Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92914 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Sifat

    Digital storytelling 101 — The Final Blog?

    Greetings Everyone, I hope you are feeling happy and healthy. My name is Sifat Syed, and unlike most of my classmates — I transferred from QCC with A.A.S. in Behavioral Science and Information Technology. I’m currently pursuing dual-degree @York in Behavioral Science (BA) and Communications Technology (BS). Therefore, my arrival time to ‘CT101’ was arguably; … Continue reading "Digital storytelling 101 — The Final Blog💔"
  2. Sifat


    Greetings, I’ll discuss my thoughts regarding Ms.Corona today. In my CT101 class, my friend was confused as to why it has ’19’; “when we are @2020”. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Initially, this virus was addressed as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV”. It was renamed to a … Continue reading "THE ENDVIRUS"
  3. ricardo

    My attempt at The “Shedding Previous Avatar Identities” Project

    This blog post is on my personal website, Ricardoxo … I decided to move all my work there so it shows progress. You guys can check out the original post here. I will give a brief preview of what the blog post on my website shows. This is my attempt at this mini project This is an … Continue reading "My attempt at The “Shedding Previous Avatar Identities” Project"
  4. ricardo

    My first impressions of CT101

    When I first came into this class and saw my friends, As for the class, I expected nothing more than another York college class. And then Ryan said we had to present proects. Then I started to think about the presentations we had to do. Ryan said theres no written final But then Ryan said … Continue reading "My first impressions of CT101"
  5. TimPeterson3

    Memes are art. Let me explain

    The debates about “are memes art,” will never end. Those who consider art sacred will see memes as a joke, considering most memes are just that, a joke. However if you go by the definition of “art” then memes fit the criteria. Art= the expression or application of human creative skills and imagination. Whether you … Continue reading "Memes are art. Let me explain"
  6. jaydam

    How do you pick designs?

    When I first started getting my nail done my designs used to come from the internet. The designs were based on things I liked that I saw other people do. Now my designs come straight from my nail technician. He is a really creative and he knows what I like so he combines them, and […]
  7. jaydam

    Do they make your nails weak?

    It all depends on the person. I would say my nails became stronger. Although recently I’ve had problems with my nails it was because I wasn’t taking care of them. For a while, I used to just get my nails wrapped but then they broke and I started to do acrylic nails again. I would recommend taking care […]
  8. jaydam

    What are acrylic nails?

    Acrylic nails are pretty much fake nails. They are used as nail extensions and are known as fashion accessories. They are made to look like actual nails. If done by the right person people won’t know they are fake.  They are different than regular manicures because they require more of an upkeep. They can be […]
  9. jaydam

    New Writing Tips

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed a toolkit to help people learn to write on the web. The toolkit was created because the CDC went through trial and error to create good web posts. The CDC gives good social media and communication strategies. Some tips they gave was identifying your audience and determining the […]

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