1. jjkds106

    and the search begins… STORIFY!

    I feel the need to throw up jazz hands when saying “storify” (in an emphatic, but breathy Broadway-esque voice). Myriad of ideas come to mind when I try to hone in a qualified topic to storify per the final assignment for Week 1. What mundane, possibly overly complicated and perhaps uninteresting topic can I “storify” […]
  2. jjkds106

    What is story… storytelling…?

    I love this question and the license to associat freely (thank you!). The first image that rushes to my mind is my after-school public t.v. line up, which is kind of ironic since I associate stories and storytelling with books and not television shows. But, apparently, I do. 1) Unknown title and can’t find it on […]
  3. djacks21

    Storified and Non-Storified Content (Round 2)

    Since I’m currently in the throws of planning a wedding 500 miles away from where I live, I’ve done a whole bunch of traveling recently. Back and forth, back and forth. The airport is a fascinating place, and one which I think could definitely be a candidate for a story. Specifically, I’m thinking about going […]
  4. djacks21

    Feedback is the spice of life…wait, is that how it goes?

    I thought it was really interesting to go onto other’s blogs and take a gander. This week, I looked at the blogs of aprilshowersmayflower and youblueit, and I think the thing that struck me as most interesting was how each of them approached the various assignments very differently. Each had a different design, a different […]
  5. LRo

    Week 2: Can You Hear Me Now?

    Growing up, my mom used to always say that we were given two ears and one mouth for a reason. She said that we need to listen more than we talked. I have used that skill while working as a consultant. I try to let my clients talk and share information and then perspective before […]
  6. LRo

    Final Project Idea: Life at 50,000 Feet

    I travel about 75% of the time so I spend a good portion of every week on an airplane. Most people think my life is like the George Clooney movie Up in the Air. In a lot of ways, it is. BUT…in a lot of ways, it isn’t. When I’m on campus recruiting, I often get […]
  7. djacks21

    I’ll play you for your Big Mac…

    Oh boy, this is one of my all time favorites! There really aren’t any lows in this story–all high peaks! Growing up a Boston Celtics fan, I absolutely loved Larry Bird, but I was also a HUGE Michael Jordan fan, so this was just a perfect blend of awesome. Let’s all take a trip down […]
  8. djacks21

    Learning by listening

    Well, this one is kind of right up my alley. As a musician, listening is arguably the most important skill I possess. Layering is a recording technique I use all the time when I record my music–I’ve played guitar for almost 20 years and I use three specific types of layering when I record my […]
  9. ctwilker

    Escaping the Pull of Gravity!

    This week was a fun one but some of those podcasts and videos were long. But the funny thing is I did not mind them since they were well done both production and story wise. I am also better able to appericate the thought that goes into these productions. When I started listening to Evelyn […]
  10. ctwilker

    Okay but did you hear that story about…

    So my first idea for a story around using the bus to get around the city seems like it might be a good option. Now my second idea is doing performance reviews for work. Everyone at work is feeling my pain and it got me to thinking that I have told folks some of my […]
  11. LRo

    You Can Do it Hank!

    The commercial tracks closely to the viral experience architecture discussed in this week’s reading as well as few of Pixar’s Rules of Storytelling. The story unfolds with Hank, a Clydesdale horse, who isn’t picked to pull the Budweiser Cart. The element of surprise is introduced early on in two forms: 1.) When Hank isn’t picked […]
  12. LRo

    Are You Listening to Me?

    “Are you listening to me?” It is a question that is frequently asked between conversations with my boyfriend and I. I’d like to think that he’s the guilt one but I have been known to multi-task when I’m on the phone with him. He says he knows he’s lost me when all of my responses […]
  13. ctwilker

    The Force is Strong in this One

    Your assignment is to analyze the action and story of a commercial in 5 second increments I was glad to see a Sci-Fi related commercial since that is one of my all-time favorite movie genres. I found this story shape to be one of disappointment to start with since this kid was so wanting to […]
  14. ctwilker

    Look Ma! I am listening to NPR. No really…

    Pick examples from the episodes below to use as a basis for a blog post with your observations of the audio methods, techniques you can identify. After listening to the sound techniques and layering that can happen in production, I was ready to test how well I was going to catch everything. As part of […]
  15. cbedross1

    Week 2 – Summary

    Some very engaging content this week starting out with the video of Evelyn Glennie explaining the importance and value of listening well. I thought it was very intriguing and I thought her accent added in keeping me in tune the whole way through. This week I broke down a fictional radio show by “The Truth” […]
  16. cbedross1

    Storifying – Take 2

    While in New York City during super bowl weekend, amongst the hundreds of different festivities going on around me, I noticed the Oscar Mayer wiener mobile drive by me. I immediately snapped a photo and stood there in awe and amazement since it’s something I have see only in TVs, magazines, and other media. After […]
  17. cbedross1

    Hooray Beer!

    The above commercial is for the Jamaican-based beer, known as Red Stripe. It is one of my favorite commercials simply because it keeps me laughing the entire time. It is safe to say it was a low-budget commercial and even includes some “cheesy” elements such as the blinking text at the end. Either way, after […]
  18. acruz12

    Week 2 – Commercials as Short Films

    Title:  “Best Commercial EVER!” The commercial tracks closely to the viral experience architecture discussed in this week’s reading.  I starts off with a teenager entering a dark alley in the middle of the night layered with mysterious music accented by an repeating ominous tone, as if something no-good or bad is happening or about to happen.  The […]
  19. acruz12

    Week 2 – Learning by Listening to Radio Shows

      Comments and reflections on This American Life: Episode 503 “I Was Just Trying To Help” Prologue:  Sharon was a clerk for circuit court judge in Missouri. While she was at work, a man and a woman approached her looking for some paperwork so they could help out their brother, who was in prison for […]
  20. bcodelson

    Tax Season

    I think I found something else in need of storification. My husband and I have an appointment to do our taxes tomorrow.  Ugh.  It seems like every year there is more ‘stuff’ to add to the list of documents we … Continue reading
  21. bcodelson

    Cool Hamster

    For this week’s assignment, I chose to look at the Kia Soul Hamster commercial. (A natural pick. I love this commercial!) This commercial plays off of the Kia Soul’s first marketing campaign which featured ‘super cool’ hamsters driving around being … Continue reading
  22. number1fio

    Whoa… my first blog entry

    I’ve never created a blog before so initially I was a little overwhelmed and confused. But I like a good challenge and love telling stories and this this could be a in interesting forum to do so. I embarked on my journey by by following the guidelines in the http://ds106.us/ blog. I visited wordpress and created the…
  23. cbedross1

    Reactions to a Podcast Story (Learning by Listening)

    I just had the opportunity to listen in on a podcast by “The Truth” titled, “Falling.” It was quite the dramatic story, based on an emotional roller coaster romance between a man and the woman who saved his life. To be honest, I usually am not drawn to romantic stories, but i’ll admit that I […]
  24. jjkds106

    Welcome to the mix…

    I’m mixing things up a bit and doing things a little out of sequence than how the Week 1 assignment was intended. After finding some “balance” between work, life, school after a sick week, I’m slowly making my way through WordPress, trying to upgrade my blog site to one that is appealing, engaging and inventive. I remember […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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