1. bscites13

    It’s all in a name…

    Here is my first daily create that counts for anything (haha). I liked the idea of this though. I saw the tweet this morning and have been thinking about it all day, trying to figure out what to do. In the end I went with my gut and just added some softball things into my […]
  2. athoet

    Leggo my logo!

    I created this logo because I think it reflects my love of books and literature. There is nothing like an old book with worn pages for me. Books are a sort of connection not only to the world or time they represent, but also to anyone who has read or held that book before you. […]
  3. wafflestomper

    It Said “Logo”, Not “Lego”

    Today’s Daily Create assignment was to create your own logo and post it on Flickr.  I jumped onto Google and found an image of a hook to use, since my last name is Hooks.  Then I used it as a layer in Photoshop, added text layers for “Hooks” and “DS106″ and used a layer transform […]
  4. smreutter15

    If today was a logo

    So since it’s about 100 degrees outside and I have no AC, my logo represents how I feel right about now. This is my first daily create assignment! I figured in order to keep it under 10 minutes I’d break out my colored pencils from high school and do something I know how to do… Read More
  5. jreingol

    So Many Feels on The Wire This Week.


    The Wire Episode 10: The Cost This episode was jammed pack with all kinds of developments!! Wallace and Omar are staying at the top of my list as McNulty continues to annoy me. McNulty just bothers me because although I know he is probably a good cop and will eventually bring down the whole Barksdale gang, when he isn’t working,… Read more →

  6. tjpeed

    The Right Logo For Me

      Well my daily create took me a lot longer then it should have. My logo has my initials TJP formed together along with my last name down the middle of it. My last name is pretty funny but it is also very memorable which is why I try to incorporate it into a lot […]
  7. killacarms

    How Do You Spell That…?

    Alright, So today’s Daily Create really got my attention. I get to make my own logo… how cool?!?! So as you can obvious tell, my name is CARMELA. Yes, one L, not two. The A is probably the hardest to get because i’m a horrible artist, but it’s a baseball diamond. Baseball is my favorite […]
  8. awallac2

    Daily Create – My Logo

    For today’s Daily Create, I created my logo. I am a space race history and NASA enthusiast (if those are things) and tomorrow I will be starting an internship with the NASA History Office, so I went with a space theme on my logo
  9. nixmem

    Digital Identity Analysis

    I find difficulty in managing multiple social media accounts, but there are some accounts that I use frequently. Although I have a Facebook account, I mainly use its “Newsfeed” feature to see what friends are up to, and what their thoughts are. I’m more of a lurker on Facebook as…
  10. jmeadows128

    So I thought I might just play around a little…

    I was looking through the assignment bank and came across an audio assignment that just seemed too good to wait for.  Play a mystery song in reverse and leave clues as to what it is.  Every body has either heard of or has done this at some point.  Stories abound of the infamous satanic vocals […]
  11. blindside

    First Week!

    What’s going on everyone! I really underestimated how much work this would be. Nonetheless I am still very excited for the course. I have really enjoyed the accounts that I
  12. jmeadows128

    Week 1 Summary

    Well that went by quick!  Intro weeks always seem to fly by, but this one even more so.  This week in ds106, we were tasked with blitzkrieg-ing the world of social media, as well as catching up on episodes of “The Wire”.  Just as an aside before my recap, I have to say that I […]
  13. demifulcher

    Weekly Post #1

    Starting off with the social media sites that needed to be done for the class, I already had a Twitter and a YouTube account, so I just had to make a Flickr and a Sound Cloud. Flickr to me seems like Instagram and Sound Cloud looked like a audio version of YouTube. All and All they
  14. nixmem

    Week 1 Summary

    Creating My Domain Prior to the start of classes, I made sure to carefully follow the directions sent via email to create my website. I had never heard about UMW Domains before, and after learning that each student for their duration at the University of Mary Washington receives a free…
  15. rajonnine

    Week 1 Summary

    My first ds106 blog post! This is awesome! This past week has been somewhat not bad. It was tons of work but fun I would say. I got all of my social media accounts up and running well. Youtube: This video I talk about what I like a bit. Twitter: Can't wait to work with […]
  16. sydb

    Week One

    When I first registered for this class, I was not sure what to expect. I had heard that it required a time consuming relationship with a computer and knowledge of this virtual world. With that being said, this is a whole new experience for me in both aspects, but I am eager to learn. Signing […]
  17. tjpeed

    Week 1 Summary

    During this first week of ds106 there has been a lot of work. I have created more social media accounts this week then I have ever before. I never used Soundcloud or Flickr before. I have a twitter and facebook but I do not post or share stuff on those sites very often. Maybe a […]
  18. athoet

    First week in ds106!

    For our first assignments this week I was actually forced to think about technology and work on social media. Twitter and Facebook were the extent of my technological reach; needless to say, I definitely struggled a bit this week. I did manage to get myself on all the different media outlets in the end and […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

(9 posts)

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