Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. bellekid

    Digital Dynamite Bumper

    For my Digital Dynamite Bumper, I wanted to keep people interested in our show and also encourage our listeners to interact with us on Twitter, mentioning to tweet us with comments using the #ds106radio hashtag. I recorded my audio on my iPod Touch using Voice Memos then emailed it to myself and edited it on ...
  2. bellekid

    Digital Dynamite Commercial

    For my Digital Dynamite Commercial, I wanted to emphasize not only our talents that we would be displaying on the show but also encourage our listeners to interact with us on Twitter, mentioning to tweet us with comments using the #ds106radio hashtag. I recorded my audio on my iPod Touch using Voice Memos then emailed ...
  3. bellekid

    The Serger Story…

    When I saw the two star Familiar Sounds assignment, I knew that I could use the sound I recorded from my serger. This is the sound story created by serging the cuffs of a pair of pants. As I serge I go quicker sometimes than I do others and often have to stop to adjust ...
  4. bellekid

    Designing is not Sewing: Week 6

    Design is my second favorite part of ds106, right behind photography so I was excited when I realized that this was Design Week in ds106. I spent more time on design assignments than I thought that I would, but it was worth it. I started off the week by downloading GIMP after struggling to open some files ...
  5. bellekid

    Daily Creates (February 18-24)

    Friday, February 22: Add a Caption to a Photo that Makes it Say the Opposite of What it Looks Like it Means. Saturday, February 23: Bumper stickers are statements- draw one about ds106 you’d like to see. Sunday, February 24: Take a picture of something you made, be it food, art, or something else. Ode ...
  6. bellekid

    Design Safari: UMW Poster Edition

    For this week’s Design Safari, I decided to focus on posters that I found around my dorm. There are a ton of them hanging up and although I see most of them every day, I have never stopped to think about their design.   There is unity in the design of the “Where is my ...
  7. bellekid

    Crack Spirit Guide: The GIRLS Trading Card

    Making movie trading cards is easier than I thought it would be when I decided to do the Movie Trading Card Assignment. I wanted to make a more traditional movie trading card and not a Pokemon card so I lucked out when I found this trading card from Silkwood. I chose to base my trading ...
  8. bellekid

    Talking + Alcohol = Watch What Happens: Live

    I guess you can say that I’ve fallen in love with making minimalist posters this week since this is my third one. I have been enjoying the challenge of making them this week and learning how to use GIMP in the process. My best friend got me hooked on Bravo’s Watch What Happens: Live with ...
  9. bellekid

    Bagman for President!

    One of my favorite things about ds106 is Bagman. The character created by Brian Short is a bit of a legend among those involved in ds106 and rightly so. When I saw that there was an assignment to help out Bagman’s Presidential Campaign, I jumped on the chance to make a poster for him. After ...
  10. bellekid

    Visit District 7!

    One of the few problems that I had when I read The Hunger Games was the lack of description about most of the Districts. This did not really affect me in any way until I saw the Minimalist Travel Posters Based In Movies Assignment and I wanted to pick a District to create a travel ...
  11. bellekid

    Tales Of The City: Minimalist Style plus a Tutorial

    I wanted to do a minimalist cover for Tales Of The City, one of my favorite book series, but I noticed that there was no minimalist book cover assignments, so I made one. I wanted to show off the location of the books, which are set in San Francisco, and chose the Golden Gate Bridge to represent the ...
  12. bellekid

    Stitching Together a Movie in 4 Icons

    When it came time to do my One Story, Four Icons assignment, I’ve realized that I have a bit of an odd taste in movies. I’d much rather see live theatre or go to a concert than watch a film, and the films I do tend to watch tend to be not all that mainstream. ...
  13. bellekid

    Stitching Together Some Photographs: Week 5

    When I found out that we were doing photography this week, I was understandably excited. I got an amazing Sony Hyperzoom camera for Christmas this year and was excited to experiment some more with it. Starting off this week, I actually had to go in a different direction for a bit. We were told to ...
  14. bellekid

    Daily Creates (February 11-17)

    Monday, February 11: Take a photo of someone other than you using your favorite type of technology Wednesday, February 13: Take a picture of something brand new. Like shiny. Sunday, February 17: Take a picture of something you made, be it food, art, ...
  15. bellekid

    My Newspaper Poetry looks like the AIDS Quilt…

    I did not think that my Newspaper Blackout Poetry assignment would be so challenging when I started it, but it was. I chose an editorial about Obama’s Inaugural Speech from the New York Times and managed to turn it into a poem about the history of the Gay Rights Movement. I had to scan my piece into my Macbook ...
  16. bellekid

    My Best Photos

    I chose ten photos so far to put in my ‘Best Photos’ set on flickr. All of these photos I feel have a story behind them and are each unique in their own way. I chose The Openness of Columns because I liked the lines and the shades in it. When I took it, I ...
  17. bellekid

    Photoblitzing: Ball Hall style!

