1. bburns

    Video Show

    This week my group began working on our video show, which will be a sequel to our radio show. It will be called Noir NOT The Father: The Reunion. This show will have a similar format to our radio show, and will include flashbacks into all of our characters’ pasts, as well as new twists.… Read More
  2. stephaniebwhite

    Without you I don’t know where I would be…

    For one of my assignments this week I chose to do the assignment, Special Person Montage, that was submitted by Travis Peed. The assignment is to, ” to decide on who is special to you. It could be a relative, sibling, parent, friend, mentor, celebrity, or anyone. Then you are to make a video of images […]
  3. jlawumw

    Dear Audience,

    We had a daily create this week that asked us to write a letter to the audience through a video format. I chose to create a story about how two people met. I included specific locations to make it feel […]
  4. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 9

    It was a busy week in ds106! This week we were asked to live tweet a radio show and blog about what we thought about it. I listened to the Noir Buzz. I enjoyed live tweeting because it gave me a opportunity to view the work of my classmates and give any feedback I had […]
  5. jlawumw

    Kubrick’s Perspective

    The video presented here is a montage of various Stanley Kubrick film scenes in which he uses the technique of “one-point perspective”. First of all, what jumps out at me is how I did not know Stanley Kubrick’s influence on my film […]
  6. jlawumw

    Hitchcock Smiles

    A suggested video for this week was an interview with the infamous Alfred Hitchcock. It begins in the middle of the interview but he gets straight to the point of describing the magic of filmmaking. His description seems very simple […]
  7. jevans5

    Alfred Hitchcock’s Notorious

    Learning how to read a movie proved to be more fun than I expected, but noir films are still not my preferred genre! After reading Roger Ebert’s article I feel as though I will be more inclined to watch the arrangement of scenes and how characters are placed! I also found myself watching more than […]
  8. philipdorch

    This week creating

    For my second daily create I chose to do the motion blur assignment. This assignment was pretty straight forward. I couldn’t seem to find a shutter speed option on my phone camera but I was able to get the effect by moving the camera while taking the picture
  9. bburns

    Radio Show Final Reflection

    It was very cool to listen to my group’s radio show, Noir NOT The Father, live last week. I think we did a really good job and we got a lot of good feedback from people who liked different aspects of the show. I enjoyed working in a group setting for the first time in… Read More
  10. mariamk

    PLOT TWIST: House of Noir is back!

    This week we had two options of completing 8 starts worth of video assignments or creating a trailer for a 15-30 video with a group that related to our noir characters. I chose the second option. My radio show group House of Noir decided to get back together and work on this project with our […]
  11. mariamk

    Video Essay

    This week we were asked to read and watch some clips that related to how to read a movie. Prior to this assignment I had no idea whatsoever about how you read a movie. The Roger Ebert article “How to read a movie” was very helpful for me. I was able to figure what the […]
  12. mariamk


    We had to complete two daily creates this week! 1.) I took a picture of something and made it blurry. This is a family picture that was on my desk and I moved my camera rapidly along with the frame to make the photo blurry. 2.) I also read aloud a poem I wrote about […]
  13. mariamk

    Radio Show Listen & Tweet Along

    I listened to the Noir Buzz on thursday night. Bonds mentioned that this will be a unique show in that there are only two members in this group which I can only imagine had advantages and challenges of its own. I enjoyed the bumpers and commercials in the show. I also enjoyed the upbeat music […]
  14. rlaluman

    Reading Instead of Watching: Week 9

    This week we began working with video along with finishing up listening to the last few radio shows. I was really exited to begin working with video. I really enjoyed a daily create I did a few weeks ago where I made a trailer for a horror movie so I was excited to work with…
  15. athacker

    Noir Buzz radio show

    I listened to this radio show on Thursday, 3/19.  I really liked the music  to it, but couldn’t follow along to what was going on.  I did enjoy what I could get out of it.
  16. rlaluman

    My Life My Way

    House of Noir is back! For my video assignments this week I chose to do option 2, making a 15-30 minute short video with a group using our noir characters. The House of Noir got back together this week to complete this assignment for the next two weeks. We came up with the idea to…
  17. mariamk

    Final Radio Show Reflection; House of Noir

    This radio show project has probably of the most unique group project projects I have worked on. It was different in that there were so many different elements that were coming together to make the radio show possible. Each one of my group members had a unique character and trying to find a base where […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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