Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
This is my attempt at a DesignBlitz of my own! Throughout the week I went around DC and managed to take quite a few decent photos for this DesignBlitz assignment, as well as some pictures while I was just sitting...
I’ve never really thought of design as anything more than just fancy colors or photos that just happened to be there and were appealing to the eye. That is, until I started reading into these articles. As I read these...
Daily Create time! Now I get to showcase my three chosen Daily Creates that I have completed throughout the week. Let’s begin! For this Daily Create, I had to find a simple, ordinary photo and relate it to being an...
“For this assignment, you get to design your very own t-shirt! Find a blank t-shirt template, then add a picture or some text. It could be a joke, a pop culture reference, a movie quote, or anything else you want.”...
“Create some sort of graphic. Design the overall graphic to convey some sort of feeling or theme, but then have text saying something completely contradictory to the theme or feeling. Sort of like one of those old anti-motivational posters, but...
“For this assignment, I was inpired by Carson Berrier’s “Creat A Magazine Cover” assignment. It reminded me of the time I did the “Vogue Challenge” on Instagram a couple of months ago. The steps for this process are easy, first...
Soooooo…. This week was quite the handful. There was so much stuff to do this week, I almost couldn’t keep up! But let me run you through it. I got to listen to “Moon Graffiti“, which was super interesting and...
Yay! Daily Create Time! Let me show you what I did. So, Wednesday, I had to essentially just photoshop some crazy glasses onto a photo of myself. Cool, right? Thursday, I had to remix my own DS106 trading card. I...
It has been a very long time since I have listened to the radio now that things like Spotify exist. Listening to the radio this week was an interesting experience to undergo once again. It was very enlightening to hear about what...
This was my excellent attempt at making a radio bumper for DS106 radio. It definitely has some elements of my background into it, I mean, these are the kinds of radio bumpers I would hear all the time growing up...
“It is always such a wonderful thing to hear a bright cheery voice delivering the Good Morning Message in The Village. Why don’t you bring some joy to the day and to your fellow Residents by creating and recording a wonderful message of community and...
“Poetry is meant to be read aloud. Select a poem – it can be a personal favorite or one you find randomly – and read it aloud in a way that itself makes it a story.” This is my favorite...
So… Imagine it’s the first day of 11th grade. You just got a brand new car for your 16th birthday earlier, and you’re BEGGING your dad to let you drive it to school on the first day. He agrees, but...
How does sound drive stories? How does it impact mood and create atmosphere? How do the ideas in Abumrad’s videos relate here? Write a blog post on your thoughts on audio storytelling. Use specific examples and embed them in your...
Here are a few radio show ideas that I think could be quite useful! I think we should have some sort of storytelling show, but more in a gossip-y sense. If we all shared some kind of chisme (tea) for...
This week was a bit more difficult, BUT, fun nonetheless! One of the assignments I had to do was this “Become A Better Photographer” assignment. I essentially sort of analyzed some photos that I had previously taken from a photographer’s...
“Use photos you have taken, or photos you have, as much as you can, but focus on how the images function as photographs rather than your personal connection to the subjects or events.” I took this photo while I was...
“In the next 20 minutes, try to capture as many of the photo ideas listed as you can.” Bet! This was a really exciting challenge! I had fun trying to get everything done on time, even though I really didn’t...
“Good ole’ Forrest Gump. He always manages to find himself at the center of history, and using photo editing software, so can you. Find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene, just like Forrest Gump.” Recognize this photo?...
“Are you bored with money? Is George looking old and tired? Let’s give him a digital facelift!” So, I did! Doesn’t it look so much better? Took me a hot second to make, but it was worth it! Now, I...
“Using Adobe photoshop or a comporable program, create a clipping mask with text. Use an image from earth or grass and use the lasso or selection tool to add blades of grass outside the mask. Add a drop shadow or...
This week was honestly quite stressful. Normally, I’m sure that if I hadn’t gotten milk spilled on my laptop, I would have been able to have a grand old time completing assignments peacefully. Unfortunately, life is not like that. On...
My Character’s Past My host character is a fourteen year old boy. Unfortunately, he is chronically online, and he has been for a really long time. Ever since he got his first laptop at the age of five, and his...
Idea: Stalin, Cesar Chavez, Kim Jong Un, Ivan The Terrible, Mussolini, ANY EVIL political figure, Bloody Mary, etc. Setting: 50 years in the future more or less, still modern-era Beginning: One of these evil figures somehow gets resurrected into modern-day, just wakes up randomly in the middle of DC (this is important) Important checkpoints -Meets […]
Mami, te quiero mucho. Pero la cosa es, aunque yo te amo demasiado, quisiera que fueras mejor madre. Eres mejor ahora, pero porque no fuiste mejor antes? Porque me hisiste tanto daño cuando era pequeña? Me has dañado permanentemente, y ahora soy una persona que no puede gritar sin llorar. No puedo discutir sin lágrimas. No puedo decirle “no” […]
“For this writing assignment, please describe a time in which you felt that your life might have been better if you had never laid eyes upon a computer because of some digital loss that you suffered.” Imagine this. It’s the third week of class, you’re in your Spring semester of your sophomore year and you’ve […]
This week was pretty difficult, but I got a lot done! I managed to complete three unique assignments that really inspired me and made me think inside of myself for a moment. It was a nice break from the usual STEM stuff that I do, which was extremely difficult and mind-boggling. I completed an Event […]
“Design a poster for an upcoming event, it could be a concert, a car show, really anything you want, the event can even be made up. Be creative and have fun with it.” I designed a poster for a fake event! Sort of? But yeah, come to the daily DS106 class every day at every […]
“Have you ever made a mental list of things you wanted to do or try or jokingly said “That’s going on my bucket list!” Well, now is the time to stop messing around and actually make a bucket list.” So, a few things that would go on my bucket list would be: Customize my website […]