1. jevans5

    NOIRTalk Review

    I really liked how in the beginning of their radio show they explained how the show normally works for first time viewers! Very clever, and helped the audience stay clued in. The characters were very strong and I loved Damon’s insecurity and Layla’s sauciness! Even MB got in on the action. The best thing about […]
  2. tyowell

    Writing with the Alphabet? Who knew?

    For my final collaborative character assignment I chose to create A Story in Alphabet (worth 2 stars).  The assignment includes creating a story (that makes sense, if possible) with each sentence using the next letter of the alphabet…ex: A cat jumped…But he fell…Cats are clumsy…etc. I once again chose Victoire Absinthe to be the inspiration of … Read More
  3. tyowell

    I’m actually not that creative…

    So for my first daily create this week I chose to show the different sides of myself. I had all of these pictures on my instagram so I just screenshotted them on my phone to have them for the collage. I put the pictures together using PIc Stitch (an app for iPhones).  As for the … Read More
  4. tyowell

    So now Lawrence is a star…you’re jealous

    So for this design assignment, I had to create a Children’s Book Cover (worth 3 stars).  Spencer Scott’s character, Donnie Rawlen is an established writer so I thought this would be the perfect way to incorporate him with Lawrence.  The assignment was to create a children’s book cover using primarily cutting and pasting. I downloaded a paint … Read More
  5. krivera

    Daily Create- Birthday!!!!

    For the daily create for Wednesday, we were supposed to create a picture of what was the best memory from this week. My 21st birthday happened Tuesday. I didn’t really celebrate on the actual day because of a midterm I had to take and a play I had to go to in DC for the...
  6. jevans5

    Daily Create #1/ Spring Break

    Over spring break I was fortunate enough to visit my favorite museum, The Franklin Institute, to see the Art of the Brick exhibit. This show features the artist Nathan Sawaya who uses Lego pieces to create/recreate pieces of art. It was incredible, and anyone who frequents museums knows that at traveling exhibitions they do not […]
  7. adeacons

    Coffee Break

      So for the highlight of my week, I chose to do something that daily lights up my day. Coffee. I wanted to sketch a bunch of gift cards but I couldn’t decide how to creatively do it. So I decided on coffee. I used Paint to create this….. unique cup of coffee. I used … Continue reading Coffee Break
  8. rlaluman

    Radio Listen

    I listened to D&D on Tusedays show. I liked how each person introduced their characters at the beginning of the show. I also liked how the music went along with the overall theme of the show. I don’t really understand where their noir characters fit in with the show though. It was all a little…
  9. rlaluman

    Let the Painting Commence

    Today I started making paint samples for Lady Widnermere. It was so nice getting back into scene painting. I started by color matching two different varieties of cream that Niffer was looking at. Bellow you can see the process I went through with some short narrative to accompany the pictures.  I began the process of color…
  10. hungrymax



    This week we were asked to look over our fellow students’ work and write a SEPARATE blog post about each, DETAILING why they “inspire” us, and submit them to the ds106 Inspire Site. Well first of all, you can’t assign inspiration, you can’t force inspiration, and you can’t grade inspiration. So of course the “inspire site” is full of all… Read more →

  11. tyowell

    Lawrence and Victoire?

    I decided to create an animated TXT GIF (worth 3 stars) for my first collaborative character assignment this week. The assignment entailed creating a GIF that shows two contradicting thoughts in 2 or more frames which I think mine does exactly that. I chose Megan Rosengrant’s Victoire Absinthe as the collaborative character for this first assignment because … Read More
  12. tyowell

    Ruins – Landon Epperly

    * I would first like to say that on the Inspire website, it didn’t show the stuff that I wrote about each of the four that I chose so I will reiterate what I said in my blog posts.* So for my first “Inspired” post for this week I chose Landon’s Ruins.  This was actually … Read More
  13. bgoulet

    Daily Creates – Week 7

    #ds106 #dailycreate Are you up for some emojination? http://t.co/K0CSNbO5pI #tweko — ds106 Daily Create (@ds106dc) February 25, 2015 My Response: When you interrupt my Fifa Match:   #ds106 #dailycreate A unique #heelconcept http://t.co/YIB2S5hD2G #tweko pic.twitter.com/8jfWgfLTaA — ds106 Daily Create (@ds106dc) February 28, 2015 My Response: #ds106 #dailycreate What Scares You? http://t.co/jhMx2W8ecw — ds106 Daily Create … Continue reading Daily Creates – Week 7
  14. amaratel

    Daily Creates

    Daily Create: For this daily create: I did the emoji story. A couple meets at the local starbucks, goes on a date to an italian restaurant and shares spaghetti, afterwards they dance the night away and start dating. They have their first kiss on their 2nd date and he proposes 1 year later. A couple … Continue reading Daily Creates
  15. amaratel


    http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/daily-creates/what-five-things-in-my-life-give-me-joy/#comment-112 http://ds106.emilybostaph.org/blog/radio-show/say-wise-guys-one-more-time http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/radio-show/radio-show-progress-2/#com...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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