    As someone who loves doing photography, I loved our photoblitz assignment. Being at Mary Washington where there are tons of nifty things to look at and see, I had many places where I could photograph but chose the exterior of Ball Hall, my residence hall. When all was said and done, I took 32 photographs ...
  18. bellekid

    Defamiliarizing Ball Hall…

    When I discovered the Mission: Defamiliarize assignment, I immediately knew that I had to do it. I love taking photographs of details, at odd angles and focusing on things in a different way. While UMW has plenty of interesting places that I could defamiliarize, I chose Ball Hall, the Residence Hall which I have lived ...
  19. bellekid

    Color Splash is like Dying a Photo…

    I fell in love with the Color Splash assignment as soon as I saw it. My original plan was to use a photo of The Green Monster that I had taken when I toured Fenway Park in Boston last summer but I struggled with it and decided to focus some photos I had taken on ...
  20. bellekid

    A Stimulating Valentine…

    I have a bit of an odd sense of humor which I realized would be perfect for this week’s Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge assignment. As soon as I saw this illustration, I knew what I wanted to do. I decided to make a joke out of the man’s crotch, which the woman in the photo seems to be ...
  21. bellekid

    Yarns Can Be Told With Sound: Week 4

    My week has been hectic, to say the least so I was not able to put as much time towards ds106 as I would have liked to. On top of my ds106 work which included cohosting the ds106 show and tests and papers for other classes, Harvey went into tech this week, meaning that the costumes ...
  22. bellekid

    Daily Creates (February 4-February 10)

    Monday, February 4: Create an acrostic poem that includes item of clothing that you’re currently wearing. My Class Ring Circled around my finger a Large band of white gold. Adorned with a large Stone. White in color Sparkling in the light. Relic of an era gone by I wear my ring with pride. Now that ...
  23. bellekid

    Listening to Vocal Yarns…

    Listening to the Doppelganger episode of This American Life really made me think about how radio is done. The show included an audio clip of SNL’s Weekend Update segment of Actor Fred Armestein impersonating This American Life host Ira Glass. I was not familiar with Ira Glass before listening to this clip so I was ...
  24. bellekid

    A Radio Bumper can be a Yarn…

    When I was tasked with making a bumper for ds106radio, I was straight up terrified. Before this week, I had never done any real audio work and had no idea what to do. Thankfully, I have realized that I am good at teaching myself technology so once I got a feel for what a radio ...
  25. bellekid

    How Yarns are Different on the Radio…

    This week we were instructed to watch some YouTube videos in which two radio experts, Ira Glass and Jad Abrumrad talk about storytelling on the radio and how it is different from other forms of media. As a print journalist, I really connected with what the men were saying, as there are a lot of ...
  26. bellekid

    Sewing sounds nice…

    When we were given the assignment this week to make a sound story, I was terrified. I have never dealt solely with sound before and was nervous about doing sound editing, especially when I realized that I would need to make a sound story with only sound effects and no spoken words. My first thought ...
  27. bellekid

    Can You Dig It?

    When I was told that I would need to listen to ds106 radio this week, I was not sure what to expect. I had seen talk on twitter about it, but, having never listened to internet radio before, I went in with no real expectations. I decided to listen in on Wednesday night after being ...
  28. bellekid

    Sew I hosted the ds106 show…

    Tuned into #theds106radio show on #ds106radio —or is it #theds106 show on #d106radio ?Listening to @bellekid and @foxylee13 @dzim1 — The Focus Zone (@TheFocusZone) February 4, 2013 I was a ds106 guinea pig of sorts this week, that is that this week was the first week that students co-hosted the ds106 show with cogdog, and ...
  29. bellekid

    What is a yarn? Week 3 of ds106.

    Although people have said that Bootcamp was the hardest week in ds106, I found this week to be more challenging than any of bootcamp was. In part, this may have been because I did not start my work for the week until Thursday night due to other things going on in my life or because ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]