but it was not useful because it had a limited space to have A-Z college. Therefore I used this website http://www.photovisi.com to make the vegetable college. I found it very useful ...
  4. kmatthe2

    Design Blitz

    Color: Lantana is one of my favorite plants because of the vivid colors. Your eye is immediately drawn to the colors of it, whether you want it to be or not. While orange, pink, and reds sometimes don’t go together, … Continue Reading →
  5. Matt Meyer

    Die Wacht am Rhein!

    In case you havent gotten the message yet, I am just about as immersed in German culture as one can be three generations out from the Fatherland. My great-grandad immigrated in the early 1900′s as a kid, yet I’ve always … Continue rea...
  6. Matt Meyer

    La Victoire!

    So today I completed the Tell a Tale on a Tapestry assignment! As someone who has read a lot about the Battle of Hastings (what the original tapestry that this assignment is based on depicts), this was interesting for me. … Continue reading →
  7. afghanwoman

    My Dreams

    My dream is to become a business woman and serve my country. Similarly, I really wish to go to Egypt and see the ancient pyramids. I love driving, even though I have my driving license in my country but I cannot drive because of the security issues for women. Thus, my dream is to be ...
  8. afghanwoman

    My dream in your eyes

    I had a dream that Michelle Obama was walking into UMW campus and talking to me. It was a wonderful dream. I took this photo when Michelle Obama was in UMW and there was an artist who had this art. Background of the photo is UMW‘s campus, near Secobeck. I used paint for selection and ...
  9. afghanwoman

    recycle the bottles

    I took photo of the recycled bottles, and then I used GIMP to manipulate the colors, although I did not know how to use GIMP for manipulating colors but the tutorials on YouTube was a great help to me.
  10. estotz

    Feelings & Liberation

    I don’t know if I did this assignment the correct way, but I think this turned out pretty cool looking. Typography is a branch of design that I haven’t really explored before until this week. It is pretty interesting, and there is actually a whole science behind what fonts, styles, etc. marketers use in advertising. ...
  11. estotz

    N Dzign

    The Principles of Design (DesignBlitz) 1. The Color of a Bar I turned 21 this summer, so naturally, I went out to the bars. This place was particularly cool–downtown Richmond, if you wanted to know. There were not a lot of people in it (weird) because check out the color. SO BLUE. I felt like ...
  12. Abigail Andrews

    Design Safari

    I had a lot of fun with this assignment!  To start with this assignment I read the assignment document and looked at found examples to give myself and idea of what I was looking for.  The elements I decided to focus on were color, typography, balance, rhythm, and metaphor/symbol. To do this assignment I took a walk on the ...
  13. Chris

    The Daily Create

    Your assignment for today: imagine your own personal font (typeface) and draw the letters in your name tdc.ds106.us/tdc268/ — The Daily Create (@DS106TDC) October 2, 2012
  14. afghanwoman

    My experience of design safari

    Color-is a very important element in design, because color effects humans reaction to a design. There are different categories of colors such as primary colors, secondary colors and tertiary colors. Primary colors are red, yellow and blue and by adding primary colors we will have our secondary colors for example by adding red and yellow, ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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