1. Sarah Kountz

    getting back in the saddle for #ds106

    Hi again! After too long of a hiatus from blogging and making art, I am ready to commit again to #ds106. It helps that I am back in North America after 3 years of living overseas in South Korea. ^^ First assignment for 2016 and getting back : Create a cattle brand. It is supposed […]
  2. @NatalieCPSC106

    Western Readings: Ice Man vs. Gunsmoke

    For the western readings assignment I read the Ice Man and listened to one of the episodes of Gunsmoke. It still amazes me that the western genre encompasses all of the different categories we have previously learned about through links and readings. However, while reading the Ice Man the typical characters associated with the American Old … Continue reading Western Readings: Ice Man vs. Gunsmoke
  3. @tifamonster

    My Face

    The first thing I look at when I look in the mirror are my eyebrows. Their bold black color makes them stick out from the rest of my face making everyone look at them first. Then my big brown eyes with curled lashes has everyone wondering from who did I get these genes? But if […]
  4. @tifamonster

    Dear Past Self,

    Wow. I have so much to say that I couldn’t even choose a specific age. Where do I even start? I think I’ll start in 8th grade when you just turned 14. Cannot believe this, because Vivian just turned 14 and she might be going through the same things as you. I can’t believe how […]
  5. @lmccuist0

    Drawing the Line

    Vonnegut tells us that our favorite stories start at the lowest end of the Good-/Ill-Fortune scale and end in infinite happiness, just like Cinderella. Naturally, not all stories end like this. Not many of our western stories this week find such an appealing path in the remotest sense, for the West is a harsh place … Continue reading Drawing the Line
  6. @tifamonster


    Everyone, meet Riza. Riza was born and raised in El Salvador where she learned everything about cooking and serving others through her mother and aunts. Once she grew up, she immigrated to the United States in hopes of creating a better life for herself. That is where she met her husband, Tate, and decided to […]
  7. iamtalkytina

    The Double-T Brand

    Well, today’s The Daily Create, tdc1480, was an easy one for me to do, because I had already done it years ago when I set up one of my hideouts on my Double-T Dude Ranch. It says to make your own personal cow brand logo, but I already did that! Here down below is the […]
  8. @Logan P

    The Eye is Bigger than the Mountain

    Do you like the gif? Eye do (sorry for the terrible pun)! This week’s assignment from DS106, titled “Can You See What I See“—part of my INTE 5340 course—was: Find or take a photo of an eye. Take another image of whatever you want, and overlay the image onto the eye. Make the image in […]
  9. @julianna_proc

    End of week 3 (1/29/16)

    Time for my third weekly summary! This week was a lot of writing!!! Being a science major I don’t do a lot of creative writing, it is mostly scientific research writing so this is good practice for me. In scientific writing we try to not use a lot of adjectives and try not to stray […]
  10. @julianna_proc

    Story Shape

    By far my favorite thing that I did this week was watch this really quick four minute video of shapes of stories by Kurt Vonnegut. This video has to be from the 90s or maybe even earlier, but I loved it because he is so right! The premise of this video is that he has a chalkboard […]
  11. @julianna_proc

    Cowgirl in training

    The big task for this week was to learn a little more about westerns as well as read two western stories from a list provided. I first learned about old west legends. This website gave some great background information as well as some fascinating pictures of what the old west used to look like. After getting […]
  12. anna cow

    Cattle branding

    I am not happy at all with these cattle branding marks from the dailycreate. I am rather certain I do not need to explain my disgust of cattle branding. But I am very surprised to read about human branding. as a new tattoo hype. If you want to see pic...
  13. @profCaritat

    My name Caritat

    Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet  17 September 1743 – 28 March 1794), known as Nicolas de Condorcet, was a French philosopher, mathematician, and early political scientist.  Condorcet descended from the ancient family of Caritat. My mother always told me we had a famous French name, but when I grew older my … Continue reading My name Caritat
  14. dogtrax

    A #Western106 Song: Heading Out West

    With all the inquiry of the symbolic meaning of “The West” in our #Western106 open course, I started to wonder if I could write a song that might capture the essence of moving West. I struggled with the writing of a song, though. I am no Western singer, so I began to rethink the narrative. […]
  15. @Untertacker

    What makes a man to be an undertaker.

    Nobody can imagine what makes a man to be an undertaker. Nobody is very happy when talking to an undertaker. So the story of my life is not known to anybody in the ds106 village. Today is a quiet and peaceful day. All cowboys and outlaws are out of town and no funerals today. Today…
  16. stefaniesophie

    Skull Vision

    The second week of western106 (I know I am late!) one assignment was recommended to start your Gif career, which is Say it like Peanut Butter. I am constantly thinking about what on earth that means, however, I I have chosen to create the essential con...
  17. @chrissy_gaul

    Walmart little boy for sale, only $999.99!!!

    Writing Assignment #1: Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, 3 Stars Assignment Description: “They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Quite often we see pictures on different social media outlets. They are funny, awkward, or beautifully portrayed moments but we don’t know what led up to that point in time. Your task for this assignment is […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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