1. bscites13

    “Ay yo, Omar’s comin’!”

    For my final video assignment for the week Stefanie and I did “Swede a Scene” (4.5 stars). We decided that it would be easier and more fun if we did it together. It would allow us more people to work with rather than having to do a scene where it was just one person or […]
  2. bscites13

    Seniority in The Wire

    This week we had to do the assignment “Video Essay” for The Wire (5 stars). Boy was it worth five stars. This assignment was a lot of work. Rather than doing a discussion of Seniority in one episode, I made mine pretty much a discussion on a theme that is throughout the show but I […]
  3. jreingol

    TV Scenes That Changed My Life

    I did the Movie TV Scenes That Changed Our Lives assignment worth 5 stars. For this assignment I picked out 3 scenes that were very memorable to me, and provided some commentary on what the situation of the scene is and why it moved me. These are three scenes from various tv shows that have really stuck […]
  4. smreutter15

    Makeup Time Lapse

    Since I just used the time lapse setting on my iphone 6, I’ll give myself 2 stars instead of the 3.5 it suggests for the Activity Time Lapse assignment. This was a fun little assignment to do. I don’t do my make up very often, so I thought this would be the prefect activity to see… Read More
  5. bscites13

    Sincerely, UMW Parking Services

    I did today’s daily create, “If Poets Wrote Parking Tickets.” So I think the moral of the story is that I am not a poet. My rhymes are terrible, my lines are too long, and my poem only makes a little sense but I was going for funny not realistic. So here it is: We […]
  6. meredith

    Stringer’s Demise Swede

    Hiya! So the Swede a Scene (5 stars) was by far my favorite assignment this semester! I really enjoyed it! With the help of my group members, Amy, David, Demi, and Carmela, we recreated Season 3 episode 11 of the Wire. Now SPOILER ALERT, this is where one of the main character, Stringer is murdered. So […]
  7. meredith

    Video Essay

    Hiya! The Video Essay (5 stars) was an interesting assignment. Instead of using what ever film or TV show we wanted, we were tasked with using the Wire. I decided to use season 4 episode 1 for this. And at first I was really excited to do this assignment and I saw some great themes throughout […]
  8. iharris

    Daily Create: Antifilm

    An Andy Warhol inspired project for today’s daily create: Creae an “antifilm”. I guess in this case, it means create a film depicting the mundane. I decided to film myself doing the practically everyday (in the first world at least) activity of typing away on the computer. What was I typing you may wonder? Why […]
  9. demifulcher

    Minnie Mouse

    My first Daily Create that I completed this week was the Mouse Meme. This assignment was to create a Mouse Meme, but to “The DS106 legal staff advises you to avoid any reference to Disney and its stranglehold on pop cultural mice. Feel free to ignore our legal advice.” So I decided to ignore their […]
  10. smreutter15

    Omar Takes A Walk: Swede

    Brittany and I decided to take on the Swede A Scene video assignment together! This was one of the most fun assignments I think we have done this semester. Brittany’s boyfriend Ryan very generously let us borrow his video camera and agreed to be our Omar! He was a really good sport. We used the… Read More
  11. malbrycht

    VideoAssignment393, Make a Tutorial for You Dad,

    Video Assignment 393 (5 stars) is an assignment in which you make a tutorial for someone else to explain how to do something.  My father just received his first smartphone for his birthday.  He has had the phone now for over 2 months and is scared to even pick the phone up.  I thought I […]
  12. athoet

    Sweded: season 2 , episode 6-D’Angelo’s Demise

    Lauren Brumfield and I worked on our swede together so we could do more scenes and make our swede more in-depth. We wanted to focus on the scenes from this episode that led to D’Angelo’s demise, so we did the scene where D talks about The Great Gatsby, the talk with his mother at the […]
  13. wafflestomper

    Mickey Is A ds106keteer

      The daily create was to skip the over-used cat and dog memes and create a mouse meme.  We were encouraged to use anything, including well-known mice.  I created this in MS PowerPoint to get the easy-to-use-pre-made ovals, filled them with black, and added text boxes to accommodate the text which is in fonts called […]
  14. tjpeed

    Pap Is My Special Person

    Another of the video assignments I decided to complete was one that I created. I decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone by creating a video assignment for ds106 as well as completing it for my weekly assignments. I am naming this one Special Person Montage. Basically, you are to choose someone who is […]
  15. meredith

    Lion King in 5 Seconds

    Hiya! The 5-Second Film (5 stars) was a lot of fun! It was tough though to get all of the footage in in 5-seconds. I wanted to add maybe a good 20 seconds of footage but I had to scale back. So I settled on 0.5 seconds clips for the whole time. When deciding what to use […]
  16. meredith

    Carcetti Hates Calling for Money

    That Bleep Censor (5 stars) was actually a lot of fun to make! I was watching Season 4 Episode 1 in preparation for my Video Essay, and I thought this scene was another great one to bleep out! The best one would be where Bunk and McNulty we recreating the murder scene in season 1. Amy […]
  17. demifulcher

    The Healthy Vine Challenge

    I decided to do the Healthy Vine Challenge. I really wanted to do this assignment, but I would always forget to do the challenge, but I finally remembered. For my Healthy Vine Challenge I made pasta with chicken, one of the easiest dishes ever can’t go wrong with making chicken and pasta. I knew how […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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