1. mdvfunes

    Well, DS106 made me do it…again.We have been watching noir…


    Well, DS106 made me do it…again.

    We have been watching noir films and forgive this quirky mind but it got distracted with these matches all the flawed heroes in the films have. What were they? I had never seen them. No box. Just the match and it lights up. I asked on Twitter but nobody cared about noir matches ( I wonder why…) I started to think about a commercial for these matches. First I needed to do some research. (Have I lost all my friends, yet?)

    So they are called friction matches, but the famous brand is Strike Anywhere Matches. And yes, there are other eccentrics out and there is a web site with the history of matches

    Then there was the matter of the script. I remembered one line from Double Indemnity that started my current obsession ‘They always explode in my pockets’. I looked at various scripts and then decided to adapt the Double Indemnity dialogue:

    I bit off the end of my cigar and put the cigar into
    my mouth. started tapping my pockets for a match,
    as usual I can’t find one.
    I hear some smart alec in the distance:
    They give you matches when they sell
    you cigars, you know. All you have to
    do is ask for them.
    Heck, I know I say. I don’t like them. They always explode
    in my pockets.
    In truth I just don’t know how to light them.

    Strike anywhere matches. Extra Thick for longer burn time
    ….but you need to know how to light them.

    And yes, somebody has uploaded to You Tube instructions for how to light Strike Anywhere Matches. This is what I like most on the web, I can always find someone who seems more eccentric than I am! So, we download that via Clip Converter. Then pop it into MPEG Streamclip to remove the audio and trim it. 

    New iMovie is pretty cool. But before that, GarageBand to the rescue to change my voice and record the script. It does female to male, deep and soulful, but there was no femme fatale…

    Then, audio and video into iMovie, via an image of the matches. And yes, I think I need to get a life. I had such fun though. I plan to record this for our Radio show as a radio commercial but I am going to ask for help with the voices - Dogtrax does a mean noir hero voice, I need to get my femme fatale though. Any nominations? She just needs to record the last two lines.

    Learnt about matches, about how you can find any script movie online, learnt a few more tricks in iMovie. Getting the style right is interesting: black and white not enough, you need high contrast. The transitions matter, I remembered seeing the circle open/close transition in some noir films. Used that. And others details I will bore you no further with.

    …and I still laugh when I watch it. Never underestimate the value of a daily smile!

  2. dalinafoo

    Brainstorm Radio Show Ideas

    hmmmm……Radio show ideas about noir? This radio can include music that reflects a noir style. The talks can be about music or movies that have a noir style. In the radio, we can also include real life things such as celebrity info who are having a “noir” moment. i.e. love triangle, death etc.
  3. skinzer

    Week Four: Listening More

    This week was all about audio and how it contributes to storytelling. To learn about this, I completed several tasks. The software I use for audio editing is Garageband, so I didn’t need to download Audacity, although I did complete some of my first projects using it! 1. Audio Storytelling Reflection In this post, I studied […]
  4. skinzer

    Week 4 Daily Creates

    This week, I did two TDCs. Saturday For this dailycreate, I used Photoshop to create a version of the Mona Lisa composed of dots of color. This was a pretty simple task once I figured out how to use the Art History Brush. Sunday For this dailycreate, I had to create a sappy commercial that […]
  5. dalinafoo

    Think about Audio Storytelling: Reading

    “The Ambience of Film Noir- Soundscapes, Design and Mood” Through reading this I found several things in relation to film noir. Sound plays a heavy role in film noir by expressing mood to the viewer and creating such emotions through what you hear. Without certain sounds the viewer wouldn’t be able to grasp the atmosphere […]
  6. dalinafoo

    Week 4 Summary

    This week was challenging. It was very intense… The whole sound and audio through me for a loop. International dot day had to be my favorite daily create so far lol. I also never really realized how sound can be so distinct. The first assignment that had us compare sounds of the same clip really […]
  7. skinzer

    Noir Radio Thoughts

    Listening to the DS106 Noir-themed radio really made me realize that sound is a critical element of storytelling. I’d definitely like to create a more modern story because I find the overall bigotry sometimes found in older Noir unacceptable. I think it’d be cool to invert some of those conventions, which include sexism and xenophobia. […]
  8. erinradar

    Radio Show Ideas

    I’d really like to channel Gotham (obviously without the superheroes) but something about a corrupt city/mobs/dirty politicians etc. I’ve noticed with radio it’s important to keep the characters to a minimum to avoid confusion so maybe a mob idea isn’t… Continue Reading
  9. bgoulet

    Sitcom of My Life

    If we had to make an introductory song to the Sitcom of our Life, if our life was a show, what would your song be? Above is my response. I tried to make it as cheesy as I possibly could and I even improvised the lyrics along with the rap. (excuse my t...
  10. erinradar

    Audio Reflection

    Going into this week I just had visions of Ralphie sitting by the radio listening for the code and being extremely disappointed uttering “drink….. your…. ovaltine???” and also the other orphans in Annie dancing around Mrs. Hannigans office to “You’re… Continue Reading
  11. pboyle

    Radio Ideas

    For the ds 106 radio, I have a different perspective every week. One week could be from the bad guy, another be from the women in distress, and then from the tough guy.
  12. erinradar

    Daily Create – Best Buds

    http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1127/ I used scenes from different Disney movies and imported them into final cut to make this small video about the importance of friendship (and the awesomeness of Disney dogs).
  13. philipdorch

    Weekly Summary

    This weeks assignments were all largely audio based. This was exciting for me because I have to previous experience with audio editing software as well as digital audio workspaces. In the past I have used Audacity,Virtual dj, Traktor, Reason, and FL studio. I am most familiar with FL studio and prefer it over most other … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  14. bburns

    Four to go

    This concludes another week in ds106! Let’s take a look back at what I did this week. 1. Thought about audio storytelling The first thing I did this week was explore audio storytelling. I compared the original and the restored versions of “Touch of Evil” opening shot, and I explained why I thought the original… Read More
  15. jevans5

    Week Four:Audio

    Creating audio pieces is a lot of fun, and I have to say that this been the best week yet. Long, but great. I started with my audio assignments which you can find at the following links: http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/melody-bay-at-the-beach/ http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/coming-out-and-how-it-ends/ http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/taylor-swifts-greatest-hits/ http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/radio-bumper/ The bumper assignment was a little intimidating because all the bumpers sounded so good! […]
  16. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 4

    This week our focus was everything audio. When I first watched the introduction video I realized what a difficult week this was going to be for me. Mostly because audio is something I have never really worked with, but I guess there is always a time to learn. The first thing I did this was […]
  17. hungrymax

    Week Four Summery


    Well, I didn’t get it all done this week,  but I had a lot of fun! We learned all about audio storytelling this week, in general and as it is used in noir film and radio. I really enjoyed the fact that our explorations involved Ira Glass, from This American Life, Jad Abumrad of Radiolab, and Prairie Home Companion, all… Read more →

  18. jsteward

    Hitchhiker’s Guide to Noir

    Here are a few ideas for a noir106 20-30 minute long radio show: 1) Noir Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy- There actually is a radio version of Hitchhiker’s Guide somewhere, that Douglas Adams worked on when he was still alive. Perhaps we could take one of the episodes and give it a noir feel? This […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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