1. kc90ds106

    Class Wrap-Up

    Storytelling means alot more to me now. Considering how much one can learn from it. During this course I gained a better understanding of what intrigues me. My interest for computer graphic design has grown more than I would have known. I think my best work on an assignment was for the animated GIF and […]
  2. kc90ds106

    Final Project Idea

    For the final project in class I have a basic idea. Throughout the semester my favorite activity was movie mashups also the animated gif. So the idea I came up with was to incorporate a video that combines two of those aspects into one. For example, I will use the movie mashup design and mix […]
  3. elmaestro

    Final Project

    From this course, I mostly learned how to run and how to be the administrator of a blog. It wasn’t easy first, because even though I am majoring computer science I’m still a freshmen. Then it went very easy and … Continue reading
  4. swarley

    Final Project Update

    I have alot of sneakers so what i decided to do is make it into a competition between the signature sneakers of players. This will be between Lebron James, Penny Hardway, and Michael Jordan who are all under Nike. so … Continue reading
  5. Ting Li


    This is the ink assignment of tattoo, I used color, typography and symbols in this art work.  I made it looks like this because I think love is a belief, if you trust it is there then it never left. I never thought about the idea of design your own tattoo, if one day I ...
  6. Ting Li

    Save as Desktop Wallpaper

    This is the wallpaper I made for DS 106 called love rain <3, I like this project because I really enjoy this drama, it makes me remember the feeling of first love, something we all forgot!
  7. Ting Li

    The Ultimate Merger

    This is the ultimate merger I made for DS 106, this is what I want to think it was, lol.  After I came over to New York City, and I have been looking for Walmart everywhere.  The end I settle down with Target.
  8. Jean Bruno

    Favorite Superhero

    My favorite Super Hero is Wolverine. Wolverine is the second most popular character in Marvel Comics after Spider-man. The reason I like Wolverine is because he’s similar to me in a few ways. He likes to drink beer, get into bar fights, woo beautiful women and he’s a samurai, he’s also a member of many ...
  9. Jean Bruno

    What’s the Meme?

    What’s the Meme? 2 points.. This is Rush Limbaugh spewing conservative gospel on his radio show. He’s a legend amongst those who love him and a charlatan to those who dislike him. He’s weird but less nutty than Glenn Beck.
  10. Jean Bruno

    Cheetah Collage

    I created a Collage of two cheetahs. The effects of the collage obscures the mechanical cheetah.I chose the cheetah for the real life to cartoon collage because I wanted to know if a mechanical cheetah could outrun a real life cheetah. Would the mechanical cheetah overheat at certain speeds? I think a mechanical cheetah would ...
  11. swarley

    Final Project

    For my final project i’m going to catalog my sneakers. I have about 40 pairs of sneakers. I am going to add a menu tag to my website to show pictures on tumblr. For the more unique sneakers I will … Continue reading
  12. Jean Bruno

    My Final Project Idea.

    I’m going to do a radio show on how the internet can change the human condition. I believe the internet can change lives and be a form of medication to the masses. My point is that, I was quite changed by watching the TED Talk on Remixing. It fits into the idea of Memes and ...
  13. swarley


    I know im not the only one that doesn’t like Mondays. Mondays are so far from Friday but Friday is so close to Mondays. Every Monday is a struggle for me. Weekends are just so short. I had to make … Continue reading
  14. creativenas

    Foley Smoley

    My final project will be a radio radio exercise. I will be creating and writing a radio “soap opera”. My idea was inspired by something I remembered growing up in the Caribbean. When I was about five years old (yes i … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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