1. tdaig

    Weekly Post

    This week was all about images and Noir. I gained some heavy knowledge of how it could be present all over the place. The activities that we did made me really grasp the idea even more. The movies were a complete struggle to watch, because lets face it, I am used to 21st century films. … Continue reading Weekly Post
  2. kkroehl

    Storytelling Through Photos

    I have not had much experience with photography, and never really thought about capturing the perfect shot. Most of my pictures are either selfies or things in nature that I find pretty. Selfies are not meant to be perfect, but are meant to capture a moment in time to remind...
  3. krivera


    Here is the post-it note visual assignments that’s two points. For this assignment, I wanted to use the characters I created for the noir world I’m doing. In this world, it is around the time when the group are starting to get to know each other and it shows how they work together. This is...
  4. kparker3

    Droodling, Recording, and Instructingā€¦All in One Week!

    This week’s Daily Create prompts were interesting to say the least! There were so many random and varying ways to express creativity.  I tried to choose three completely different forums through which to create something original, and personally, I think they turned out very well! The droodle, which I had never even heard of before, … Continue reading Droodling, Recording, and Instructing…All in One Week!
  5. jevans5

    Photo Safari

    This a collage of all my pics! I had so much fun going downtown with my friends to look for noir concepts in everyday life! Below we have the noir cat, dramatic use of distinct shadows, lighting from one side, sense of drama and/or moodiness, characters captured in a tableau suggesting an intense, fraught moment, […]
  6. tdaig

    My Favorite Lyric

    This assignment was to take a picture and add lyrics that go with it. This picture was sent to me from a buddy who served in Iraq. This picture and the lyrics by Toby Kieth’s american Soldier really strike my character because he was from a military family. He truly believes in being patriotic and … Continue reading My Favorite Lyric
  7. tdaig

    Back to the Basics

    This assignment was to take a picture and change it so that it looks like it was drawn. I chose this picture of Bella, a labrador retriever I bought my brother for graduation. The filter did a very nice job of focusing on her darker features such as he...
  8. jevans5

    How to Paint Your Nails!

    Step 1: Pick your nail polish color! Step 2: Make sure your nails are clean and clear. Do this by using cotton balls and nail polish remover. Open the nail polish remover and cover the opening with the cotton ball. Flip upside down and then rub the now soaked cotton ball on your nails! Step […]
  9. jcpds106

    Sir, can I please see inside your bag?

    The what’s in my bag challenge wasn’t all that hard – but having to incorporate my noir character into it made it much more difficult. First, I had to find materials that would actually represent my character, which was harder than I thought it would be. I scoured my room trying to find little things […]
  10. pboyle

    Noir Films

    In each Noir Film, the characters are gritty and I would say tough. In Killer’s Kiss, the boxer was a washed up boxer is what it seemed, they said he could not win the big one’s and that was never disproved. At the end he fought the girls boss/creep guy after her in a fight … Continue reading Noir Films
  11. krivera

    DC- How to wash your hands

    Here are some easy steps to washing your hands. 1.) Walk to sink from wherever you are. 2.) Stand in front of sink 3.) Turn on faucet 4.) Pump soap into hands 5.) Extend hands underneath faucet 6.) Lather soap into hands with water for about 10-30 seconds 7.) Rinse soap off of hands 8.)...
  12. kparker3

    Well, Color Me Gold!

    Experimenting with image editing software has always been a pleasure of mine. I  enjoy transforming photos from their original form, such as by cropping and applying filters. Given this hobby, the assignment, “Splash The Color” seemed perfect because I had never tried to add color back to only one object in a picture. The assignment states: … Continue reading Well, Color Me Gold!
  13. skinzer

    How To Wash Your Hair

    Do you not know how to wash your hair? Have you wondered for years if you’re doing it right but always been too embarrassed to ask? Is your hair dirty? Have you been washing your hair wrong your entire life? Are you suffering at work or in private relationships due to your less-than-clean hair? Are […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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