1. Brian

    Networking – Lab 7 – BS

    Brian Seitz   Objectives: Build a working network.   Equipment list: Computers, routers, switches, ethernet cables.   Notes and Observations: Starting was a little rough, but after we made a diagram on the board, it started to make a lot more sense. Everything went quite smooth for Kevin and I. Our role was to setup the two...
  2. Brian Allen

    Comments 4 Kids assignment

    Assignment: Visit the Student Blogging Challenge website. Click on the Participants menu to find a list of kid bloggers who are participating in the challenge. There are blogger children from many different countries all around the world. Find 3-5 young bloggers, visit their blogs, and offer them your encouragement. For ideas on what to say,… Continue reading
  3. Brian Allen

    Your Own Country Designs

    We were asked to create our own Country including A flag, Stamp, Stationary, and a Currency Country: The United Districts of Human Social Order, HSO for short Government Style: A New form of Democracy (True Democracy) Governmental Leader: Me and my Pals Here are my designs in PDF or look below: Flag, Stamp, Stationary, Currency… Continue reading
  4. Brian

    Networking Blog 10 – BS

    This week we continued talking about subnetting. At this point, I feel like I’m getting a really good grasp on subnetting. The lab we did last this week helped solidify that. It was great designing a network like that and really seeing the applic...
  5. Kelly Carpenter

    Comments 4 kids

    I commented on the following blogs. 10 year old Gracie from Canada http://thegreatestbooksofthecentury.blogspot.com/2012/03/whats-best-book-youve-ever-read.html?showComment=1334065401144#c3564741717650784819 11 year old Clarissa from Arizona http://blogs.goaj.org/clarissa2012hamman/2012/03/03/a-few-months-ago/#comments 12 year old Isabelle from California http://im0092.edublogs.org/2012/03/13/me-myself-and-i/#comment-8 I chose this age range because my oldest daughter falls into it; she’s eleven.  Since taking Digital Media I’ve been considering starting her up with a blog of […]
  6. Ian Reese

    IR Comments 4 Kids

    I’m pretty cynical so I have a lot negative things to say about all of this, but I’ll try to limit it. First off, man oh man I really don’t like kids. I had a hard time finding blogs to post positive things on. It was really annoying seeing almost every blog have some sort ...
  7. Bradley Colson


    This is my final draft for the “Your Own Country” Assignment.We were to design 1) A flag, 2) currency, 3) Postage, and 4) A Letterhead for our country; explain everything… all  that sort of good ole stuff. So… Uhhh… guess this is it. My Country is the United Colson Dictatorship, headed by me, Bradley W […]
  8. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Comments For Kids

    My latest assignment was to get on a children’s blog site and leave a comment. This assignment originated from the wonderful site called, ” DS106″.  I enjoyed reading their blogs and made some comments within them. I was surprised at one of the individuals talents at blogging who is only 14 yrs old. Time to […]
  9. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Comments For Kids

    My latest assignment was to get on a children’s blog site and leave a comment. This assignment originated from the wonderful site called, ” DS106″.  I enjoyed reading their blogs and made some comments within them. I was surprised at one of the individuals talents at blogging who is only 14 yrs old. Time to […]
  10. Bradley Colson


    This was an assignment we were to do from the DS106 website called “Comments for Kids located HERE. the blogs I chose to comment on were: Lamillya’s blog at http://le7tres.edublogs.org/2012/03/09/seuss-books-by-dr-suess/#comment-16 Ayden’s blog at http://blogs.csdvt.org/techkidayden/2011/12/01/my-book/#comment-39 Lilly’s blog at http://blogs.goaj.org/lillianbobcat/2012/04/01/mary-anning-fossil-finder/#comment-18 Hmmm… describe my experience, huh? Well…I don’t know, I just got through writing the comments, so, there’s […]
  11. Brian Allen

    Visual Literacy Draft Proposal 1

    Brian Butters ENGL 100 Visual Literacy Draft 2 03/14/2012   The Misconception: Convicts will always be Convicts                 Many people see only what they want to see, and sometimes, the perceptions people have for ex-convicts can be blurred because of the media and cultural differences. For example, a person living ...
  12. Ian Reese

    IR TAL Retraction

    -I am working on getting this done, but I strongly dislike this podcast so it is hard getting it finished- This week’s This American Life is unlike any other they have ever produced. It is a retraction of the earlier story Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory. Listen to it, reflect on it, and write ...
  13. Ian Reese

    IR Rough Country

    My very own country… Well first of all I would declare myself King, but have no true government. The only power I would have would be the power to banish anyone I deem unworthy of being in my country. The only set laws are no females allowed and you have to wear shorts all year ...
  14. Brian Allen

    This American Life: 460: Retraction Recap

    Assignment: This week’s This American Life is unlike any other they have ever produced. It is a retraction of the earlier story Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory. Listen to it, reflect on it, and write about it. Are you angry about this new information are learning? If so, why ...
  15. Kelly Carpenter

    Response to “Retraction”

    This American Life unfortunately had to make its first retraction and it was of one of its most popular stories, “Mike Daisey and the Apple Factory.”  Although a journalist’s job is to be sure of the truth before it is made public, I in no way hold Ira Glass responsible for what I believe to be the fault […]
  16. Bradley Colson


    ASSIGNMENT: Establish a country of your very own. Appoint yourself the head of state. You can be a monarch, a military dictator, an elected official, the style of government is up to you.        Now that you are the leader of a country it is time to design for yourself a realistic postage […]
  17. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Own Country draft

    My Own country Ideas: Brainstorming ideas: Currency will be a chip implanted within your body.  There will actually be 2 chips. 2 will be implanted at birth, 1 is from 0-16 years old so your parents get charged for your expenses. The other is from 16-grave that activates at 16 yrs old. All expenses are […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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