Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. devangel426

    My Best Flickr Set!

    Creating a set on flickr was a bit confusing because of how outdated the tutorial was but I was able to figure it out quickly. I chose the five best photos I had uploaded. I tried downloading a plugin to allow the set itself to be embedded on this post but it refused to work […]
  2. devangel426


    I must admit, I had a lot of fun doing this assignment. I got to be creative with some of the photos I took for this assignment, and I’m pretty satisfied with myself with the photos I obtained. All the photos I took were based in my room and some parts of my dorm. I […]
  3. devangel426

    Beautiful Sounds of Life (Daily Create 9/27)

    Hey guys! While on my way to street hockey today, I thought to myself, hey, it’s beautiful out and there’s a lot of things going on that makes life the beautiful thing it is. I recorded some sounds from nature and other such commotions outside while on my walk towards hockey. Enjoy!
  4. devangel426

    Northern VA Radio Hot 99.5 (Daily Create 9/25)

    I was born and raised from Northern Virginia, and I became accustomed to this radio station. I turned it on today and I heard a local traffic report and the station playing the song “Black Widow” by Iggy Azalea. This station is known to play a lot of popular, mainstream songs, which sometimes they play […]
  5. devangel426

    Weekly Summary #4

    Comments: Ryan’s Blog: Katie’s Blog: Cooper’s Blog: Alicia’s Blog: Hope’s Blog: My Daily Creates for this week. This week was pretty eventful to say the least. I learned a lot, especially in terms of audio and radio. I started out by listening to Ira Glass’ video and I thought that was very motivational. He put […]
  6. devangel426

    Daily Creates for Week 4

    The daily creates this week were pretty fun I must say. I started off this week by taking a picture of a stranger, who introduced himself as Devin, and he happened to be a classmate in my Math 471 class. He gracefully accepted my request to take a picture him, and I began to start a […]
  7. devangel426

    Talking to Machines?! (Listening to Stories)

    For the listening to stories assignment, I decided to choose the “Talking to Machines” one because out of all the options available, this one intrigued me the most. I definitely recommend a listen to this because it covers a lot of interesting topics. They start off by interviewing a man named Dr. Robert Epstein, who […]
  8. devangel426

    Listening to the DS106 Radio

    I don't know about the other listeners, but I think we could do better with the music selection here. #ds106radio — Kevin Le (@solidsnake487) September 21, 2014 I tuned onto the DS106 radio today, along with about 12-15 other listeners, and right away, I was disappointed with the music selection. I was hoping they would […]
  9. devangel426

    Great Learning Experience

    Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad covered a lot of topics in such short amount of time. Ira Glass begins by describing the building blocks of audio, which are anecdotes and moment of reflection. Anecdotes are basically used to enlighten boring stories into something much more vibrant and interesting. Also, they can are meant to constantly raise questions and answer […]
  10. devangel426

    Photo of Stranger (Daily Create 9/15)

    This is Devin, a classmate in my Math 471 (Real Analysis 1) class. He has been sitting next to me each class day this semester so far and I questioned myself on why I haven’t introduced myself to him yet. He told me that he loves playing ultimate frisbee, and is on the UMW club […]
  11. devangel426

    Weekly Summary #3

    Comments: Kelsy’s blog: Ryan’s blog: Alicia’s blog: Hope’s blog: Thomas’ blog: This week was definitely interesting and at times a bit frustrating due to some of the assignments and with me trying to figure out how to accomplish some of them. However, this taught me how to be creative with myself and how to think […]
  12. devangel426

    21 Jump Street through Vonnegut’s views

    Morton Schmidt and Greg Jenko are former classmates in high school who meet again at a police academy, as they both attempt to become police officers. Schmidt was a nerd in school while Jenko was a jock. They end up becoming friends at the academy as they help with each others’ weaknesses in the program […]
  13. devangel426

    Randomized Five Card Flickr Story

    Five Card Story: Adventure to Richmond a Five Card Flickr story created by Kevin Le flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching I have always wanted to visit Richmond someday because of all the gorgeous pictures I see my friends upload through […]
  14. devangel426

    DS106 Throwback: iPad in the fridge

    As I am navigating through the in[SPIRE] page, I was aiming for something I thought I found humorous and somewhat clever/witty. I was intrigued by a post called “iPad in the fridge” by Kevin Shavalay, and it made me laugh right away once I saw the picture that was attached to this post. Not only does it provide […]
  15. devangel426

    My Daily Routine

    This is my attempt on a lune poem, and it describes what I do routinely (not each day, but often) and that is make myself some breakfast. However it does not look as fancy as it is being presented I might add, as I am only capable of making cheesy eggs and ham inside a […]
  16. devangel426

    Significance of Storytelling

    Storytelling can have a lot of different meanings according to multiple people. For me, I view storytelling as an action centralizing around one individual: the storyteller. That individual sets the tone of the entire story by introducing a bunch of significant elements that will piece the story together as the story goes on. Storytelling does […]
  17. devangel426

    Weekly Summary #2

    Comments on other people’s blogs: Justin’s Blog: Mike’s Blog: Ryan’s Blog: Amanda’s Blog: Thomas’ Blog: This week was more substantial than the previous week and I must say, it all hit at once when I saw the assignment to do list, but it was inevitable that the workload was going to increase after a pretty simple […]
  18. devangel426

    Reflection on Michael Wesch’s presentation

    After watching Michael Wesch’s lecture, I can say that I really enjoyed it, despite it’s length. I can relate to the part where he explained how students are not usually interested in lectures or just seem to not care, admittedly, because sometimes a professor can make a class not enjoyable just the way he or she […]
  19. devangel426

    DS106Zone Lodown 001 Podcast

    After listening to Scott Lockman’s podcast, I found that he is very informative and forward about his views of the DS106 course. My initial judgements are that he seems to be a very great person to interact with and that he wants to help the students in DS106 to succeed. He has a really good […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]