Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Ms. Parker

    Look & Listen

    This week, I picked a movie scene and analyzed it’s video editing techniques. I picked Batman interrogating the Joker from The Dark Knight (2008). Without Sound Without sound, the first scene where the lights turn on and Batman appears becomes very slow and not as startling as I remember. I chose this scene because I ...
  2. Ms. Parker

    Web Work

    Week 9 So this describes my week completely. Hopefully after I turn in my documentary on the memory of the Civil War at Hollywood Cemetery on Tuesday, things will get better. But you didn’t come here to complain about being a student. Fab Five Radio Show Okay. I just have to be biased because I’m ...
  3. Ms. Parker

    A 3-part Daily Create Story

    This week I did three daily creates, as usual. However, in addition to our three daily creates, we had to form a 3-part story out of our daily creates and link them together. Here is my story.   Thursday, March 21st Task: Draw a picture of how waiting for something or someone makes you feel. I originally ...
  4. Ms. Parker

    Way back when β€” ??

    For my final assignment this week, I decided to do one called the Way Back Time Machine. Using the Way Back Time Machine website on Internet Archive, take screen shots of a favorite website overtime. Then, look at how the website has changed for better and worse. I’ve done this before, just for fun, on sites like ...
  5. Ms. Parker

    Henry VIII’s got SWAG – ???

    As a History major, I just had to do this web assignment from the assignment bank called “What They Might Have Done In Social Media.” Now, I was disappointed that the example was Lincoln, mostly because I know a lot about him now that I’m taking Civil War in American Memory. But oh well! I ...
  6. Ms. Parker

    Reading the Real Reddit

    For this week, we’re working on stories on the web. Basically, I’m manipulating a real website page to create a story. I picked’s front page, since it’s a site I use almost daily. I soon realized what I had done. This was a lot more work than I think we were intended to do. ...
  7. Ms. Parker

    A Sketch of Audio: Take 2

    These two (really three) weeks were CRAZY! I learned a lot about Taylor Swift that I didn’t really need to know and that I should really read instructions. I willingly restored my computer on Saturday because I just wanted a fresh start before I started working on my video project for a History seminar. I ...
  8. Ms. Parker

    Holy Foley

    The most terrifying assignment of these two weeks was the Foley one. I’m one of those people that needs a million takes to do anything. “Live” just isn’t easy for me. So the assignment was to make the sounds for a Charlie Chaplin movie. I am born in February, so I had to create the ...
  9. Ms. Parker


    After listening to track after track of Taylor Swift’s instrumentals for the Fab Five radio show, I figured the “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” one would go well with a commercial. It was acoustic guitar, so that got me thinking about maybe an acoustic guitar lesson commercial. I wrote the script and recorded ...
  10. Ms. Parker

    Bumpin Bumper

    For the group radio show assignment, I had to create a bumper to include in the radio show. I used Audition for this assignment. I kind of went off of what I did for my last DS106 radio bumper. I used the opening to “Titanium” by David Guetta feat. Sia which you can listen to here. ...
  11. Ms. Parker


    Week 7 & 8 Daily Creates March 2 Task: Take a photo looking out your best day dreaming window. include the frame in your shot. I was a bit liberal with the meaning of this daily create. I wear glasses, so I figured that they are my best day dreaming windows–plus they have frames! March ...
  12. Ms. Parker

    Guess the Songs β€” ??

    When I’m driving, I can’t look down at my iPod to see what song is playing to determine if I want to keep listening to it (at least not safely). So, I’m a pro at figuring out songs before even a second of the song plays. That’s why I took on this assignment for this week. ...
  13. Ms. Parker

    Lyric Tag β€” ???

    For this week, I needed to complete a couple of audio assignments from the repository. When I saw Music Tag, I knew I had to do it. Really, I like anything with mixing music. This is the assignment description:  Lyrics and songs are great ways to tell stories. Have you notice similar themes extend genres… lyrics ...
  14. Ms. Parker

    A long week

    We worked with design this week. Safari Trip I had planned on going to the mall to complete this, but I don’t have any money for gas right now, so I figured my apartment would be good enough–and more challenging, too. I took a lot of pictures thinking they would be for something else, but ...
  15. Ms. Parker


    This week, I only got three daily creates done. Monday The task: Take a photo of someone that is nice and cozy in a blanket. She is always under her warm blanket. If someone is in the living room, they are using this blanket. Warm and cozy for sure! Thursday The task: Represent your fondest ...
  16. Ms. Parker

    A Blitz of Design

    This week, I had to find things in my environment that represent different aspects of design. Unity The Principles of Design by Joshua David McClurg-Genevese: The concept of unity describes the relationship between the individual parts and the whole of a composition. Items in close proximity to or aligned with one another tend to be ...
  17. Ms. Parker

    And they lived happily ever after β€” ??

