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  1. @sincerelysterls

    Everybody Wants to Rule the World

    If you can’t rule the world, then why not make one? To a degree, “it’s my own design / it’s my own remorse.” I used an instrumental to this song in my radio bumper (how distant that feels). Howdy y’all, and welcome back to my video assignments. This time, I chose to do the “#SixSecondArt” … Continue reading "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"
  2. @sincerelysterls

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The game that has taken over the Internet since its release in March 2020. It has been known as the game to save us from quarantine boredom. Couples that were supposed to get married this spring have had their weddings on Animal Crossing. Graduating classes have also had mock ceremonies. AC … Continue reading "Animal Crossing: New Horizons"
  3. wahida.exe

    Hello My Website!

    Hey guys! It’s been a while since I posted here. Guess what? I set up my website and it finally looks sort of presentable. Let me know what you guys think ^_^ my website: first blog:
  4. @belwood303

    Good Job You

    It's okay to not be productive right now...But it is also important to celebrate when you feel like you are accomplishing something, even if it is just steps in the right direction of your goals...I am feeling really good about how I worked my way thro...
  5. Downes


    April 29, 2020. This is our shy skittish and sultry Julia doing her best not to pose for the camera. I had almost no energy today, and so it was a low-productivity sort of day.
  6. @CadillacezMedia


  7. Downes

    St. Albert

    April 28, 2020. Had a meeting this morning, then did some links, then prepared my notes and recorded a presentation on video, basically the presentation I might have given last night (but wouldn't have; it would have come out different). Last night, of...
  8. @belwood303

    Taking a Risk

    Some of the readings that have inspired me to be a flawed, tepid writer...First, we have the work of Brene Brown - Daring GreatlyLook if you have put yourself out there and failed, this book will make you think you can do it again. When I think ab...
  9. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐客户端-中国网民9.04亿,网络视频用户超9成  中新经纬客户端4月28日电(张猛)28日,中国互联网络信息中心发布《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》(以下称《报告》),截至2020年3月,中国...
  10. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐app-5G铺设战疫信息高速路  5G铺设战疫信息高速路  ——中央企业科技抗疫综述之一  回到社区门口,在5G健康一码通上刷一下身份证,就可以校验健康码状态;在地铁、火车站,“5G+热成像”...
  11. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐app-广西崇左市委常委、大新县委书记赵丽接受审查调查  据广西壮族自治区纪委监委消息:广西崇左市委常委、大新县委书记赵丽,因涉嫌严重违纪违法,接受自治区纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。   赵...
  12. Downes


    April 27, 2020. Cool, windy and rainy. Worked on the ethics paper, OLDaily, and preparing (and delivering) a seminar for Curt Bonk's class. I like working with Curt; it's always quite relaxed and there's quite a bit of the unexpected.
  13. @belwood303

    The Catapult Challenge

    The Video with the Catapult...So in my head I have this idea for a video where I put this Catapult together...I want to start by talking about how I got this a few years ago when the DMN&S had a daVinci exhibit... which turned out to have only been...

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