1. jsteward


    Here is a compiled list of all of the posts I commented on this week. Most of them are audio assignments, though I think one is a design piece. I tried to pick ones that seemed especially interesting to me. 1)  Fifty Shades of Hallmark by Janelle Pierangelino 2) Sound Effects Story- Beach Photography 3) […]
  2. bburns

    Steel’s City – Original Poem

    The second assignment I did this week was create and recite an original poem. This assignment was worth 3.5 stars. Here is the assignment page. I wrote my poem about my character, Billy “Saw” Steel. More specifically, it is about Steel’s home city, Detroit, and the neighborhood in which he lives. This is the first… Read More
  3. bburns

    Soundboard Conversation

    The first assignment I did this week was called “Soundboard Conversation”. It was worth 4 stars. Here is the assignment page. For this assignment I had to create a conversation between myself and a movie/tv character using an online soundboard. I chose to have my conversation with Gus from my favorite tv show, Psych. I… Read More
  4. mariamk

    Make Em’ Laugh

    Make Em’ Laugh – 1 1/2 Stars For this assignment you had to make a joke in another language other than your mother tongue. I decided to make a joke in Pahari the language that both my parents speak. Although I understand Pahari it is still difficult for me to speak it at times. I […]
  5. adeacons

    Show Progress

    We formed our group (Most Wanted) an early Wednesday morning. We communicated using Twitter, and somewhat email. We talked all Thursday about meeting and decided on Saturday at UMW campus at like, 12:30. Unfortunately the day and time didn’t match up with my schedule, so I was debriefed later that day. The plot, I gathered, … Continue reading Show Progress
  6. jsteward

    Tom’s Files: NeoNoir Bumper

    This is an audio assignment for the week of 2/16 to 2/22, and is worth 2 and a half points of 5 meant to focus on the character Tom Blair. This bumper was meant to be recorded by Tom Blair. Since it is difficult to copy the voice of Humphrey Bogart, I enlisted a friend […]
  7. jsteward

    Bankrupt On Selling

    This assignment fulfills 1 and a half points of the required ten for the week of 2/16 to 2/22. This prompt, entitled ‘Make Music DAMNIT’, was a bit confusing, but I think it said to record a song in a way that reminds me of what it was like to first learn how to play […]
  8. adeacons


    I used freesound for all of my music and effects. I started with a base, the creepy music. From there, I started seeing which words took me to which sounds and built up from there. I decided to go with a stalker scene (plus I love the show Stalkers). I’ve been exploring more with Audacity, … Continue reading Creep
  9. jsteward

    Tom’s Files: Time Goes By

    This Theme Song assignment is an audio assignment for the week of 2/16 to 2/22 and fulfills 4 out of 5 stars meant to focus on the character Tom Blair. Since Tom is a character who would not have access to things like YouTube and SoundBible, this post will not be written from his perspective, […]
  10. jevans5

    The Newest Who Companion: ME

    4 stars Soundboard Conversation http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/soundboard-conversation/ I have always wanted to be in an episode of Doctor Who, so even though this assignment said favorite movie character I decided to stretch its limits to TV and make myself a companion. Also if we are being honest most DW episodes play like movies. I received the audio […]
  11. krivera

    Daily Create- Childhood Memory

    The daily create for Friday was to talk about an important childhood memory. One of my most happy memories was during the summer of seventh to eighth grade. Me and my family were on a trip to Puerto Rico and later a Caribbean cruise. My most vivid memory was going to a large water fall...
  12. tyowell

    It’s Quite Sandy

    For my final audio assignment for the week I chose to create a Polyphony (worth 2.5 stars).  The assignment included recording yourself singing a polyphony, which is a song that has the same melody going on at different times (also called a round).  Ex: row row row your boat.  I chose a song that I … Read More
  13. jevans5

    No Rest for the Wicked

    All Me in the Scene 3 Stars http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/all-me-in-the-scene/ This assignment was to create a story using only my voice for all the roles! I am using this to show what happens to my character Melody when she tries to go the bar for drink and some chaotic solitude. The first thing I did for this […]
  14. jevans5

    Abandon: the radio commercial

    3 stars http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/ds106-radio-commercial/ This assignment asked us to create a radio commercial for a favorite TV show or character of ours. I created mine for my character Melody Bay and my group’s radio show House of Noir. My character is the mysterious women and I decided that the one “product” she would want is the […]
  15. tyowell

    I’m gonna Post(h)er

    So for my radio show design project I chose to make a poster!  First I will show what my poster looks like… The radio show that my group and I are creating is titled Get A Clue, hence why they are the big words in the middle.  I won’t tell what the story is about but my … Read More
  16. krivera

    Daily Create- Sun Stain

    For Thursday’s daily create, we were supposed to make a picture using a coffee stain. I currently have no coffee to use so I made it with a tea stain. I made a circle and decided that it would be cool to make a sun around the stain. So, the picture if of a sun...
  17. tyowell

    This Radio is Bumping

    For my 3rd audio assignment this week I decided to create a radio bumper (worth 2.5 stars) that was specific for our radio show that we are creating!  I wanted to make one specific to our radio show so that we could include it at the beginning to sort of introduce the show and set the … Read More
  18. adeacons

    Leave It To Who?

    I used Audacity and found the Leave it to Beaver theme song, and then searched freesound.com for some creepy music to infuse into it.I did this because, up until now, I’ve made Delilah seem picture perfect. But I used dark music because there’s a dark side Delilah’s been carrying with her since she left her … Continue reading Leave It To Who?

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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