Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @jamesrxss

    I’m Off

    This blog is now closed. All of the content and more from before and after is available on my active blog: CLICK HERE to access the blog Thanks for reading, see you on the other site. Advertisements
  2. @jamesrxss

    How is the Use of Social Media Contributing to Digital Transformations in the Fabric of Everyday Life?

    This post discusses the affect social media has on modern life, and to what extent the world of social media is merging with real life. The focus will be on education and how education has changed, reflecting on the popularity and engagement of social media. Social media has been defined in many different ways. According […]
  3. @jamesrxss

    We’re All Friend’s Here

    Billboards are found all over in America, but not very often in the UK. Often, on social networking sites such as Facebook, memes are made from funny, supposedly real billboards. These funny or mildly offensive billboards, whether real or fake can often do wonders in helping a company or brand go viral in it’s advertising, […]
  4. @jamesrxss

    Total Darkness

    For today’s theme, I’m going minimalist. What exactly is minimalism? And – Why am I going minimalistic? Well, strictly, I’m meant to do ‘extreme minimalism’, however, that would mean a blank blog post, and that wouldn’t be very exciting for you to read now, would it? However, I think that this picture that I took […]
  5. @jamesrxss

    Slow & Steady Wins The Race

    When delving into the realms of unusual pets, a Tortoise has to be up there as one of them, I would say. Despite this, I am close, personal friends with two tortoises; once owned by my Grandparents, and another owned by some family friends. My Grandparents’ is called Tilly (it used to be called Tommy […]
  6. @jamesrxss

    Let’s Make a Start

    I want to start by welcoming you to this blog of mine, you’ll probably be aware that this blog is going to follow me and my journey through the social media module I’m taking as part of my second year studies on the Media Production BSc course at De Montfort University in Leicester. You don’t […]

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