    For this assignment, we had to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take the visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of them. I wanted to do a story instead of a movie like most other DS106ers this week. With a story, though, I needed to think of ...
  18. Ms. Parker

    When You See it β€” ???

    As soon as I saw this assignment that asked us to photoshop someone or something that shouldn’t be there into a picture, I knew exactly what I would do: Slender Man. Slender Man Now, if you don’t know who Slender Man is, I pulled a few lines from a Wiki article on him: Slender Man generally ...
  19. Ms. Parker

    A Death Notebook β€” ???

    This was the quickest assignment I have ever done, but it was still some fun. The assignment was to take a title of a well-known book and re-design the cover to suggest something entirely different. I looked at the best-selling books on Amazon to get an idea. Then I figured, why not make something Nicholas ...
  20. Ms. Parker

    Zero Crash Burn β€” ????

    I started this assignment with high expectations. I was going to make a movie poster into something animated. Making a poster even more epic? Definitely going to be good. I researched some posters of movies that came out this year on IMdB. After browsing around for awhile, I picked two posters that I thought would ...
  21. Ms. Parker

    β€œAnyone can be killed.” β€” ???1/2

    For this week’s assignments, I am focusing on design. For my birthday on February 23rd, I received both seasons of Game of Thrones on Blue-ray/DVD. I can’t stop watching it. So my mind has been on Game of Thrones all week. The moment I saw this assignment to make a minimalist movie/tv show poster I ...
  22. Ms. Parker

    Developing Photos

    Being a photographer today means next to nothing. With Photoshop and an expensive camera, it’s not hard to make money from it. Just take a look at this site called You are Not a Photographer. It’s “cool” now to use Instagram. And I refuse to link you to that site because there are better ways ...
  23. Ms. Parker

    Erase the Greyscale – ???

    I saw everyone was doing this “Splash the Color” assignment, so I thought it must be fun then! I knew I had some awesome photos that I had taken in the past year, so I used an old one. I wanted to highlight a lot of colors in this one, but the assignment said only one… ...
  24. Ms. Parker

    A Week’s Portrait

    Week 5 is passing, and thus ends another week of Daily Creates. Monday The task: Take a photo of someone other than you using your favorite type of technology I went for creepy. I thought of a lot of things that I like in current technology. I could have gone simple, maybe the phone, or lightbulb, ...
  25. Ms. Parker

    Turning Tricks and Tips into Method

    I’ve been aiming to improve my photography skills all week. I have had my camera on me at all times (and a heavy supply of batteries…). By Saturday, I was taking photos at Hollywood Cemetery and started being a bit more picky. I originally wanted hundreds of photos of the Monument to the Confederate Dead ...
  26. Ms. Parker

    The Best of the Bunch

    The Best of the Bunch, a set on Flickr. I didn’t realize it when I was making my first Flickr set, but all of these photos are from campus. Like I’ve said in earlier posts, I am feeling rather clingy to my experiences here at UMW. Even though I’ll be back next year for my ...
  27. Ms. Parker

    How Things Change & Stay the Same – ★★★★

    I was disappointed that I couldn’t do Return to the Scene of the Crime with a photo that wasn’t directly linked to me. For the Return to the Scene of the Crime assignment, can we use another person’s photos from the past? Not just ones that we took? #ds106 — Brooke Parker (@bparker5) February 13, 2013 ...
  28. Ms. Parker

    Triple Troll Link – ??

    When I saw this one, I just knew I had to do it. As a Redditor, it’s something I often see. The assignment: Find an image of a well-known figure, add to it a famous quote by someone related in some way to the figure in the image and then attribute the quote to a ...
  29. Ms. Parker

    Photo Insanity

    or, as I like to call it, “Stop looking at me weird. This is for a class.“ As a senior, I’m already feeling a bit nostalgic about my time at Mary Washington. I’ve been planning on walking around and taking pictures for my scrapbook. So for this assignment, I knew that I wanted to do ...
  30. Ms. Parker

    Grammar are everything – ??1/2

    Most of the other postcards could be inappropriate, so I went with something more tame for this assignment. Before I made this, I was chatting with my friends, and we decided that even if someone is attractive, when they have bad grammar–they lose any appeal they had. So I grabbed this cover and got to work in ...

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