Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94987 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Emily DelRoss

    My Not-So-Daily Creates

    I have been neglecting my Daily Create Posts lately, so here I am trying to catch up on what I’ve missed. Sorry for the delay!   Saturday, March 3: Take a picture of an instrument that measures something. tdc55 My Watch: The “instrument” that I use most often.   Friday, March 2: Stump us. Record a sound of ...
  2. Emily DelRoss

    Eagle Radio: Second Recording Session

    Once again, team Eagle Radio was on a productivity streak last night! We were able to record basically the whole second half of the show, including a second comercial and bumper and another interview. Margaret was able to get in contact with a Ms Jane Tyler Coats who graduated from UMW in ’75. She was ...
  3. Emily DelRoss

    Eagle Radio Gets Productive!

    Today our group was so super duper productive! It was crazy. During the day today, I wrote up the script for the fictional character that we decided to interview from 1908 when UMW first opened. I looked to the most popular names of the year to make her name: Ethel Roberts. (Ethel was one of ...
  4. Emily DelRoss

    Eagle Radio Update

    My radio group (AKA Eagle Radio) just had a super productive meeting!!! I was feeling really nervous about completing this assignment because it seems like such a big undertaking, but after our meeting, I’m actually feeling really good about it! Candice, Leslie, Margaret, and I met at the Washroom and planned out our show. We decided ...
  5. Emily DelRoss

    “In Dog We Trust”

    Before class tonight I spent about forty-five minutes listening to a segment entitled “In Dog We Trust” from  “This American Life.” It took some time for me to select a show I wanted to listen to becuase they all had such intreguing titles. (Titles are kind of my weakness; they are the one component of almost any media ...
  6. Emily DelRoss

    Brittany’s (Un)Interesting Story

    Reading the instructions for this assignment made me laugh out loud (Well, acutally, I’d say it was more of a snicker than a laugh) because my roommate and I always tell each other stories that seem really interesting to us personally, but are really not at all interesting to the other. It’s usually only after ...
  7. Emily DelRoss

    Ice Ice Baby: A Poetic Reading

    This is my first crack at the audio assignments and is a two-star assignment. But, if this one was any indication, I think I’m gonna have a good time with them. Listening to my own voice is the strangest experience; it surprises me every time I hear it. I feel so bad that that is what my ...
  8. Emily DelRoss

    This Week’s Daily Create Recap

    Sunday, February 19: Take a photo that represents your current job, or a job that you once had. Work: I’ve only had three jobs in my life so far and they have all been working in a kitchen. So, much of a day at work for me consists of slicing and chopping. Saturday, February 18: ...
  9. Emily DelRoss

    Your Dreams Out the Window

    This assignment came to me in a day dream. With the recent spring-like weather I’ve found myself fantasizing about warmer weather. Spring break is coming up, and my fantasies about a tropical vacation are becoming distractingly frequent!! I find myself gazing out the window just thinking about how nice it would be to be in my baithing suit on ...
  10. Emily DelRoss

    Last Call

    I just can’t resist one last design assignment! I decided to do the three-star “If Movie Posters Told the Truth” assignment because just this week my sister text me saying that she had just started watching “Bridesmaids” for the first time. She said that she was only into the opening credits and was already dying ...
  11. Emily DelRoss

    A Note on Doodle Notes

    So class on Thursday was my favorite one yet. I just really loved it! For one thing, I wan’t feeling too positive about my work for the design section, but after seeing a bunch of the awesome work that everyone else in the class was creating, it inspired me to step  it up! Secondly, I ...
  12. Emily DelRoss

    Where’s Waldo?

    I decided to do the “Wait, Where’d That Guy Come From?” three-star assignment because I thought it was silly, and I like silly. I looked at the assignment a couple days ago, but couldn’t think of a good idea. And then today it just came to me. A DS106 vision, if you will. The example ...
  13. Emily DelRoss

    Be My Guess(ed)!!!

