1. jevans5

    Weekly Wrap Up #7

    This week has been crazy, but oddly rewarding! Finishing the radio show was a top priority that didn’t stop for our snow day! My team and I had a lot of fun creating it! Janelle, Mariam, and Rhiannon all got friends to help add more voices in our radio show which was a great contribution. […]
  2. krivera

    Week 7 Summary: Radio Show and Other Stuff

    Even though I didn’t have to do as much stuff as the previous weeks, this week seemed to be more hectic. This week involved a lot of radio show progress and a lot of changes in the show. We started out with a America’s Most Wanted Idea and then went to an easier Clue idea....
  3. bgoulet

    Commenting Around the Community

    Here are some of the links that I have found and commented on, once again great stuff: http://delovelyames.com/ds106/week-sevens-end-ft-vixens-ventures-the-final-cut/#comment-92 Awesome job getting everything done so early in the day haha! What a beautiful view to start the break http://rhilaluman.com/radio-show/223/ What a champ, had food poisoning but still survived through the week.   http://umwteaching4tomorrow.com/assignments/how-did-we-do-it-or-did-we/#comment-132 The ITTC and … Continue reading Commenting Around the Community
  4. jevans5

    Week 7 Superlatives

    Best Titleto Gyeore Lee with Are you up for some emogination? http://kkeelee.com/daily-create/are-you-up-for-some-emogination/#comment-172 Most School Spirit to Aubrey for incorparating umw in her dailycreate http://ahowlan2.com/dailycreate/lady-eagles/ Cutest Daily Create to Mia for her Little Einsteins inspired deep space 106 http://mboleis.com/daily-create/were-going-on-a-trip-in-our-favorite-rocket-ship/ Most Creative/Makes Me Want to Watch the Lego Movie goes to Spencer for his awesome spaceships both […]
  5. adeacons

    Weekly Summary

    So. Even though we had three Daily Creates and Ten Comments, and Radio Show Progress, my week was still pretty packed. We had our RADIO SHOW!! we called ours Dinner at 6:00 o’clock We had last minute updating that had to happen, and it didn’t happen till, like 11:00 so that’s why I’m a little later … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  6. amaratel

    Daily Create

    For Sunday’s daily create I used a video that me and my friends made a couple months back. We made a video about the apparent ghosts of Virginia Hall on campus.
  7. hungrymax

    Week Seven Summary


    This week my group completed our DnD-noir themed radio show for ds106radio, for which I created commercial bumpers. It can  be found on soundcloud. I made commercials that related to our storyline, much in the style of Prairie Home Companion, at least one of which is quite noir-ish. I used clips from songs I own that I turned into mp3s… Read more →

  8. jevans5

    Radio Show Going Up On a Thursday?!

    Yup that’s right my wonderful group consisting of myself, Mariam Khan, Janelle Pierangelino, and Rhiannon Lalumandier had our radio show House of Noir live on soundcloud by 10:59pm Thursday, February 26. This felt like a huge accomplishment and was honestly a lot more fun and easier than I would have expected. We first got together […]
  9. jevans5

    Daily Creates!

    My three lovely daily creates this week were the 5 Things that make you happy video, the Teal Blue and Orange, and the Scary Movie Trailer! My first daily create took forever! I knew I wanted to do a slideshow video but for some reason YouTube was not collaborating so I had the idea to […]
  10. athacker

    Teal Blue and Orange!

    This daily create was to use blue and orange for an “action movie” type picture.  I was trying to find somethings that would look interesting in those colors. I thought about a ninja being in the action movies. The other is the blue sky with a moon. Well, gotta have a moon in it.
  11. philipdorch

    Weekly Summary

    This week was mostly consumed with finishing up the radio show project. Our group met twice this week and was able to finish up the project with plenty of time to spare. More info about the process can be found here. I honestly had so much fun with the radio show project and I’m kind … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  12. krivera

    Comments- Week 7

    This week we were supposed to comment on ten more posts, like last week. I chose some posts from last week as well as daily creates this week. There wasn’t much new things because this week was very radio show heavy, so I thought it would be fun to explore assignments I hadn’t seen yet....
  13. stephaniebwhite

    Week Seven Summary

    Thank goodness mid-terms are over and Spring Break is here! Woo! It is MUCH needed! This semester is definitely keeping me busy and tired. Radio Show Progress: This week, we put together a radio show called Get A Clue! I am so happy with the work that Megan Rosengrant, Erin Clark, Tiffany Yowell, July Laszakovits, […]
  14. jsteward

    Noir Downpour: Pt: 7

    Sometimes, you have to prioritize your work, and that’s what I did this week. As it was the week before spring break, there were several midterms due. Thus, I was forced to prioritize and choose to focus on my radio show instead of Daily Creates. The show is currently uploaded, so I’ll attach it to […]
  15. stephaniebwhite

    Why don’t you Get A Clue!?!

    I am super excited for this radio show! After listening to ds106 radio a couple of times I can’t wait for our show to air and our fellow ds106ers to tell us what they think! I was able to form an amazing radio show group thanks to twitter and communication! We have a group of […]
  16. jsteward

    Commenting: 2nd edition

    Hi! Here are all of the posts I commented on for the week of Feb. 23rd to March 1st. 1) http://umwteaching4tomorrow.com/daily-creates/bad-blood/#comment-136 2) http://rhilaluman.com/weekly-summaries/let-spring-break-begin/ 3) http://edithandart.com/daily-create/conquered/ 4) http://umwteaching4tomorrow.com/daily-creates/heels-4-dayz/#comment-137 5) http://www.dsnoir106.kassiarivera.com/blog/the-daily-create/daily-create-deep-space-ds106/#comment-160 6) http://kinzer.us/noir-106/the-only-one-night-stand/#comment-131 7) http://trysoccer29.com/daily-creates/sunny-sunday/#comment-230 8) http://lifebysavanna.com/daily-creates/daily-create-out-in-space/#comment-133 9) http://www.mariamk.com/radio-show/house-of-noir-logo/#comment-187 10) http://www.stephaniebwhite.com/assignments/treat-yo-self-do-it/#comment-245  
  17. krivera

    Daily Create- Towel Heel

    For the daily create for Saturday, we were asked to make a heel out of something. There were a lot of things around the house I could have used but I wanted to do something I that I hadn’t seen others doing. I chose to fold one of my towels and make it into a...
  18. krivera

    Daily Create- Blue and Orange

    For my daily create on Friday, we were supposed to edit a picture to make it blue and orange. I took a picture from my noir safari a couple weeks ago. I made the parts where the lights hit, blue and the rest of the picture orange. I put my photo in fotoflexer and edited...
  19. jsteward

    NeoNoir: 2nd edition

    We’re done! We’re done! We’re finally done with the radio show! On Thursday night, Sarah Kinzer and I stayed up into all hours of the night hashing out our script and making a plan. On Friday night, I recorded the voices of ‘Sophie’ and got a friend to record the voice of ‘Tom’, while Sarah […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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