1. scottc1094

    Reverse Audio Quiz

    Assignment (3 stars) For this assignment, we had to find a song and reverse the music, to make the song sound somewhat different, but still similarly enough that people can guess what it is based on 3 clues. Because of copyright fears, I have just uploaded the song directly to WordPress, instead of SoundCloud. This… Read More
  2. braze

    Eve’s Morning

    For this audio assignment I had to record sounds of my day and combine them into one audio clip. I decided to go about this assignment a little differently though. I wanted to create an audio clip of sounds that my host character, Eve Winters, encounters throughout the day. I recorded my roommate’s alarm going … Continue reading Eve’s Morning
  3. braze

    911 Emergency

    The first, and most important, step to complete this assignment is to download Audacity, or another audio editing software of your choice. Once you have downloaded this, or another, software you can start brainstorming the dialogue for your call. Once you have downloaded Audacity, or another editing software, you will want to open your program and familiarize yourself … Continue reading 911 Emergency
  4. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    It’s all about progress… right?

      The start of radio week or should I say weekS has begun!  Our radio show projects will be due in less than nine days and I personally still have so much work to do.  Luckily, my group members have been more than kind enough to allow me to join their group My group consist […]
  5. alicemutch

    Daily Creates

    DAILY CREATE -#1 For my first daily create that @ds106dc tweeted, I chose this one; “Write a short poem by hand” I took this opportunity to write something that was personal to me and something that i have a passion about, so i … Continue reading
  6. alicemutch

    My social media

    To be able to follow me on sites you can follow me on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/alice_mutch?lang=en-gb Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/cameraroll Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVErWgk865-2Rr1PB0-jBvg Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/alice-mutch I hope you enjoy my pages, i’ll always be happy to follow you back also! :)
  7. alicemutch

    My social media

    To be able to follow me on sites you can follow me on: Twitter Flickr Youtube Soundcloud I hope you enjoy my pages, i’ll always be happy to follow you back also! :)
  8. scottc1094

    Roller Coaster Freaks

    Assignment (4 stars) For this assignment, we had to find different sound effects and voices to help recreate what a roller coaster sounds like. To complete this assignment, I first found several different sound effects and voices from freesounds.org, and uploaded them into Audacity. I then edited them to make the final product, and uploaded it to… Read More
  9. cherishamari

    Week 6

      Where to begin, if you haven’t noticed this weekly post is late. I ran into some problems with the blog site that just got resolved Monday morning thankfully. But just like week 5, week 6 was no better. I honestly seriously considered withdrawing from UMW and giving myself a break, I’ve lost all kinds […]
  10. cherishamari

    Analyzing design through film

    I chose to watch Mario Bava’s Planet of the Vampires, which would never be my pick to personally watch; however it is required. Since this movie is from 1965 I can’t really compare it in aspect to the design of movies today. About a minute and 40 seconds into the movie, I think they used an […]
  11. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Showcase- Week 6

    Hello all, It’s me Blair! I am visiting my friend Alexis today since she is off from work we decided to hang out. Alexis is currently in the shower right now getting ready for a day full of adventures. Alexis asked me to do some snooping around different DS106 assignments and pick out a few […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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