1. iamtalkytina

    The Law in These Here Parts

    Well, I keep an eye on my Still True Friend Alan (@cogdog) by riding the range in his neighbourhood to keep an watch out for varmints. Just in case somebody around Strawberry decides to cause a ruckus, I’ve had some signs posted to let them know that I am the Neighbourhood Watch. Folks should take these warning […]
  2. @julianna_proc

    Dear future self

    Dear future Julianna, So 10 years from now means that you are 32. Hopefully at this time you have graduated medical school and are nearing the end of your residency. I imagine that you did more than the typical 4 years of residency and went to specialize more specifically in your career (thus making it […]
  3. @julianna_proc

    There’s a snake in my boot!

    Today’s daily create was to make a western warning sign. For this, I used the picture that was put on the daily create website and uploaded this picture to paint. Once in paint, I painted over the original sign and then added a clipart image of a snake. I wasn’t specifically looking for a rattlesnake, but could […]
  4. @Logan P

    Personal Reflective Summary

    This is the first of a series of bi-weekly personal reflective summaries as assignments for my INTE 5340 class. This week has very much been an introduction to the concept of digital storytelling itself. Though I wasn’t entirely certain what that may have meant at first (though my professor’s screencast helped clear this up a […]
  5. @Logan P

    Digital Story Critique

    This is the first of a series of “critiques” of digital stories–an assignment for my class INTE 5340. [This critique digs more into the theory of telling a fiction story in new modes rather than the elements of narrative used within the framework of that story itself.] Digital storytelling in science fiction. It seems like […]
  6. @wildwebds106

    To My Mom

    This weeks assignments are mostly writing and out of three options I decided to choose this one. My Mom is my best friend and closest confidant so of course I wrote a letter to her. It got kind of “mushy-gushy” but I love her so who care! Here’s to you Mama! Mama D, Words can’t … Continue reading To My Mom
  7. dogtrax

    A Story West of Here: The Elk of the Stars

    I’ve been thinking of Tall Tales with the #Western106 open course, and have even pitched the idea to everyone to collaboratively write and record a Tall Tale radio program. We’ll see how that goes. (Hey, of course YOU are invited, too. Invent a persona. Add to the script. Venture out West with us. It is […]
  8. @skyhiser

    Much ado about week two.

    This week, while more work than the previous, was certainly more intriguing. I did not carefully read the weekly schedule carefully so I only completed one daily create this week. It was simply enough, and sort of fun, so I am actually disappointed that I missed the others. The assignments were really good to get […]
  9. @skyhiser

    Digital Me

    This about me is a little different than my other because I want to focus on my internet and digital experiences. I came of age with the internet and consider myself rather tech savvy. I had an AOL when that was the thing and grew up using yahoo messenger. My original myspace account user ID […]
  10. @tifamonster

    Weekly Summary 2

    Hey friends of #ds106! This week started off way better than the previous one. I began the week on Sunday by completing a major of work required for the course since I knew the upcoming (past) week would be very hectic. I spent a majority of my time at work this week, so I am […]
  11. @tifamonster

    If I Could Design it My Way…

    Ever thought about decorating your room a certain way? When people walk into my room, they always say two things: 1. Wow, your room looks so cozy! and 2. You have a lot of books. I guess you could say I go for the “vintage hipster look.” I don’t know. It’s just a style that […]
  12. @skyhiser

    What is a country that I have heard of…

    For this assignment, creep on a move scene, I originally thought it would be a good idea to put myself in a horror movie, maybe even cover myself in blood or something. Although this was admittedly easier, it is, to me, somewhat more entertaining. After I decided against a horror film, I thought a Tarantino […]
  13. @ashranclass1

    Yes, he knows.

    You know, generally I dislike memes, including motivational posters, but I thought this was vaguely funny. note: most people that play d&d (or other rpg) are of both average intellect and average social competence, heh. also note, if you’re making a wizard character, night caps are silly! Silly wizards are of course the best type … Continue reading Yes, he knows.
  14. @mezzmello

    Riding the Rodeo

    Week two went a little more smoothly, I think. I completed one weekly assignment posts in the photography, design, and written sections each with the photography example linked below: ABC Pic The rest are linked to my front page under the titles haiku! and informed decisions. Were they the most creative? No. But I’m practicing. […]
  15. @aslupek40

    Weekly Summary Post

    This week I completed several daily creates, an audio assignment on the DS106 Assignment Bank, and several of the assignments found on the Assignment Bank page. Embedded here in this post is all of my work for the week. Daily Creates: Check out my Strawberry Milk cow everyone! @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1473 pic.twitter.com/LEZbFT0aoz — Andrew Slupek […]
  16. @ashranclass1

    Create a character: Mannfred ‘Sandbar’ Black

    Name: Mannfred ‘Sandbar’ Black facial hair: thick dark brown beard clothing: tall, worn boots, brown legs with tattered ends, simple cloth tunic with leather chest piece over it weapons: two cutlasses at his waist personality: loud and boisterous, as willing to spend a night in the bar getting plastered with his mates as he is … Continue reading Create a character: Mannfred ‘Sandbar’ Black

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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