1. stephen

    Week 3 in The Books

    This week was all about visual elements to capture meaning and tell stories. I gained a great amount of knowledge of how to improve my skills with taking photography as well as a little bit more about visual elements in noir. Coming into this week I knew a little bit about taking photo from past […]
  2. tyowell

    Lawrence Spitler’s Briefcase

    This post is the What’s In Your Bag visual assignment worth 3 points. This assignment revolves around the character that I made, Lawrence Spitler, and includes what is in his “bag.” This is what is in Lawrence Spitler’s Briefcase/Pockets.  We’ll start off with what is laid out across the table. The aviator sunglasses are what … Read More
  3. hungrymax

    Elements of Noir: Killer’s Kiss


    This week I watched Brick and Killer’s Kiss, two films that make use of the noir style. Here are some stills from Killer’s Kiss that illustrate common elements of noir. The first is a still from when the antagonists goons corner the main character’s trainer and friend in an ally. They chase him to the end and murder him, thinking… Read more →

  4. kbarbeelibrary

    Shelley’s Notes

    This blog entry is a response to the Visual Assignment “Post-It Notes And Grocery Lists!” where I had to create notes that my fictional noir106 character Shelley Layton would leave for herself around her apartment. One of the notes relates to her official occupation as a university professor and another note lists what her plans … Continue reading Shelley’s Notes
  5. jeaton

    Movie Time

    I watched the Killer’s Kiss and The Hitch-Hiker, as both pieces demonstrate popular techniques in cinematography to achieve the noir genre.     Killer’s Kiss This is the “Venetian blind” effect. I have noticed this in other movies I have watched before but never put much thought into it. I learned only earlier this week that the popular shadows […]
  6. lepps2

    Photography and All That Jazz

    I’ve never been that into photography. I always leaned more toward design and drawing and creating my own thing rather than capturing an image. I think of all the info we were assigned to review that the video by Jason Eskenazi in the section of the ds106 handbook was the most eye opening and inspiring for […]
  7. lfalkens

    Look at Me

    Looking at Yourself (3 Points) I chose to do the self-portrait visual assignment for my last 3 points. However, instead of doing a self-portrait of myself,  I made a self-portrait of…
  8. stephen

    Noir and Visual Storytelling

    One of the films that I chose to watch is that of the Killers Kiss. Below are two screen shots that I think represent what noir. Both of these screen shots absolutely scream noir to me. In the first screen shot, we see the very distinct shadows on the characters face with represent a kind […]
  9. stephaniebwhite

    Remember to wear sunscreen! Emojis IRL

    For one of my week three assignments, I decided to do the assignment, Emojis IRL that was submitted by Fairuz Maggio. The assignment is to “Choose at least 3 emojis (from the provided picture or one you find on Google) and recreate the action/face with a self-portrait or pictures of other people! Make it as […]
  10. ebostaph

    Don’t Mind Me

    One of this weeks visual assignments was “Creep On A Movie Scene”. The instructions were to, “Add yourself to a movie scene! Preferable a famous movie. The creepier you are, the better.” I really cant think of anything creepier than this: … Continue reading
  11. gyeorelee

    Reflect on Noir and Visual Storytelling

    This week for cinematography assignment, I watched the movies Killer’s Kiss and The HitchHiker.  When Davey Gordon and his competitor were gaming, the director used unusual camera angle to give viewers to see in first personal view point. When they got hit from each other camera was shaken and when he fell down from the punch, […]
  12. kkroehl

    Noir Photo Safari

    Going on a photo safari was lots of fun, and showed me that noir is everywhere if you just look for it. The pictures I took were: venetian blind effect, off-kilter angles, sense of moodiness, grittiness of built environment, and dramatic use of distinct shadows. It occurred to me that...
  13. tyowell

    Noir Cinematography

    Killer’s Kiss These were the still shots that I pulled from this film. I chose this photo for the “Venetian Blind” effect.  By his facial expression, one is able to see that he is thinking about something while looking out the window (for someone).  You can also tell that he deciding about something and it’s … Read More
  14. stephaniebwhite

    What’s in Shirley Mayfield’s Bag?

    This week, we were required to complete the “What’s in your bag” assignment that was submitted by Jim Groom. We are supposed to do this assignment for our character dossier. The assignment: “What are the essentials in your bag that get you through the day? Take a picture of the items and detail each of […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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