1. @justin_zamecnik

    K-State Football

    I decided to have some fun with K-State football. It has been a while since my last time designing things based on sports. I had a lot of fun with this one. I spend a little bit of time on this one, but I didn’t want to spend too much time on it simply because […]
  2. @justin_zamecnik

    Shoe Sketches

    Over the years I have created a few sketches of shoes I like. They are basically two-dimensional sketches that focus more on color than anything else. I enjoy making these pieces because of the simplicity. I know how easy it can be to over design something. I try to keep things simple in appearance with […]
  3. @justin_zamecnik


    Over the years I have grown fond of skateboarding. The idea of the sport is fun and challenging to most. It is one of the few sports that focuses primarily on yourself and not others. While teamwork is a great thing, it is also important that a person can depend upon themselves as well. My […]
  4. @justin_zamecnik

    Logo Design

    As time has passed I have created multiple logos for my brand. Creating a name and logo can be time-consuming, and that is exactly what happened. I started designing t-shirts and skateboards in 2017 under the name Verbatim. Over time the name has changed to The VRBTM Project. This logo shown above was created for […]
  5. @justin_zamecnik

    Final Lab – Team Networking

    Objectives The main thing we did in this lab was splitting into two teams and creating a network for each team, and then connecting the two networks through routers. Once we accomplished that goal the professor then went in and messed everything up. We then had to come back into the room and fix the […]
  6. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 9 – Video Making

    Objectives The main objective of this lab was pretty simple. We needed to introduce ourselves to the idea of video editing. We watched a quick video over the art of cutting video, and then we had to go on and make our own version of the same video. Equipment list The equipment list for this […]
  7. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 8 & 9 – Subnetting

    Objectives The main objective of this lab was to create a large network that consisted of a lot of smaller subnetworks. This lab took two lab periods to complete, because we kind of failed the first time around. Equipment list The equipment that we used were pretty basic. We needed a computer, a router, a […]
  8. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 7

    Objectives This lab required us to team up with a classmate and create a small network by using a routers, switches, and a couple of desktop computers. We had to figure out the IP address, the Gateway, and much more in order to accomplish the objectives for this lab. Equipment list We used a decent […]
  9. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 6 – Networking Simulation

    Objectives The main objective of this lab was to become more comfortable with the process of communicating networks. We needed to become more familiar with the process of encapsulation and how routers and switches figure out where things need to go. It was similar to something we have done in class, but it was a […]
  10. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 5 – Web Server

    Objectives This lab instructed us to finalize the set up of the raspberry pi computer, install raspian, and then create an apache web server out of the computer. This was able to be done by using resources like google and the raspberry pi website to help set things up. We had to make sure everything […]
  11. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 4 – OSI

    Objectives This lab had multiple parts to it, and some were much more time consuming than others. We started off by recognizing different types of hardware that we use on a day to day basis. This helped us with being able to both recognize, and understand the hardware. We were able to look at a […]
  12. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 3 – Cables

    Objectives We set out to make some cables for our third lab. We needed to be able to unwind the inner wires and prep them to be used in an ethernet cable. It might not have been an ethernet cable, it’s been almost a week since I’ve seen the cables, but I know that it […]
  13. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 2 – Intro to Raspberry Pi & Linux

    Objectives The main objectives of these labs were to become more familiar with Linux, as well as to set up our Raspberry Pi computers. We needed to learn how to program a SD card that would later be used to set up the computer. We needed to learn the basics of the components of everything […]
  14. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 1 – Setting up a Homepage

    Info on the Lab This lab took place on Friday, August 24, 2018. This was our first lab, which is the reasoning for the name Lab 1. We did not do this lab in any groups, so it was done by myself, and if you do not know already my name is Justin. If you […]
  15. @brimac106


    I guess I’ll write something here if I ever feel like writing something again, or if I ever need a website again… Advertisements
  16. @mdseim

    Learning Reflection Week 14

    This week I just worked on my video. As I’ve had more pressing projects, I haven’t really dove in deep to making this video. However, I have a solid concept for it. I think it will turn out well.
  17. @mdseim

    Lab 6 Internet Servers

    Objectives: Create a internet server Equipment List: Computer Internet Connection Apache Software Notes and Observations: I found this particular lab to be more fun than the others. This kind of thing is more in my line of work. Getting everything together and working wasn’t all that hard. The fun part was actually creating the website. I … Continue reading Lab 6 Internet Servers
  18. @mdseim

    Lab 5 Report

    Obejectives: Simulate a network Equipment List: At least four people Yarn Paper Envelopes Tape A working brain Notes and Observations: Switches and routers read different languages. What I mean is that if I sent a package meant for a switch to a router, the router would not be able to read it, and vice versa. … Continue reading Lab 5 Report
  19. @mdseim

    Lab Report 2

    Objectives: Learn about cable and get some experience working with it Equipment List:  UTP Cable 2 RJ-45 connector Cable tester Wire stripper Patch pannel Notes and Observations: I found this lab a bit harder, since I’ve never been good at manipulating small things. As I have said before, I am clumsy when it comes to … Continue reading Lab Report 2

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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