Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Andrew Forgrave

    #ds106zone ? Where is Everybody?

    Okay! So Jim Groom has posted a bit more about the upcoming summer session of #ds106 Digital Storytelling, this incarnation titled #ds106zone  – flavoured with The Twilight Zone. Not that anyone needs an excuse to watch old episodes of the series, but I’ve been looking forward to this all the same.  Who knows, the series ...
  2. Andrew Forgrave

    Rhizomatic Pre-show of Learning

    This is the Dave Cormier SMART Table-enabled Rhizomatic Pre-Show of Learning as realized by @giuliaforsythe‘s hand and my iPhone and Photoshop. Enjoy. Sorry the GIF is as big as it is, but you know them rhizomes just spread out and take over everything.
  3. Andrew Forgrave

    May the Fourth Be With You

    Today is Star Wars Day! The large graphic was sourced on the internet — it was there in a gazillion variations (I gather it was designed to promote the full, six-movie DVD release). I adjusted the canvas size to extend the black background to better fit a desktop wallpaper, if you want to use it ...
  4. Andrew Forgrave

    The Girl’s Amazing Eyes

    I spent some time this evening watching the first half of Mario Bava’s The Girl Who Knew Too Much (this weeks entry in Jim Groom’s BavaFestival) , and I just had to stop watching and make a GIF.  I was moved to start GIFfing by number of wonderful bits in fairly rapid succession, and I wanted to ...
  5. Andrew Forgrave

    BavaFest (Black Sunday) Asa Wants Out !!

    I’m behind in Jim Groom’s Mario Bava Festival — put it down to an intermittent Internet connection, … and other stuff.  In getting caught up, here’s an initial contribution (albeit tardy) for the Week 1: Black Sunday (1960). I did spend quite a bit of time on this GIF, getting rid of some lighting artifacts. ...
  6. Andrew Forgrave Fireworks

    This little item doesn’t re-draw as nicely as I’d like within my WordPress theme when you try to view it on a mobile device (the canvas is on a page that is iframed into the WordPress post framework, which then gets morphed by the Responsive coding now present in the theme). If it looks a ...
  7. Andrew Forgrave

    Bava for The Bava: Count Floyd Style

    A couple days back, Jim Groom tweeted out about Mario Bava films. After a short twitter conversation comparing respective access, I was all set, and shortly thereafter, after deciding to start with “Planet of the Vampires,” the following ensued. If you were ever a fan of Monster Chiller Horror Theatre on SCTV, you will no doubt ...
  8. Andrew Forgrave

    Audio Submissions for the @scottlo The Driveby Show

    In follow-up to the Scott Lo (@scottlo) request for .mp3 audio submissions (see “Audio Assignment 985: Scott Lo The Driveby Show Interactive Audio Contribution “ for his new #ds106radio The Driveby Show show (avlid RAS syndrome by not using acronyms!), here are some files that I’ve posted: Apparently it’s the weekend (Thursday, Frida) in Saudi ...
  9. Andrew Forgrave

    THX1138 Flees the Chrome-Faces

    I’ve taken a little break from yesterday’s GIF (it’s a little bit busy here) but thought I’d take a few minutes to work on this little pursuit GIF from the same film, a scene where THX1138 (played by Robert Duvall) flees the motor-bike riding Chrome Faced Officers — THX 1138 has a fancy car that ...
  10. Andrew Forgrave

    Helping out Officer Chrome Face

    These are workable looping GIFs that are portions of what I hope will be a more complete GIF. This poor Chrome-face robot officer from THX1138 is having problems dancing with the wall. Due to a slight adjustment of the camera angle during filming, Chrome-face’s feet aren’t fully visible at the beginning of the shot, but ...
  11. Andrew Forgrave

    Invoking Enthusiastic Participation

    I’m suddenly tempted to go deep, and speak of motivation, engagement, self-directed learning, motion and agency, purpose, creativity and community, but I’ll just let those words float there and share this: Find out more about The @scottlo Driveby Show, and how to listen and participate.
  12. Andrew Forgrave

    The #ds106radio @scottlo Driveby Show. He’s in a Yaris.

