Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92868 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    Books for Everyone (including animals and the machines) #dailycreate #tdc4396 #ds106

    This 1929 poster is from the Library of Congress archives on Flickr. Letā€™s do an update (maybe most needed now more than ever in the era of banned books in the US). Make your poster or meme more modern but keep the love of books alive in your art. My poster was generated with ā€¦ Continue reading Books for Everyone (including animals and the machines) #dailycreate #tdc4396 #ds106 ?
  2. @FlOv_evelyn

    Not So Daily Creates

    #tdc3799 #ds106 I love this. I want to make a cheesy poster out of it to hang in my space— Evelyn (@FlOv_evelyn) June 7, 2022 I was hoping for a cute pic, but yawns always conquer #ds106 #tdc3800
  3. @HumIsDum

    TDC Jamboree

    by Thomas Pulsifer The first Daily Create I completed this week was Wednesdayā€™s Fingertips-based prompt. Our goal was to creatively contextualize the titles of tracks in Fingertips, a mini-album within They Might Be Giantsā€™ album Apollo 18. Looking around my room for inspiration, I noticed the Sonic the Hedgehog sticker on my water bottle wouldContinue reading "TDC Jamboree"
  4. @wchiltonumw

    Title Change TDC

    My first daily create of this week was based off removing words from books. I used this book because it had a funny title. It also could provide a good message in what happens when you just remove on word from something. It can change the whole meaning of that thing.
  5. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Twelve)

    Below are the three daily create prompts I participated in this week: "We'll call you L, short for Eleven." #ds106 #tdc2133 #strangerthings — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) November 12, 2017 This had to be my favorite one this week! I absolutely love Stranger Things, so when I saw the mention of 11 – I just […]
  6. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Eleven):

    Its week eleven and I am back to my normal three daily creates this week! Below as the daily create prompts I decided to partake in and my thoughts on them:   Sunflowers are prettier with pop art #tdc2129 #ds106 — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) November 7, 2017 I really enjoyed this daily create prompt, […]
  7. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Ten):

      This week is back to completing only two daily creates! Which is understandable due to how time consuming video making is! Below are my daily creates this week and my thought processes behind them: In the Halloween spirit, two different doubles that make a whole. #tdc2121 #ds106 #thekennedys — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) October […]
  8. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Nine):

    We are back to completing three daily creates this week, with a twist! The twist is that after we’ve done them, we need to look at them and find a way to tie them together in a story. We are also able to look back at the past week incase we are unable to make […]
  9. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Eight):

    Daily Creates This week we only had to complete two daily create prompts. The reason we only had to do two prompts this week is because our professor wanted us to put most of our focus on completing our radio shows! So below are the daily create prompts I decided to participate in: #ds106 #tdc2109 […]
  10. @melseykooring

    The Daily Creates (Week Seven):

    The Daily Creates As expected, this week I had to complete three daily creates via Twitter. Below are all my creates and their explanations: Campus is changing #ds106 #tdc2098 — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) October 7, 2017 I AM SO EXCITED IT IS FINALLY STARTING TO FEEL LIKE FALL. When I saw this prompt, I […]
  11. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Six):

    Daily Creates Here are my daily creates this week: Fear of mascots is vastly overlooked #ds106 #tdc2093 — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) October 2, 2017 This daily create made me eminence some (in a good way). I didn’t have an irrational fears as a child, but I remember growing up I loved the show Zoey […]

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