1. @Kim_Sealock

    Week 3 Summary

    Well another hectic week for me. Though I was relived to have these assignments as my DS106 work this week. It was a chance for me to relax and breathe for a minute doing something that I like to do with taking photos. For my Daily Create I only got around to doing one but […]
  2. @katie_melhuish

    Weekly Assessment 3

    That was me this week. Part of me enjoyed learning more about photography, something I have never spent time doing nor was talented at. There’s so much going on “behind the scenes” when it comes to taking a great photo. The knowledge I have now have in reference to the process behind taking that breathtaking […]
  3. @Kim_Sealock


    I was able to do two of the photo blitzes though I forgot to write down the code of the ones that I did. I was able to do 13 of them with in 20 minutes because I wrote the two different sets down on a piece of paper. I ended up going back an […]
  4. @e_arbaiza


    Here’s a screenshot of the time my Photoblitz began. This is the list. This photo represents Hope, whenever a person gets on a plane they hope to reach their next destination safely. The theme is Red, because the Washington Nationals won their game … Continue reading
  5. @katie_melhuish

    Photo Reflection

    I always thought photography was so interesting. When Instagram first came out I remember trying to be “arsty” but I was never good at it. If you were to open my camera roll today it would look insanely different compared to my camera roll a few years ago. Now a days, I take more pictures […]
  6. @katie_melhuish

    20 Minute Photoblitz

    Here’s my code and the start time I had. I decided to spend my 20 minutes walking down UMW’s campus and found some interesting things. This is my special tree. UMW has tons of beautiful trees, but this one is very close to my heart. Not only is the tree itself extraordinary and massive, but […]
  7. @_evanmay_

    Weekly Summary – Week 3

    Third week done! I was busy with assignments for my other classes this week, so I got a bit behind on my DS106 assignments. I managed to finish them all in time, though! I did quite a lot this week: 1) Daily Creates @ds106dchow meta am I allowed to be#tdc1709...
  8. @Lord_knows5

    “Hats off to Week 3!”

    I admit this week was a rollercoaster! It was a thrill. I felt this week was more relaxing than the other weeks. First, beginning with the articles I read about Photography. Check out my reflection to the articles about “Being a Better Photographer” and ” The Internet and Photography Online 2.0″: (http://embracethegift.com/uncategorized/taking-pictures-arent-easy/). Next, I had to … Continue reading “Hats off to Week 3!”
  9. @_evanmay_

    Photo Features

    I searched around on Flickr to find some cool shots that demonstrated the important points pretty well: Selection Since this is a long-exposure shot, a decent amount of time and planning had to go into this. Contrast I love the contrast between the silhouette of the landscape and the deep...
  10. @katie_melhuish

    Create A Silly Movie Poster

    So, how about a collaboration between Fifty Shades Of Grey and The Grey? I recently saw a post with the most recent Fifty Shade’s Of Grey movie trailer. In the trailer it attempted to be dark and dramatic, so I thought, “Self, let’s make 50 Shades Of Grey a few shades darker.” Thus, enter Liam Neeson […]
  11. @katie_melhuish

    Recreate A Famous Movie Scene

    2 and a half stars? More like 5… This deserves an Academy Award. It only took me long enough to make. This was my first time ever using photoshop ever and boy oh boy was it a process. For my movie scene recreation I decided to use this famous scene from my favorite movie, The […]
  12. @rinko_anna

    Week 3 Summary

    This week was a fun foray into the world of photography.  The Thinking About the Visuals of Storytelling assignment helped me evaluate my current photography skills and areas where I could make improvements (essentially in most areas).  I was also able to find images on Flickr that demonstrated these photography-improving techniques (many of these images […]
  13. @katie_melhuish

    Daily Create 9/15

    @ds106dc I used the best dots I could find to celebrate something that gives me inspiration each day! #tdc1712 pic.twitter.com/PLJNP99HCX — Katie Melhuish (@katie_melhuish) September 16, 2016
  14. @_evanmay_


    I generated a photoblitz and got this: 1) Take a photo that includes objects near and far (deep depth of field) Took a picture from the top of the hill next to Jefferson. 2) A photo frame is rectilinear. Fill that frame with a circular subject. I hope this counts as a...
  15. @bball151

    WEEK 3!!!

    YAYAYA week 3 finally complete!! I really liked going into the photography side of storytelling… After reading, Becoming a Better Photographer, I am more aware of how much a photo can show a viewer. I also learned how to change my perspective on taking pictures and going into more depth/ adding more details from either changing the … Continue reading WEEK 3!!!
  16. @rinko_anna


    My photoblitz journey began at 6:21 pm in the HCC. At first, I took a picture of a magnolia tree as a “soulful” tree (they’re my mother’s favorite). I knew I’d be hard-pressed to find fire on campus, so I opted to take a quick shot of a nearby fire hydrant. I immediately thought of […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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