    Left class tonight feeling very inspired to create some design!! Also, Mr Jim Groom himself helped me figure out (some of) the source of my frustration(s) yesterday! I couldn’t download icons from “The Noun Project” website because they are saved as some weirdo SVG file, and I don’t know what to do with that. But ...
  14. Emily DelRoss

    Another Crack At It

    I am happy to say that yesterday’s frustrations with technology have not spilled over into today! I had class for much of the day and was feeling very hesitant to get back to my room and work on some design assignments because of all the bad vibes I was feeling yesterday. But, today Aviary and ...
  15. Emily DelRoss

    Hitting My Stride

    Just kidding. That was an overstatement. The first assignment I actually completed earlier today (before work) but didn’t have time to blog ‘em up. After getting back from work, I completed this next assignment. So don’t be fooled by the time warp that seems to have occurred here. This is the “Little Caption” assignment, which also happens ...
  16. Emily DelRoss

    My First Design Baby-Step

    This is my first design assignment. Be easy on me, please. I was feeling very overwhelmed with GIMP and got annoyed and frustrated, so I decided to give it a little rest and move on to something else for a bit. I found this assignment and thought it would be perfect for taking a little ...
  17. Emily DelRoss

    Catch Up on Some Daily Creates

    I forgot to post a few of my back logged Daily Creates. So here they are! Friday, February 10: Take a picture of confusion. Get Off My Case Internet Explorer!!: Solution: Google Chrome! Yippy!!   Saturday, February 11: Take a photo that emphasizes the detail of the human hand. Matthew’s Mits: Applying maple icing to his ...
  18. Emily DelRoss

    Last One. I Promise.

    I’ve met my visual assignment star quota and I’m cutting myself off! Done! I keep trying to do other things (such as have a social life or do work for other subjects), and then all of a sudden I realize that I’m back on my computer cropping and whatnot. Thanks DS106!! This time I did ...
  19. Emily DelRoss

    Sweet Potato/Yam Bond

    I’m not certain what the difference is between these two tubers, but I just wanted to make sure I had all my bases covered. I prefer to say sweet potato though (my Rhode Island accent makes yam painful to say.) This assignment is just as ridiculous, if not more, than the last two. However, unlike the ...
  20. Emily DelRoss

    Fat French Toast Cat

    I’m getting all my cat work done and blogged about in one night. They will never be mentioned again on my blog. This is a promise both to you and myself. For this I simply found a super delicious display of French Toast (or Freedom Toast for those of you who wish to be politically ...
  21. Emily DelRoss

    Fat American Gothic Cat

    I HATE CATS!!!! I really hate them. A lot. I hate how they have claws and hide under furniture and jump out and attack your ankles. I hate when cats walk on counter tops or climb onto high cabinets or the top of the fridge and watch you from across the room with their little judgement eyes. I hate that they go to ...
  22. Emily DelRoss

    Color Poppin’ Papa

    To be perfectly honest, this was frustrating. But I was determined to finish what I started and I do actually like the way it came out. This was the original photo.   And here is my final product.   I had a couple failed attempts using online photo editing. Failed attempt number one was Photoshop ...
  23. Emily DelRoss

    Miss Alex Doppelgänger(s)

    When I saw this assignment prompt I immediately thought of one of my bestest friends from back home, Alex. I’ve known her for about 5ish years and we have silly adventures (which usually include visiting some underappreciated outdoor location and enjoying a deliciously bad-for-you food item) together at regular intervals while I’m home. We met ...
  24. Emily DelRoss

    hEAR me out!

    Today’s prompt: Make a photo that represents something that you aspire to be or do one day.   This prompt couldn’t be better timed. Recently I have realized that I’m not as good a listener as I perceived myself to be. This is very upsetting! I always thought that I was somewhat gifted at helping ...
  25. Emily DelRoss

    Miss ‘em

    Today’s prompt: Create a photograph that represents the happiest or most memorable moment in your life. Meet my family!!! I’ve been missing them a whole lot lately. This picture was taken along the ridge of Crate Lake, in Oregon. Two summers ago, my sister Hilary was living out there, so we all decided to go out and visit her and ...
  26. Emily DelRoss

    Just Testing the Waters

    Here comes my first visual assignment people! DS106 is about to get real!!! Brace yourself!   So I just had class where we got to listen to Professor Alan Levine give us a brief run-down on how to make our photography better. I love taking pictures, but I realize that I am not very good ...
  27. Emily DelRoss

    Another cup, comin’ atchya!

    I just finished the most delicious mid-afternoon snack I have had in quite some time! It was the inspiration for this post. Allow me to set the scene…. Today has been a very pleasant day, even though it is a Monday. This semester Monday’s are actually my most relaxed and enjoyable day of the week ...

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