    In what promises to be yet another wonderful ‘slice of life’ internet production, our friend-in-the-field, Scott Lo (@scottlo), has launched (at 6000 RPMs!) The Driveby Show. ‘Casting early in the morning from his considerately time-shifted home base of Saudi Arabia, after a bowl of his favourite Grape Nuts cereal, Scott begins his day with his ...
  13. Andrew Forgrave

    Blog in Haste, Redact At Leisure

    I don’t have time to sort this out now. Sorry.  And you should know that this post is on its THIRD title. I changed the title post from its FIRST title: Can #%^&*@ You @%$#^*& Now ??? to the second title: Can (as in Terminate) You Now and from that to the current title because my ...
  14. Andrew Forgrave

    The Tenets of Dudism

    I can’t pretend that I fully understand the deeper nuances of Jim Groom’s new Animated GIF assignment 972, “At Least It’s an Ethos,” (“…so Walter Sobchack is referring to Nihilism in the scene we are quoting when defining National Socialism as an ethos, my idea for this (now convoluted) assignment ….“) but I figured that ...
  15. Andrew Forgrave

    Bring IT, Together! #1

    The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) will be hosting its 2013 annual conference this year in Niagara Falls, Ontario, October 23rd-25th. It will be a blast!! In working up a logo for the event, somehow an animated GIF crept into my visualization process. Can you imagine? Somehow, my imagination has a series in the ...
  16. Andrew Forgrave

    ds106radio Listen! page going live

    I’m uploading the moving target version of the ds106radio Listen page (formerly know as the Can You Hear Me Now Browser Player experiment) to and for the time being will point the Feedback? link here. the “MiniPlayer” option is still to be implemented. For those wanting to listen in their browser, this will ...
  17. Andrew Forgrave

    My Kung Fu has Rust on Its Rust

    Metaphor One: Kung Fu Back in the previous millennium (before they had their own short-lived series, and before that other momentarily topical and slightly longer running spin-off ), I used to really enjoy whenever The Lone Gunmen showed up on The X-files. Whereas Mulder and Scully were the often serious FBI suits that ran around ...
  18. Andrew Forgrave

    Entre Nous

    The Lyric Typographic Poster design assignment asks that you choose one of your favorite lines from a song and illustrate it using only typography. “Consider how the font, color, sizes and placement of the typography can reflect or emphasize the meaning of the words.” I’ve been meaning to use this lyric for the Lyric Typographic ...
  19. Andrew Forgrave

    Wicker Baby: Ping Pong Frustration?

    Perhaps you can come up with a better story than I have?   Jabiz Raisdana (@intrepidteacher) tweeted out a picture of this doll sitting on the wicker chair in the sun back on January 30th. At the time, the doll looked spooky and looked GIFable. I asked Jabiz for a few more pictures, and, despite ...
  20. Andrew Forgrave

    This Man is Your Friend

    Another ds106 assignment for Design Week is the ds106 Propaganda Poster: Create a propaganda poster for ds106. Use your photo editing software of choice and write a message to inspire your fellow ds106ers. If you don’t know Alan Levine (and many of you must, if you are reading this via the ds106 stream), then you ...
  21. Andrew Forgrave

    Can Four Bits Really Relate the Whole ???

    Prologue Now I have known for years that two-bits is a quarter, and four bits is fifty cents. In fact, use of the word bits in currency terms had all but stopped before I was born, because I remember asking “what does two-bits mean?” when I heard my parents and aunts and uncles using the ...
  22. Andrew Forgrave

    Photoblitzin’ Some Awesome

    Thursday evening I undertook my first official, as-defined-by-ds106 photoblitz. With a time constraint of twenty minutes, only the immediately available surroundings as subject, and a randomly generated set of seven prompts for focus, I took 38 photos, and from those, selected seven to share (plus the two bracketing start/stop time photos). The images were photographed ...
  23. Andrew Forgrave

    Work Space (Animated GIF)

    On January 14th, 2013, The Daily Create 372 asked for a photo “of your favorite place to work (desk, comfy chair, etc.),” and this was the image that I envisioned, my work space at home where I do the bulk of my ds106 stuff. It took a while to implement the idea. but here it ...
  24. Andrew Forgrave

    Manufacturing Radio: This is That

    I’ve long been a fan of This is That, a radio program produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). If you have not yet heard it, or heard of it, I highly recommend it to your attention. My introduction to the show (on two separate occasions) came while driving in the car — and in ...

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