Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92913 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @melseykooring

    Weekly Summary (Week Twelve):

    This week allowed me to further strengthen my photo shop skills! I’ve actually really gotten the hang of photoshopping due to this course and it’s a pretty nifty tool to have in my pocket. I’ve also gotten pretty quick at it too. Hence why I’ve finished my weekly work this early in the week! Below […]
  2. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Twelve)

    Below are the three daily create prompts I participated in this week: "We'll call you L, short for Eleven." #ds106 #tdc2133 #strangerthings — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) November 12, 2017 This had to be my favorite one this week! I absolutely love Stranger Things, so when I saw the mention of 11 – I just […]
  3. @melseykooring

    Weekly Summary (Week Eleven):

    Another week, another list of moviemaking assignments! This week ended up being a lot easier and a lot more fun. I believe the reason why is because I actually had a little bit of experience under my belt from last week’s assignments! Below are my creations and experiences with video making this week: The first task […]
  4. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Eleven):

    Its week eleven and I am back to my normal three daily creates this week! Below as the daily create prompts I decided to partake in and my thoughts on them:   Sunflowers are prettier with pop art #tdc2129 #ds106 — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) November 7, 2017 I really enjoyed this daily create prompt, […]
  5. @melseykooring

    Final Crisis (Week Eleven):

    Final Crisis Final Crisis you say? Well since I heavily relate to my super-villain, Jester, I thought of a two interesting ideas for our final project. See below: If there are an even number of students in the course, it would be cool to assign partners (i.e. pair a student who made a superhero with […]
  6. @melseykooring


    Video Essay via Deadpool This week has been all about video! Thus, I was asked to brush up on my video reading/viewing skills via reading Roger Ebert’s How the Read a Movie and viewing some of Tony Zhou’s series Every Frame a Painting. I learned a lot about what goes into making a film reading and viewing the above texts and […]
  7. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Ten):

      This week is back to completing only two daily creates! Which is understandable due to how time consuming video making is! Below are my daily creates this week and my thought processes behind them: In the Halloween spirit, two different doubles that make a whole. #tdc2121 #ds106 #thekennedys — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) October […]
  8. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Nine):

    We are back to completing three daily creates this week, with a twist! The twist is that after we’ve done them, we need to look at them and find a way to tie them together in a story. We are also able to look back at the past week incase we are unable to make […]

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