Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @JasmineAlanis2

    Final Project Summary

    This week, Hannah Duncan, Morgan Roane, and me (Jasmine Alanis) completed all the elements to our final project. We started off our project with collaborating ideas on a google doc. We then laid out the responsibilities regarding each member’s contributions. I was in charge of writing out the plot of the final project, contributing audio
  2. @JasmineAlanis2

    Week 13 Summary – Project Outline

    This week, my super awesome radio show group (Rogue Agents) decided to reunite for our final project! Our group consists of Hannah Duncan, Morgan Roane, and me (Jasmine Alanis). We decided to outline our ideas on a google doc. Essentially, we plan on telling a larger story with many mediums. Our first assignment will be
  3. @JasmineAlanis2

    Weekly Summary: 12

    This week, pollen not only tried to kill me, but it tried to steal my voice this week. It was successful for two days. It’s been fun. SO, as miserable as I felt, I still started my week off right with some daily creates. I highly recommend head over to that post, because I have
  4. @JasmineAlanis2

    Mission Remix

    My original mission idea: DS106 agents have gone missing! We are losing more agents every hour! Create missing agent posters and find a way to bring our agents back home. Follow the clues on twitter to find out who is taking all of our agents. The mission I would like to remix or even mashup
  5. @JasmineAlanis2

    Daily Creates x2

    This week I have been dying of allergies and rethinking ever leaving my house again. So having some daily creates brought some pollen-free sunshine to my week. Day 1: This daily create was dedicated to librarians everywhere! I created the image on Canva and found the quote through a quick google search. All in all
  6. @JasmineAlanis2

    Summary: Week 11

    Do I even have to say it? I started my week off right with some daily creates!! Have a look at them! First: I can fly, I just know I can! #tdc2639 #ds106 #dailycreate — Jasmine Alanis (@JasmineAlanis2) April 3, 2019 Second: Mini CooperGiant PandaFootlong Sub#ds106 #tdc2640 — Jasmine Alanis (@JasmineAlanis2) April 5, 2019
  7. @JasmineAlanis2

    Mission Idea

    DS106 agents have gone missing! We are losing more agents every hour! Create missing agent posters and find a way to bring our agents back home. Follow the clues on twitter to find out who is taking all of our agents.
  8. @JasmineAlanis2

    D-D-Daily creates

    First: For my first daily create, I added a caption to a random image. I don’t have much to say about this other than LOOK AT HOW CUTE IT IS!! I captioned the photo with the exact thought that popped into my head when I saw it. I can fly, I just know I can!
  9. @JasmineAlanis2

    Weekly Summary #10

    This week I started my week off with Daily Creates! Is there any other way to start a week at DS106? One: #tdc2630 #dailycreates — Jasmine Alanis (@JasmineAlanis2) March 26, 2019 Two: #tdc2634 #ds106On your mark,get setYou’ve lived your whole life with internetIt’s nothing new… for you! Okay, I won’t pursue a career in
  10. @JasmineAlanis2

    Daily Creates

    I am back to my old ways, I started my week off with some daily creates!! For my first daily create, I shared a Tolkien quote. I decided to make a visual on canva. All in all, it took about five minutes total. The directions for this daily create were: “Read some of Tolkien’s works
  11. @JasmineAlanis2

    Week 9 Summary

    Assignment Rework I started my 9th week with an assignment rework! I was actually looking forward to do this assignment the most, which is why I didn’t start my week with the daily creates. I was so excited because I am the type of person that loves to reflect. I want to look back at
  12. @JasmineAlanis2

    Radio Show Reflection

    This week I was finally able to listen to everyone’s radio shows! Unfortunately, I could not tweet along due to work commitments. With that being said, I was so impressed with what all the groups were able to come up with, especially Girl Power’s radio show. I am obsessed with the music they used. Girl
  13. @JasmineAlanis2

    Web Storytelling

    For my web storytelling remix assignment, I decided to create the page with instructions for a new assignment. I recently found a web-assignment that asked me to make a BuzzFeed quiz. I thought it would be cool if there was a more specific assignment that required the student to make a BuzzFeed quiz on three
  14. @JasmineAlanis2

    Daily Creates with a Twist (pt.3)

    Surely, if I was a spy, I wouldn’t want my actual picture ever taken. My identity would need to stay concealed of course! After some consideration, I go home and create my very own spy selfie. I include two of the most important spy tools (okay what I would consider two of the most important
  15. @JasmineAlanis2

    Daily Creates with a Twist (pt.2)

    Little Ella is the sweetest and most jealous dog I have ever met. The thought of leaving her is terrifying. So again, I try to focus on the positives. I see a couple of kids at DMV playing a card game, with a closer look, I can see they are playing with Top Trumps cards.
  16. @JasmineAlanis2

    Daily Creates with a Twist (pt.1)

    As I registered to become an organ donor, I tried not to think so morbidly. It was becoming difficult, so I decided to focus on the positives. I could save someone’s life…after death! That is undeniably cool! So I thought about what my heart contained, because I have heard stories about people receiving donor organs

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