Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @cpsc106

    Final Project – Weekly Summary

    This final is pretty open ended. My group and I decided that the most important parts to focus on were 1) making the project fit into multiple medias and 2) relate to the course theme, the 80s. The two media platforms we decided to post our project on were Soundcloud and YouTube, some of the most popular sites for audio and visuals, respectively. Our project is going to relate to
  2. @cpsc106

    Week 11 – Video Show Progress

    After making our individual trailers, my group met on Zoom and discussed how we wanted to do this final video project. It was pretty cool that all of us had never met before this class and our formed together because none of had groups already. It’s even cooler than all 5 of decided to stay together for an optional group project. Sort of shows the power of the internet. Our
  3. @cpsc106

    Week 11 – Weekly Summary

    Here is my blog post and Group Project Video this week: I am very proud of my editing work. It took around 4 or 5 hours in total because I received raw footage from 4 different people without too much structure. My group mates gave me a lot of awesome content, so I had to work with. I edited my video into four sections with themes. This helped me provide
  4. @cpsc106

    Week 10 – Weekly Summary

    This week was fun. I’m excited to be working with the same group again. This week consisted of two video assignments. Videos are my specialty. For both assignments I used iMovie. First, I looked into the video effects of a scene from The Breakfast Club, and 80s movie. I used my voice commentary to break the scene up into four different clips to highlight video storytelling elements. Secondly, I did
  5. @cpsc106

    Week 10 – Post Coronavirus Trailer and Blog Post

    I meant to put five students instead of four! The group I met on Twitter for the first project all decided to come together again for this optional project! This time, we all met on Zoom and discussed our plan. That was the first time I have used Zoom. It works really well, and we were all able to get our ideas across. We are going to do a documentary
  6. @cpsc106

    Week 9 – Weekly Summary

    That was quite a week. Collectively my household temporarily lost four jobs. Times are tough but it is oddly calming knowing that there are millions in the same position. This week was the first time I got to be on a radio show! Even though it was just the class radio, it was super exciting. Secretly, I made notes just to prepare. Personally, I would love for our class theme
  7. @cpsc106

    Week 9 – Radio Listen

    It was a lot of fun being on the DS106 radio! I was pretty nervous, but I was very focused and excited. I got my friend to listen to the show and a couple of my group members were listening. Thank you for Professor Bond for setting up the Skype call! It was pretty cool hearing my group project being presented live. I think we did a great job of
  8. @cpsc106

    Week 8 – Weekly Summary

    Here is the final product! What a ride! Here is my other post for the week – Thank you Lewis for hosting, Kyle for editing, and Lilian and Hayden for “calling in” with me! It is so awesome to listen to the final product. There was a lot of coordination that went into this! I hope to take this energy into next week, and future group projects!
  9. @cpsc106

    Week 8 – Radio Show Progress

    Wow, what a week. This was my favorite week in DS106 so far. Through a few meetings, both online and in-person, my group was able to coordinate and execute a plan for the radio show. In hindsight, I think we over-prepared, but I suppose that’s not such a bad thing! This project was challenging because we had to meet online, and create a 5 person project without ever being able
  10. @cpsc106

    Week 7 – Weekly Summary

    Here is all of my posts for the week – So far this was my favorite week. I had a really rough week outside of school so this was a healthy outlet for me. As usual, the daily creates a good way for me to do something creative without feeling like I have to make it perfect or getting overwhelmed. The daily create about the old illustrations was my favorite
  11. @cpsc106

    Week 7 – Audio Assignments

    Both of my audio assignments are relevant to my group’s radio show! The first one is me advertising the 1985 NBA Finals with an 80s sounding introduction. I used the real player names and the real network. Spoiler, the Lakers won. The second one I took an 80s hip hop beat and made a simple bumper for the radio show! I made both in audio and took audio from YouTube
  12. @cpsc106

    Week 7 – Radio Show Progress

    So far, this has been my favorite week of class. I was getting pretty tired of the routine of a weekly lesson and then a few assignments. For the radio show, I met my group on Twitter. One team member tweeted about wanting a group and had one classmate reply. Professor Bond then retweeted them, and I was able to reach out. Afterward, two other members joined our group for
  13. @cpsc106

    Week 5 – Weekly Summary

    Here are the links to all my posts this week: Audio creation definitely was the hardest unit for me so far. There is definitely a learning curve for digital audio creation because there are lot of softwares and tools. I think I could have spent more time this week learning but it was just hard for me to get into it because I am not very good at using computers.
  14. @cpsc106

    Week 5 Assignment Write Ups…Digital Audio has a learning curve

    This week I did 3 audio assignments. Make it 800% slower was pretty straightforward. I took a part of a song (a.lone by XXXTENTACION), and in Audacity, the recommended software, I used “change tempo”. The slowed down clip sounds real choppy but I saw somebody explain in the Youtube comment section that this is the software’s fault. It doesn’t sound that good but that’s fine because I learned how to
  15. @cpsc106

    Week 5 – Audio Reflection

    Jad Abumrad does a great job advocating for radios. In How Radio Creates Empathy, Abumrad explains how lacking visuals has to power to bring people together through imagination. In the second video he compares modern day story telling to old-fashioned shamanism. I understand his point and I appreciate his passion for the art form. Music has a way of bringing people together and feeling the same vibes, and radio is
  16. @cpsc106

    Week 4 – Weekly Summary

    Here are all my posts for the week – Telling Stories with Photographs Photo Reflection Photoblitz Summarize A Movie With Animated Gifs Multiply Yourself Design To Shock Assignment Write-Ups…Photoshop is hard. That’s a lot of posts! This week was the most time consuming for me so far, even over last week. However, I did better at managing my time and I was finally able to accomplishment goal (which I failed
  17. @cpsc106

    Week 4 Assignment Write-Ups…Photoshop is hard.

    For this week’s visual assignments, I chose 3 different 4 star assignments. All of them were very straightforward, and like my photoblitz, I want my work to speak for itself, because isn’t that sort of the point of visual storytelling? The first assignment i did was Summarize A Movie With Animated GIFs. I chose Monsters Inc, and picked all of my favorite parts of the movie and put them in
  18. @cpsc106

    Week 4 – Photoblitz

    I am choosing not to write about any of these photos because I want the photos to tell the story on their own. They’re all around. Make a photograph of a wheel near you. Take a photo of something that you are envious of (physical or metaphorical).  Make a monochrome photo (monochrome doesn’t have to mean black and white) Take a photo showing the wide open space, the great outdoors.
  19. @cpsc106

    Week 4 – Photo Reflection

    I have taken a lot of photos of the years. I started as a kid, when I was gifted a disposable camera and taken on a hike by my Grandpa. I took photos of trees, water, and animals. I had a great time, I was proud of my work, and it was a great introduction into photography. I still have these photos today. My next camera was part of Nintendo
  20. @cpsc106

    Week 4 – Telling Stories with Photographs

    David Griffin’s Ted Talk made me realize that I am using my camera how I want to. Griffin did a fantastic job of explaining how photos can tell a story, be educational, and lead to change. My favorite part of the talk was the story of how the photographer found a new way of looking at the slums of Mumbai, India. After browsing the four links Professor Bond provided, I
  21. @cpsc106

    Week 3 – Weekly Summary

    Here are my other 5 posts for the week The Role-Playing Game Postcards From The Past… A Story in Alphabet Assignment Write-Ups Story Analysis This week was the most challenging one yet. I think I am spending too much time trying to figure out the assignments, and instead, I need to let my creativity flow and try to relax, learn and enjoy. I did my daily creates and assignments first.

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