Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92698 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @eleanorjo


    How is the use of social media contributing to digital transformations in the fabric of everyday life?  The social media must have; Facebook has practically become a necessity in everyday life. From connecting with the friends of our past to making new ones through common interests, it has seriously impacted the fabric of everyday life. It […]
  2. @eleanorjo

    VFL18 Project – 6

    A reflection I think the concept of Selfies of Leicester has turned out amazing! We have reached our goal of connecting with people and giving them interesting content whilst also linking to the view from Leicester concept. We have shown of Leicester in a way thats unique and original and its something that easy to […]
  3. @eleanorjo

    VFL 18 Project – 4

    Uploading to the Instagram We created the Instagram very quickly as its straight-forward and simple, I started by following people we know around Leicester and who would be interested in the content.  This meant that we could get likes and comments and bring some traffic to the page as a start. Charlotte found and followed […]
  4. @eleanorjo

    VFL 18 Project – 3

    Then next step in the Selfies of Leicester journey was taking the images! Charlotte and I went our separate ways to go around Leicester and get the perfect selfies for the insta page! We both used our iPhones to make the selfie taking as straightforward as possible. I saved the old images to my phone […]
  5. @eleanorjo

    VFL 18 project – 5

    The growth of the account 15th April After creating and uploading the first initial pictures we started posting a lot more. Including hashtags and linking locations. This helped the page to grow a lot as people were interacting by likings and following. On my personal account I updated my story asking my followers to go […]
  6. @eleanorjo

    VFL 18 Project – 2

    Selfies of Leicester! Now that I have an Idea established some planning needed to take place to get the ball rolling. Firstly I created an Instagram page to put my images on. This was simple and I started following people I know. (insert Instagram image here) I then needed to find some images of old […]
  7. @eleanorjo

    VFL 18 Project – 1

    For the VFL group project we were asked to come up with an idea that remixed or re-used film from The British Film Council as a creative stepping off point to explore Britishness. We were also asked to create the media around Leicester to show the city in different ways similar to the BFC films giving the project its name. View From […]
  8. @eleanorjo

    Google Draw Something

    For this web assignment is chose to do the google draw something challenge as I looked like a fun game and I liked trying new stuff. When I first opened the game I thought I was clever a tried to skip the instructions, this lead to me thinking that you could draw what you wanted […]
  9. @eleanorjo

    Psycho GIF

    For the Animated GIF assignment I’ve chosen to create a Psycho GIF! This task seemed the most fun to me as I’m a fan of horror films however I’ve never actually watched Psycho, even tho I know a lot about it and I’ve seen clips on the film a thousand times. And also how can […]
  10. @eleanorjo

    The thoughts of my judgemental microwave

    For this writing assignment I chose to take on the challenge of the ‘Monologue of a household tool’ and I decided to go with my microwave. Its only been in my life for around 6 months and it was gifted to me from my grandparents when me and my boyfriend moved into our new flat. […]
  11. @eleanorjo

    Paris disaster map (visual)

    For the visual assignment I created a map of my eventful day In paris that I had over the Xmas holidays. I Found it really fun matching the location to the image and what happened there and it is something that I think I would again on my next big day out. The link below […]
  12. @eleanorjo

    My definition of social media

    My personal definition of social media is anything thing that some one has created and shared online. This has a very wide range of possibilities, however social media really is everywhere and used every second of every day. Whether you are sharing your photography on Instagram or writing your opinions on current politics in a […]
  13. @eleanorjo

    My ‘diamante’ poem

    #tdc2053 I chose to write my diamanté poem about coffee as it is a passion of mine and I’m drinking it whilst writing. A first it found it very easy however towards the second half it got slightly more difficult and I even had to google what a synonym was so……. here it is.   […]
  14. @eleanorjo


    #tdc1553 I found this daily create and it instantly jumped out at me for two reasons. I used to love the PowerPuff girls when I was younger, so much so that went to a fancy dress party as the green one when I was five. And also I actually completed this daily create earlier in […]

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