Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Robbie

    Ladies and Gentlemen…

    Ladies and Gentlemen here is our final project.  Yes it was a long time coming with a lot of hard work and dedication and a lot of scrapes and bruises but it has been completed.  It was actually kind of hard to edit and film everything and some of the camera and video stuff was ...
  2. Robbie

    The deadline approaches….

    As the final project deadline approaches things are getting hectic here on the set of our longboarding video.  Footage has been shot and we just need to shoot some more stuff and then begin the final editing and polishing stage.  I think everyone is really going to like the video, you will see some familiar ...
  3. Robbie

    Future Ds106ers

    Dear Future Ds106ers, To all of you eager and supple young minds who are looking for an interesting class to take for fun or for a Gen Ed requirement, look no further.  Digital Storytelling, or CPSC 106, is a really fantastic class that is basically a combination of an English and Computer Science class.  The ...
  4. Robbie

    War Remix

    Here is the link to the YouTube version. Here is the link to the Vimeo version. Not to sure how long they will stay up. Valerie, Marc, Robbie Coming up with this idea was actually funny because we were in class and watching YouTube videos when all of a sudden this dramatic music started playing ...
  5. Robbie

    The Weather Gods have answered our prayers

    Well it seems like the weather gods have decided to be nice and allow for us to film some mighty fine longboarding.  Marc and I are going to do some filming this week in order to give you guys a teaser clip of what our final project is all about.  Stay tuned for updates and ...
  6. Robbie

    Mashin Up Up and Away

    This article by Melanie McBride and this article by Brian Lamb both deal with the modern phenomena of mash-ups and remixes.  In todays modern society remixes are found everywhere from music to movie (music being my personal favorite) and are almost a day to day commonality in our society.  We can hear and see them ...
  7. Robbie

    Damn you Weather!

    Well as the weather starts to turn our final project starts to take shape.  My friend Marc and I were going to start filming our final project idea (longboarding) this week but the weather has decided against this.  This weekend’s weather does not look promising but next week looks like a perfect time to start ...
  8. Robbie

    Failed Attempts at HTML

    Alright so I have never worked with html code before so as of right now here is a snapshot of the site I edited.  Still trying to figure stuff out and how to put everything else up on my blog.
  9. Robbie

    Radio: A lost and forgotten Art

    Making this radio show was quite the interesting experience.  It was hard, exciting, thrilling, and frustrating at times.  I loved the topic we chose (Bonnaroo) and working with my group members was really easy because we all got along and worked well together.  Recording the show was fluid and we all had very good radio ...
  10. Robbie

    What you know about Final Projects?

    Well as the air around our lovely city gets a little warmer its time for those of you who are so inclined to break out your longboards.  For my final project as I’ve said earlier I am doing a longboarding video with my friend in the class, Marc.  Unfortunately the weather has not be accommodating ...
  11. Robbie

    Bonnaroo Radio Show

    So for my group’s radio program we have decided to do a show entirely surrounding the music and arts festival Bonnaroo, which takes place every June in Manchester, TN.  I am really excited about this because I love music and this year I am actually going to attend Bonnaroo so I is something that I ...
  12. Robbie

    Radio: An Illustrated Guide

    To be frankly honest I didn’t like this book one bit.  I thought it made use of poor graphic novel techniques and was all over the place.  It wasn’t very organized until the last couple of pages and then it just wasn’t that interesting.  Yes it was informative and got the point across but it ...
  13. Robbie

    This American Life: First Day

    I had never really heard of This American Life before this year when I walked into my roommate’s room and heard one the episodes playing on his radio.  I had always wanted to listen to one but never really got around to it or was never all to interested.  Today I listened to the episode ...
  14. Robbie

    Final Project

    My friend Mrac and I were trying to think of good project ideas the other day and we came up with an idea that we think will work pretty well for us and will allow us integrate something that we love into it.  Him and I are both big into longboarding and making videos of ...
  15. Robbie

    5 Card Flickr Story

    I was lost.  Nature was all around me with plans of letting me escape her grasp.  I had been stuck in this vast tropical forest going on two days now with no hope of escape in sight.  But then, salvation!  I stumble upon an old kayak on the bank of the river I had been ...
  16. Robbie

    Discipline Reading

    This was a very interesting article to me because recently I have been big into watching the show Rescue Me, which is about firefighters in New York City. The idea seems very simplistic but is an awesome idea. It is using the modern age of technology to help firefighters around the world to communicate with &hellip Continue reading »
  17. Robbie


    When reading these assignments I was hearing a lot of things that I had already learned or learned from last weeks reading.  It was all about how creating a digital story on the web is growing and how people are doing it.  The “Creative Commons” article was really interesting to me because I am also &hellip Continue reading »
  18. Robbie

    Appalachian Trail: Day Hike

    Hiking is one of the most rewarding activities you can do outside; whether it’s a day hike or a multi-day hike they are all fun.  Where I live, in the Valley and Ridge portion of Virginia, there are a lot of great hiking trails that are only minutes away and not to difficult to get ...
  19. Robbie

    First Post

    Longboarding Gif I made my first Gif for my Digital Storytelling class and to tell the truth it was really hard.  It may of been more difficult than usual because I was working on a Mac, a lot of the programs I was trying to download weren’t working or were the wrong program altogether.  I ...

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