1. number1fio

    I’ll pass on the Calamari

    I started by listening to Doppelgangers because I the title captured my interest. After all, who hasn’t been told they resemble someone else? Most recently I’ve been told I look like Zosia Mamet best known for her role in Girls. Sorry gang, my agent won’t allow me to post my real picture. The story started off with “Ira…
  2. ctwilker

    Focus on the yellow lab

    For this week you should complete two ds106 visual assignments, each should be posted to your blog, appropriately tagged and categorized. Color Splash I used the app on my iphone called Color Splash that others have used to post great photos to Instagram or facebook. It really makes highlighting a color simple. I started to […]
  3. ctwilker

    Escape your urban life

    Take a turn at the Five Card Flickr Stories site; generate your own story. Copy the code to put the story in your own site. What a fun assignment making a story out of 5 photos. My story describes escaping from your urban enviornment. I liked how it actually worked out as I picked photos. […]
  4. LRo

    Ready, Set, Go…

    I’m competitive and hate to lose. So, when I heard photo safari, time yourself, get as many pictures done as you can, I really wanted to get them all. However, then I remembered the advice provided in this week’s class video. We were encouraged to not just take photos but to sit and think about the […]
  5. ctwilker

    Come on an urban journey with me

    Carve out a time and place to try the photo scavenger hunt; write a blog post that includes a gallery of your images, and some thoughts on the experience. The photoblitz assignment was a good test of my imagination for sure! I decided to use my house as the subject for my photos and see […]
  6. LRo

    Create a 2 X 2 for me

    In consulting, I am frequently asked to take a concept and break it down into a version of the 2 X 2 matrix. The purpose of the 2 X 2 matrix is to take complex information and break it down into easy to understand, easily digestable concepts. I felt like I was doing a similiar activity while working […]
  7. cbedross1

    Week 3 – Summary

    There was a lot to get done this week, but I enjoyed my experiences in many of the assignments. I particularly likes Flickrs five card story game, I thought it was cool to create your own story using a bit of imagination. Here is mine. I also got experience with the free online photo editing […]
  8. cbedross1

    Photo Blitz!

    For my photo blitz I chose my living room since I have a lot objects, colors, and light. I thought it was a fun exercise and it really makes you realize what level photographer you are since it forces you to use your camera in creative ways with limited time. I am in no way […]
  9. cbedross1

    Storifying – Take 3

    For this weeks item to “storify” I have chosen ice skates. The significance of these skates, however, is the fact that I am the third owner. They originally belonged to a family friend, then were handed down to my cousin, and finally I retired them just a couple months ago. But where do I see […]
  10. ctwilker

    The Swann (Street) Never Looked Better

    Pick at least two tips from these resources and try them out with your camera, just seeing how they change the way you take photos. Write a blog post that not only includes at least three of your own photos, explain how you applied the tips you learned. I must admit I always wondered about […]
  11. cbedross1

    A Whole New World – Race Track Warehouse

    The thoughts behind this assignment makes a lot of sense; How would you see, reside, and interact in a world that is proportionately out of scale from your perspective? I like how they used the movie, “Honey I Shrunk the kids” as an example. Whether you are abnormally large or small for an environment, a […]
  12. cbedross1

    Visual Assignment – Chimeratic Composition

    One of the assignments I chose to complete was the one called “Chimeratic Composition.” I chose this because I thought it would be fun to see what I can come up with, but also because I wanted to try a new photo editing software. The assignment itself is so open-ended that it really allows you […]
  13. cbedross1

    Five Card Flickr Story – “Relaxation in Sight”

    Creating a five card flickr story was a fun experience, I like how you are forced into creating the different story elements with just a few options. But even with just 5 pictures I still felt pretty flexible with using my imagination. Also, looking back, I realize how vital the first picture choice is, since […]
  14. cbedross1

    Photo Techniques

    Throughout the week I was waiting for moments where I could apply some of the tips we learned this week. Some of the photo “rules of thumb” that were interesting to me was first of course the “rule of thirds” which I thought was easy to follow and makes a lot of sense. The other […]
  15. kkarras2014

    Another Week

    This week listened to a Radio Lab post. I was able to identify several audio methods and techniques such as sound effects, music, narrative, ambient sounds, and even recordings on the recording.  I also explored a little girl’s adventure in … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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