Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @tabbycat07

    It’s Movie Time

    So far this week, we have been learning about motion pictures and how to analyze and edit them. Started it out by reading a short piece by film critic, Robert Ebert. Lights! Cameras! Action! I genuinely enjoyed his essay. I thought the article would be dry and just spouting out random facts about film analyzing, Read More
  2. @tabbycat07

    Week 2 End

    It is that time of the week again. Time to summarize what I have done since Wednesday. First, I completed two daily creates, which can be found on my Twitter. These two were all about design and romance. @ds106dc #tdc2335 #ds106 Congratulations #alanandcori — Abby Brock (@tabbycat07) June 1, 2018 I made a wedding Read More
  3. @Darth_Pipe

    ¿Qué pasa si la Armada española perdió?

    Traduzca esta pagina (English) ¿Y si la Armada Española hubiera sido derrotada? ¡Quédiferente sería el mundo! Si de alguna manera Dios hubiera considerado adecuado permitir que esa maldita Elizabeth ganara en lugar de la poderosa España, el mundo entero sería un lugar diferente.   ¿Quién hubiera colonizado América del Norte? ¿El Holandés? ¿El Inglés? ¿Qué …

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  4. @tabbycat07

    What is your favorite type of story? Why?

    My favorite type of story is a story about/incorporates mythology. I have always loved hearing ancient myths of different cultures and reading new versions of them, such as the Percy Jackson series. This is my first post for my summer class, Digital Storytelling. In this class, I hope to learn new digital techniques, while improving Read More
  5. @jetjenk43

    Oh Thank Heaven We Made it through Week 11!!!!!!!!

    Week 11 In a Nutshell So this week I feel like I was more prepared and less rushed to complete all the video assignments.  I hope it shows in my work.  At first I was kind of dreading doing video work, because I knew it would take a lot of time to edit our assignments …

    Continue reading "Oh Thank Heaven We Made it through Week 11!!!!!!!!"

  6. @jetjenk43

    Shut the Front Door, we Survived Week 4!!!!!

    MY WEEK IN A NUTSHELL So I first want to say I survived another week of the Apocalypse and I hope all my other survivors did as well.  I will say this week has been the toughest yet for me.  Not because the material or visual assignments were hard, but I had to think and …

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  7. @jetjenk43

    Turn me into a Zombie not my Family !!! I made it through week TWO!!

    In the event of a zombie apocalypse, would you rather be turned into a zombie or have everyone you love turned into a zombie? Why? I would say without a doubt turn me into a zombie.  I would say turn me into a zombie in hopes that my family could get away unscaved. That in …

    Continue reading "Turn me into a Zombie not my Family !!! I made it through week TWO!!"

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