Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. thelaceman

    A learning experience

    Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad had to a lot to say in a short amount of time. Ira Glass starts about describing the building blocks of audio which are anecdotes and moment of reflection. Anecdotes are used to make boring stories more interesting. Also they can are meant to constantly raise questions and answer them […]
  2. thelaceman

    Weekly Summary Tres (9/14)

    This week was another interesting week in DS106. It was more about the process of how to tell a digital story. There were some parts where I struggled such as writing a poem, or even the daily create where we had to make an equation represented in images. A friend showed me that I could […]
  3. thelaceman

    Barriers to Being- My inspiration

    The picture by Cogdog really stood out to me when I was looking at the in[spire] site. Their picture Barriers to Being really interested me. It is a simple picture but it also feels like it says a lot conveying a story with many unanswered questions. Like who was in this cell? Why were they there? Why […]
  4. thelaceman

    Could you spare a square?

    Five Card Story: Could you spare a square? a The Daily Create story created by Ryan Lacey flickr photo by hobowhale flickr photo by Bookhenge flickr photo by *s@lly* flickr photo by Bookhenge flickr photo by MuZZyFoto The man ran out of toilet paper at the worst possible time. Earlier in the day he ate […]
  5. thelaceman

    A New Hope in Vonnegut terms

    I am a big fan of the Star Wars movies so what better movie to explain than the first Star Wars movie ever. The Star Wars movies can be a little complicated for people who have never seen them so bear with me and I will try to make this as simple as possible. I […]
  6. thelaceman

    Digital Storytelling Hypothesis

    Storytelling. What does that mean to me? I think of plays written by Shakespeare, I think of Romeo and Juliet or Othello. When I heard the word storytelling it brings images to my mind of classic epics by Homer such as the Illiad and the Odyssey. Storytelling does not necessarily need to be something that […]
  7. thelaceman

    Weekly Summary Duece (9/7)

    This week was an interesting week for ds106. I would definitely say that I have learned a lot of new things and have applied them to my blog already. I started off the week saying wow that is going to be a hefty workload but I began tackling it by installing the plugins since I […]
  8. thelaceman

    Michael Wesch: Knowledge-able

    Michael Wesch says that students learn differently today so he has created a new approach to teaching. He has students do many different projects that involve team building, exponential learning and utilize forms of media. The students tend to enjoy doing the projects and learn about anthropology at the same time. Wesch’s educational experience is […]
  9. thelaceman

    ds106zone The LoDown

    First and foremost it is worth noting that Scott Lo has that perfect radio voice. He definitely is easy to listen to. It was nice to see that he was a little bit lost like I was coming into this class so it was cool to be able to relate to him. He just has […]
  10. thelaceman

    Weekly Summary (8/31)

    This week was a learning process for me all across the board. I am new to pretty much every site that I’m using. I started out by making twitter. People had been telling me to make one for a while so I had this coming. It was pretty simple to navigate twitter. Flickr was a […]
  11. thelaceman

    Laceman’s video intro and more

    Hey everybody its Ryan Lacey or the Laceman here. I wanted to introduce you to my new forms of social media. I previously only had a facebook and tumblr so using some of these sites is new to me. I have never recorded a video for youtube before besides random funny videos in high school […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]