1. @NickSebenaler

    My Encryption Method

    I find encryption and cryptography fascinating. Without encryption our computer systems would be insecure today. Also bitcoin uses cryptography to function as a digital currency. Bitcoin is the first digital currency that was created in 2009. If you haven’t heard of Bitcoin you should research it. Here is my encrypted message: Brx ghfubswhg wkh phvvdjh, …

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  2. @hawkins10000

    Destination Post Card

    My Destination Post Card assignment is relatively simple, but I think the design works pretty well for it. I chose a CC-0 image and CC-0 fonts (from pexels.com and dafont.com, two of my favorite resources). It took me a while to find the perfect font to match the image, but I think this one works […]
  3. @hannahbruns7

    Design Blitz

    This bottle of self tanner represents color and symbolism. I think the gradient color scheme symbolizes how when you use the product, you will get darker. I think these concepts work well and appeal to the audience it is made for, who are people who want to be tan.   The side of this bottle represents ... Read more
  4. @Samantha_Levy7

    Flyer Design

    I chose to do the 4 star flyer design for one of my creative design assignments. I had a lot of fun when designing this flyer. I chose to do a flyer that represents a restaurant opening because these types of flyers are very important when trying to spread the word about new businesses in …

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  5. @kevinjfrance

    Abstract Design

    Abstract turned out to be a seriously cool show. I usually don’t watch many things that take a long time, I have trouble focusing on movies and such, but this completely grabbed my attention. Abstraction is always a really tough but interesting topic to talk about. I think this is because abstraction is just that: … Continue reading "Abstract Design"
  6. @coleohodges

    Ultimate Cup-Tracing Perfect Circle Technique

    For today’s Daily Create, we had to show off our techniques for making perfect circles. My technique is shown below: @ds106dc ultimate cup-tracing perfect circle technique #ds106 #tdc1874 pic.twitter.com/P0rTpIyaLj — Cole Hodges (@coleohodges) February 25, 2017 I have always used this strategy for drawing perfect circles. While I do not always use a cup, I […]
  7. @coleohodges

    Mismatched Quotes & Juni Cortez Everywhere

    For https://twitter.com/Markham_McFly/status/834800506644086784 this past Thursday’s Daily Create, we had to make an image of a someone with a quote on it… But, the quote is not from the person in the image, and the name the quote is attributed to is inaccurate as well. Did I mention it was spy themed? Here’s my creation: @ds106dc Sam […]
  8. @NickSebenaler

    Design Blitz

    The pictures below are from the design blitz. Each of them show an aspect of design. This was an interesting exercise. I actually stopped and looked at objects and analyzed how they were designed. I encourage others to do the same.   As you can see the FIJI water bottle is very proportion in its …

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  9. @coleohodges

    Learning to Fly

    For this past Tuesday’s Daily Create, the goal was to make this quote by Van Gogh come to life: “If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint & that voice will be silenced.” You can find my creation below. @ds106dc I have finally silenced the voices that […]
  10. @Markham_McFly

    Week 6 summary: design definitely isn’t my thing

    Daily Creates: @ds106dc #tdc1873 #ds106 It's a real quote from a real movie. Look it up. pic.twitter.com/uIKpMIUKtZ — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) February 23, 2017 @ds106dc #tdc1874 #ds106 #notaperfectcircle pic.twitter.com/9RjZEVDIXe — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) February 24, 2017 @ds106dc #tdc1872 #ds106 I'm extremely proud of this https://t.co/iaMh8rIp5Z — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) February 23, 2017   Contradiction Creation: …

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  11. @tmckenzierich

    Breaking Hearts and Beats

    SO.  For this assignment I thought it would be cool to make a logo for the club that I am in here.  I haven’t been dancing for too long but I thought I would see what would become of this internet shout out to the squad.  I first went to the the tailorbrand.com website and […]
  12. @megancarey95

    Mary White

    For this assignment I created a fake ID for my spy character, Annabella Smith. Instead of just sticking with the biographical information that I already created for Annabella Smith, I wanted to create a fake ID for a spy, which would probably work best as a passport. I came up with a fake name and a … Continue reading Mary White
  13. @megancarey95

    You’re Invited

    For this assignment I created an invitation to a masquerade ball from the Alfred Hitchcock film, which is based on a book, Rebecca. I used a few different fonts, meant to be fancy but classy. Most of the fonts already came loaded onto Photoshop, but I did download some free use fonts. The invitation is meant to be … Continue reading You’re Invited
  14. @yjangabc

    Vignelli and his design

    It was a great opportunity to delve into Massimo Vignelli’s works and understand his design philosophies. I am astonished by his revolutionary New York City Subway Diagram not only for its intricacies, but also for its pragmatics, which was one of Vignelli’s core values. As he points out, “if…no one understands the result or the meaning of all that effort, …
  15. @mingea

    Week 6 Summery

    This week was a little hard for me to do because I left Friday night to a conference, and came back on Wednesday. So a lot of it was done at midnight after coming back from the conference, tired. But alas it was done! I started off straight into the assignment bank by doing the Contradiction … Continue reading "Week 6 Summery"
  16. @tmckenzierich


    I used the same process through pixlr to change the font and position and color.  I actually chose this photo because I see it so often and I would love to go to Greece in the near future as well!  I chose the positioning of the message itself to almost blend in with the island […]
  17. @mingea

    Design Reflections

    For my reflection, I decided to read The Vignelli Canon, the booklet by Massimo Vignelli. Right off the bat, I really enjoyed the cover page of the book. My favorite color is orange, and I tend to enjoy simplistic things, so the cover really aesthetically pleased me. In part one of his book, he explains that … Continue reading "Design Reflections"
  18. @megancarey95

    Design Blitz

    Minimalism & use of space is shown in this postcard from a UMW Gallery exhibition. The lack of any other graphics, the use of only 2 colors, the large spaces and even spacing between the letters, and the simple font make this a minimalist design and a good use of space. The poster for Steel Magnolias is a … Continue reading Design Blitz
  19. @Markham_McFly

    Design Blitz

    I think I embedded all of these correctly. I put a couple different links below and put in the photos themselves. This was much more challenging than the Photo Blitz assigned a couple of weeks ago because these assignments were much more vague and open to interpretation. It offered much more creative freedom, but for …

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  20. @mingea


    For this week, we had to complete a DesignBlitz, which is to take photographs of objects and things to illustrate four concepts. The concepts I chose were Color, Minimalism, Rhythm and Unity. For color, I took a picture of a painting I recently did this week. I am not a painter, but I really enjoyed … Continue reading "DesignBlitz"
  21. @UMWdan

    Cats & Coffee

    This destination postcard assignment was pretty fun to do. The hardest part is always deciding where the postcard should show. This postcard is for a cafe in London, UK. This is not just any ordinary cafe either, as there are cats that free roam the cafe. The cafe is two stories tall, and offers all …

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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