Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Timothy Ryan

    Final Project going up

    Music is one of my biggest interests and it is something that both me and my girlfriend share and enjoy. Concerts are a big part of our life. For my final project I wanted to take my love of music and use it to tell a story. In my opinion music already tells its own ...
  2. Timothy Ryan

    Final Project going up

    Music is one of my biggest interests and it is something that both me and my girlfriend share and enjoy. Concerts are a big part of our life. For my final project I wanted to take my love of music and use it to tell a story. In my opinion music already tells its own ...
  3. Timothy Ryan

    Checklist check in

    Alright, so I’ve begun doing all this compiling crap and getting this blog ready for the end of the semester. So far I’ve used tungle to try and set up a meeting with Alan, but I haven’t heard back yet so I’ll be sending a follow up email tonight to make sure I can get ...
  4. Timothy Ryan

    Checklist check in

    Alright, so I’ve begun doing all this compiling crap and getting this blog ready for the end of the semester. So far I’ve used tungle to try and set up a meeting with Alan, but I haven’t heard back yet so I’ll be sending a follow up email tonight to make sure I can get ...
  5. Timothy Ryan

    Dumping ground

    So I wasn’t actually able to finish this mash up. I got a little over ambitious and decided that I wanted to put an awesome tribes helmet onto the scene of boba fetts death in star wars. So I crawled through the 16 sec clip capturing screen shots at every frame, slowly advancing through. I ...
  6. Timothy Ryan

    Dumping ground

    So I wasn’t actually able to finish this mash up. I got a little over ambitious and decided that I wanted to put an awesome tribes helmet onto the scene of boba fetts death in star wars. So I crawled through the 16 sec clip capturing screen shots at every frame, slowly advancing through. I ...
  7. Timothy Ryan


    The title pretty much expresses how I feel right now. I haven’t been able to give my blog the mad love it deserves in a little while. So I figured I won’t be sleeping tonight because I’m way to stressed about my presentation tomorrow because it’ll make or break my grade in a class that ...
  8. Timothy Ryan


    The title pretty much expresses how I feel right now. I haven’t been able to give my blog the mad love it deserves in a little while. So I figured I won’t be sleeping tonight because I’m way to stressed about my presentation tomorrow because it’ll make or break my grade in a class that ...
  9. Timothy Ryan

    Piano Duel for the ages!

    Remember that scene from 1900 when 1900 faces off against Jelly Rolls Morton in a piano duel? Of course you don’t, you probably don’t even remember that movie. To make the scene more memorable, I replaced 1900 with keyboard cat making it a piano duel for the ages. This wasn’t what I originally wanted to ...
  10. Timothy Ryan

    Piano Duel for the ages!

    Remember that scene from 1900 when 1900 faces off against Jelly Rolls Morton in a piano duel? Of course you don’t, you probably don’t even remember that movie. To make the scene more memorable, I replaced 1900 with keyboard cat making it a piano duel for the ages. This wasn’t what I originally wanted to ...
  11. Timothy Ryan

    Doing a little housekeeping

    Alrighty, my blog was starting to look a little messy over on the side bar with all the categories stretching on for a while and the latest comments being shown. I decided to update all that. The recent comments side bar option has been removed to conserve space and the categories have been switched to ...
  12. Timothy Ryan

    Doing a little housekeeping

    Alrighty, my blog was starting to look a little messy over on the side bar with all the categories stretching on for a while and the latest comments being shown. I decided to update all that. The recent comments side bar option has been removed to conserve space and the categories have been switched to ...
  13. Timothy Ryan

    It’s my blog so I will do what I want to.

    Alright ladies and gentlemen. If you’ve been following my blog then you know that in a previous post I was asked by a friend to do some video game play by plays or whatnot. I had posted a video testing that out for a ds106 Video Project. Probably not the best idea I’ve ever had ...
  14. Timothy Ryan

    It’s my blog so I will do what I want to.

    Alright ladies and gentlemen. If you’ve been following my blog then you know that in a previous post I was asked by a friend to do some video game play by plays or whatnot. I had posted a video testing that out for a ds106 Video Project. Probably not the best idea I’ve ever had ...
  15. Timothy Ryan

    Some photos I took

    I find the Daily Creates to be tedious and I usually end up running around looking for some meaningful pictures or video or sound or something. I still want to create everyday and I still want to take pictures and make videos but not so much the daily create ones. I took a bunch of ...
  16. Timothy Ryan

    Old Boy video essay I say

    This is the Old Boy video essay that I created for ds106. Windows Movie Maker 2.6 doesn’t have a good built in audio recording device so I watched the video and recorded my voice using Audacity instead. Once that was done I exported the Audacity file as an mp3 and added it to the video. ...
  17. Timothy Ryan

    Whole Trundle Tutorial Batman!

    Originally I had planned to do a 1950s informative video for my other video assignment, since that is something that I have always wanted to do. Unfortunately it fell threw pretty hard so I had to get something else done for the assignment. A friend of mine is trying to start up a pop culture/video ...
  18. Timothy Ryan

    Radio Show review.

    Little late getting things up because I think I’m getting sick and have been asleep most of yesterday and today.  The radio show that I decided to review was “Your not the only one.”  That was a fun talk show based radio program.  The show was pretty consistently done with the volume level remaining pretty much level. ...
  19. Timothy Ryan

    Informational Videos of the olden day

    I’ve always wanted to do when of those old black and white video information thingies.  The one I enjoy the most is not a real one but done by the Simpsons. I think this video is based on the famous one about ‘Spring Fever’ where some guys wishes that he could live in a ...
  20. Timothy Ryan

    Going back to the silent era!

    Alright so this the first preproduction post for the next set of ds106 audio projects.  The Return to the Silent era project seemed cool.  I spent some time looking through film trailers and scenes and decided that the film I wanted to put into the old era was the theatrical trailer for the film ‘The ...
  21. Timothy Ryan

    Analyzing a film like a film critic

    This assignment has us analyzing a film as a form of art. I looked over the AFI’s top 100 movies of all time. That list has pretty much been untouched for years, occasionally something moving up and something moving down. I won’t deny that all the films on the list are creative works of art, ...
  22. Timothy Ryan

    Ding dong the audio’s done

    So tonight will be the final end of this audio assignment since the assignment will be broadcast to all the world on ds106 radio. Well when I say all the world I mean the class and 5 people probably listening to the stream. With the project done and behind me I can honestly say it ...
  23. Timothy Ryan

    Radio Broadcast, a slow but steady progress

    Alright, throwing up this blog post for the radio stuff. Little bit late but it’s been a super busy week with running regression, studying for midterms and doing recording and editing work with the radio assignment. It took a while to come to an agreement on an idea for a radio show that we’d be ...

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